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WFS 145 – The Facebook Fly Fishing Community with John Billing – Australia, New Zealand

the fly fishing community

John Billing created the largest free non commercial Facebook group for fly fishing in the world.  We talk about the great resource it is and how it all came to be in over 10 years now running.  With over 60,000 active members this is a great resource if you are new to fishing or just want to connect with anglers around the world.


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Click here –>>>  John billing Podcast Transcript for the full transcript or scroll down to the bottom to read the transcript.


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Show Notes for the Fly Fishing Community

01:30 – Peter Morse was on the podcast in episode 111 and was the last Australian guru I talked to on the podcast.

13:20 – I noted our Wet Fly Swing Facebook group and the struggle of creating an a great group.

30:20 – Casting for Recovery and Reel Recovery as part of Mending Casts which John leads in Australia.

31:40 – The Hank Patterson episode where we talked as Travis Swartz and the influence of his first co-host.

33:40 – The Tasmania Fly fishing Facebook group

34:30 – Domenick Swentosky was on the podcast in episode 140 here and talked about creating content and the growth of the Troutbitten website.

37:45 – Red Tag and pheasant tails are John’s goto trout flies.

38:20 – April Vokey’s blog has been a great resource for John.  April was on our podcast here.

40:50 – FFI is a great resource for casting and casting instruction.  I interviewed the CEO Len Zickler in episode 95 here.


You can find John at the Fly Fishing Community here on Facebook.


Resources Noted in the Show

Casting for Recovery

casting for recovery

Reel Recovery

reel recovery


Videos Noted in the Show

How to Tie the Red Tag


the fly fishing community

Read the Full Transcript with John Billing:

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Dave S 0:00
I have another special fly fishing founders episode for your listening pleasure today. I have john billing on the show this week to tell the story of how he created the largest non commercial fly fishing Facebook group on the planet. This is the wet fly swing fly fishing show.

Unknown Speaker 0:15
Welcome to the wet fly swing fly fishing show where you discover tips, tricks and tools from the leading names in fly fishing. Today, we’ll help you on your fly fishing journey with classic stories covering steelhead fishing, fly tying and much more.

Dave S 0:30
Hey, how’s it going, everyone thanks for stopping by the fly fishing show. And today’s episode I talked to john billing to dig into the Facebook group that he created and has become the largest in the world. We hear about the resources in the fly fishing community and how it all got started plus, where john is heading next with the group. So without further ado, here’s john Billings. How’s it going, john?

John 0:55
I’m great. Dave. How are you doing? Rob I am here in Australia. So good start.

Dave S 0:59
Let’s That’s right. That’s right. Is this the door on time? Do you do you get up at 5am? a lot?

John 1:06
Nine. I’m not trying to be an early riser, but I do like the exception this case to talk to you, but it’s all worth it.

Dave S 1:11
There you go. There you go. Yeah, it’s it’s, it’s noon our time. So. So it’s, yeah, definitely a little bit of a gap there. I’ve, I’ve had a few. Let’s see, I think I’ve had a couple of Peter. Peter Morris was the last fly fishing guru I had on from your area. So we’ll probably dig into a little bit of that. But yeah, I want to touch on the Facebook group.

John 1:32
Go ahead. So I’ve seen it the most very well, you know, I’ve been involved in fly fishing, casting instruction together. So because he’s a thought master casting instructor and I’m a casting instructor myself. So you know, I spent a lot of time together and running clinics and things like that Dan in Australia, so

Dave S 1:53
Oh, awesome. And I didn’t realize that Yeah, I knew what I didn’t realize you were from Austria. I knew that the Facebook group obviously is a worldwide, you know, people all over the place. But yeah, I didn’t realize you’re down there but obviously you guys have a ton of fly fishing resources and rivers and waters and so yeah, we’ll probably jump into a little bit I did want to touch on you know, definitely the Facebook group and then talk about what you have going on there. But maybe you can just start us off by telling us where you how you first got into fly fishing.


John 2:25
Yeah, sure. I mean, like most, most like this is I think it was my father who got me into it as a young child I grew up in in Tasmania down in the southern part of Australia, where there’s a lot of wilderness areas and fishing and outdoor activities is quite a popular sport pastime for people. So a lot of my time as a young child has been following my father and as he was fly fishing in in lakes and pristine areas in Tasmania, and so I got the I got the bug at a very young age and initially My job was dog Judy and because we had a pet dog and I said to spend time money looking after him, he didn’t go running off into the wilderness somewhere and then as I got a bit older and started getting a bit, a bit more mature and stronger and I started fly fishing myself, I got my first rod and reel set when I was about 11, I think, which was a Shakespeare fibreglass two plus six ride ride with a matching Shakespeare graphite reel

and then caught my thirst trout when I was about 12 I think on on that, on that read. My dad and his father walked away off over to the mountain somewhere and left me alone looked after the dog with my own rod and reel and I saw a fish cuddling around in the shallows and promptly managed to get a little bird machuca fly out to the fishing and managed to take it in and I just panicked and tuna hold the thing back into the into the shore and set a very taboo myself biting into Dead came back and, and from there I was just so yeah started a very young age. I moved from Tasmania to mainland Victoria in my early 20s. Chasing work and careers and things like that. Didn’t do a lot of fly fishing in that period of my life because there were other things that took precedence but then picked up again in my early 30s. And since then I’ve been actively chasing fish in salt water and fresh water around Australia and New Zealand. Some other places as well. So that’s cool.

Dave S 4:35
That’s cool. Yeah. You that’s the awesome thing to see. I mean, this group that you’ve created, is grown into I think it’s over 60,000 people now it’s it’s one of the biggest Facebook groups for fly fishing. How did you how did you start that group and where did that idea come from?

John 4:53
Um, well originally, like I said, when I was getting back into fly fishing of 2010, we started the group But knows, at that stage, there’s a lot of fly fishing related content that was popping up in Facebook because Facebook started become more popular in a global sense. And a lot of the information that was coming up was was very useful when a group of friends in line we said look can be good idea for a good sort of centralized all the access to this information somewhere so that not only so that we share it with other people, and make it a resource that that we could call on whenever we needed to. So started the group of us September 2010. So we’re coming up with nearly two years since it’s been running. And as I said, in that stage, it’s it’s grown to the level just nearly 60 and a half thousand members as of today. So the support has been amazing and, and the active members too. So I mean, I’m looking at the stats this morning, I think of the 68,000 members that we’ve had nearly 44,000 of them actually active members within the last month. So it’s amazing that they’re not just people who don’t join and sit there passively, they actually contribute and posts and share And all that sort of thing as well. So it’s, it’s a fantastic, fantastic thing and quite proud of it too. So

Dave S 6:06
that’s cool. Did you have any idea when you got started? It was gonna become the one of the largest groups in the world?

John 6:14
No, not at all. It certainly wasn’t the intent. Given the amount of work that’s involved in obviously administrating and looking after the group to is certainly wasn’t something we planned on at that point in time. And now we have a number of moderators and admin people who help me do the maintenance work on the site and keep people under control and review all the new members because as you appreciate in in the Facebook world, there’s a lot of spam accounts and fake fake accounts and things like that, that people are trying to to get access to your site for various reasons. So the administration load on it takes a little bit of time. So I’m very grateful to the other members and moderators needed help keep everything running smoothly. So you

Dave S 7:00
Go and and how did you so the admin and the moderator How many? How many of those people do you have helping you out?

John 7:07
I think there’s about eight of us registered now. And they’re all over the world so deliberately tried to make sure that we had global coverage because as you appreciate as the group grew and now primarily, a lot of the membership comes from the States, I think there’s about 35 to 34,000 members roughly from the US. So it’s well over half. well over half the membership is in the northern northern hemisphere. And so coming from Australia, being the administrator, the timezone didn’t do as much favor so we had a couple of people who are willing to to stand up and and help us from from the US. And so that’s been a godsend, because it means that we’ve got basically 24 hour coverage around the clock around the globe. So hopefully we can deal with issues quickly when they crop up and keep everything running smoothly. So

Dave S 7:55
that’s right. How do you how do you find those people how to have those people become means

John 8:02
basically through the association through the group. Like there’s various posts and chats and things that we would be and we pick up on, people have a vested interest in what we’re doing and are really keen to try and contribute and help out. So we offer to them too, if they’re willing to come on board and then moderate some of the content and things like that. So, and again, some of them are the friends who I started the group out with in the first place as well. They’ve carried characters through the journey as well. So it’s, it’s been a it’s been a joint exercise from a lot of different people, but much appreciated.

Dave S 8:35
Gotcha. Yeah, it seems like it’s almost, you know, I mean, there’s so much information there. It’s almost overwhelming, you know, you get on there. I just typed in, you know, fly tying. And the cool thing is, there are some ways to sort on there and stuff. What would be your record if somebody hadn’t been? Maybe you could start off first. You know, somebody who hasn’t been to the group. I’ll put a link in the show notes to where they can find it, but what can you describe it to That person Well, what the group’s like, you know, what sort of content? I mean, do you know what’s going on all the time, what contents out there.

John 9:08
Um, pretty much I mean, we don’t actively monitor every single feed that comes up. Because looking at the stats again, this morning, there was submit 10,000 posts or something in average is a week. So that’s a lot of content for people to try to keep on top of it, then administrating it. Now there’s some tools in Facebook that allow us to keep on top of keywords and things like that. So any content that comes up that’s outside of the group’s rules gets flagged automatically. So there’s some things in there to help us in terms of Facebook tools, but other thing is actively the members themselves can record content that they don’t think is appropriate or is breaking the rules as well. And most of the stuff that we deal with as moderators and admins comes through those channels. In terms of how the group’s structured I mean, like most Facebook groups, there’s a there’s a news feed that goes on the people who post fire And videos and things go through the newsfeed so if you go to the main page you’ll see the the the most current news feeds coming through in in that page there’s also a area which you’ve got file storage set up where people can have

various documents and things like

photographs and Word documents, PDFs and so forth. And there’s a lot of content content in there especially we put up in the early days things around a lot of the stuff that people regularly asked about and things like you know, what is the right floor fly along and for particular rated flow? And what’s the difference in the writings between different followings and what does the different numbering mechanisms mean and what’s the what’s the typical hook, size ratio and all those sorts of things. So there’s loads up there that have all this content on them. Now literally a lot of that stuff you can just Google now anyway and find it in a lot of different pages. But remember, back when we started the group, a lot of that information was more difficult to find. So we, we were how we were housed in the, in the file section of the, of the community. So there’s access there that people can go to and look absolutely.

Dave S 11:14
So okay, so that makes sense, basically, I mean, you got all this content, the cool thing, it seems like the group that obviously it’s a group, so you’re able to, you know, unlike Google, where you search for stuff, you can’t really necessarily talk directly here, you’re getting feedback. I mean, somebody posts in your, that person’s probably going to get 10 to 20 comments, right, right off of that thing. They posted, something like that.

John 11:34
Yeah, it was, again, I was looking at some of the content has been posted lately. And then some of the some of the posts are giving are 10 15,000 engagements with people and that’s comments or likes or all that sort of thing. So it does vary, the content does reach out a lot to to the members and like I said, the members are actively participating in what’s going on in the group. And then one of the other things I’d like to point out with badminton moderators, as we do it All gratis we don’t take any kickbacks or gratuities or anything from from companies or members wanting to you know basically pay us or give us or give us goods and services in relation to favorable treatment and one of the things I was actually very keen on and adamant about when we especially group up is it would be a free and open community for people to share information with no commercial involvement at all so yeah, so that’s one thing I think it’s self decided let people know that that their content is free and distributed without any without any strings attached. That’s cool.

Dave S 12:37
Yeah, that’s probably a big reason why you’re the group has grown probably people realize that right? That it’s not a big they’re not going to get advertised or spam to and all that stuff. That makes sense.

John 12:50
Yeah, I guess you’d have people appreciating the fluffy world is that there’s a lot of you know, pro staffers and things to people that are fine, the will and happy to participate. and promote the gold, silver or their products, but we’re trying to clear that and just keep everything open and free so that people know that some what’s getting shared is, is being done so on the basis of the content and its and its validity to the group rather than in.

Dave S 13:14
Yeah, it’s interesting. We, we have a little, you know, a Facebook group, you know, private group and, and it’s, you know, I see it already just a struggle, it’s just a small group, but, you know, you get companies coming in there and posting a lot of, you know, a lot of their stuff, and it’s obvious that, you know, it’s their stuff and it’s not you start to wonder, like, Where’s the value, you know, and that, is that something you struggle with? I mean, how do you if somebody in there say they’re just posting you know, it’s helpful stuffing, for example, like this podcast, right? I could go in to your group. I have post a few links to episodes over the over the years, but, you know, I mean, I’ve got like 140 episodes, you know, but I don’t post episode in in there every week, even though if I did right, it would get out to a bunch of people. Do you bounce that? What would you tell somebody that you know what I mean? Like there’s content, but it’s really it’s somebody’s own content.

John 14:08
I think the the volume of the membership in the group and the fact that they are actively participating sort of balances that out in a time like because, I mean, the number of people get exposed to that sort of content. And so you get a very balanced discussion about the pros and cons of whatever it is, it’s being put up and sound a commercial sense of somebody from a fishing company or a guiding company or something, post something. There will be a lot of feedback just through the nature of the membership participation. And so I think that helps provide a balanced feedback on on those particular There are of course trolls and spammers and people like that in any group that sometimes need to be brought under control. But in the in the most cases, the people in the group are pretty, pretty genuine and pretty willing to help them participate in discussions. And what’s the view? So I think that’s the main thing that helps keep everything balanced.

Dave S 15:04
Gotcha. Gotcha. And I look at what I’m doing, you know, and that is a struggle because timewise You know, there’s a lot of different things you can spend your time out, obviously, you know, you have this good group going, but it’s hard to get in there and interact, right and put a lot in. So if someone like myself or another podcaster was to post a link, you know, if they did a weekly show every week, would that be something? That would be kind of okay, or more frowned upon if they were just kind of posting that and then replying to comments that were posted on on that episode.

John 15:35
Yeah, absolutely. No, we encourage that sort of participation from from anybody who’s got content that’s fly fishing, like, I mean, that’s the main the main stipulation with the group is what never gets put up there is strictly for fly fishing related and not sort of a link to other types of fishing or other types of products that don’t directly relate to fly fishing. So that’s really the only caveat that we put on things as the Man, let’s keep it related to fly fishing, they follow the rules in terms of, you know, being respectful of each other and, and those types of things. But other than that, yet people are free to post whatever they like. That’s why fishing loaded, and hopefully they do.

Dave S 16:15
That’s cool. Well, that’s good to know see, and I, I always thought that I was kind of was going to be maybe a little spammy if I was posting I mean, I think the content that I’m putting out with the podcast is great. I think that you know, obviously we’re having an interview here and digging into helping people understand a new resource, right that haven’t seen your group. And I’m always thinking about that, right? I’m always thinking about who’s listening to this show and how and how can I help them so you know, that’s good to hear. I’m glad and maybe there’ll be some other podcasters that listen and maybe post in your group so so yeah, stay tuned I’ll be I’ll probably be adding some sub links as we go out of it. Check it out. But I do see it’s fine your group because, man, there’s so much activity, it takes up my feet and in my Facebook, right I’m parts of a lot of groups and it’s like, oh my god, that’s all fly fishing community, right? Because they’re So much so it’s, it’s pretty awesome. It’s an active group.

John 17:05
Yeah, and I think that’s part of the the trap for people if you want to call it that is that you can get stuck on there for a long long time searching straight into the stock that people post and participating in learning and, and that sort of thing. So it is an immersive experience that people can sort of lose themselves in the grip of it simply because like you said, there’s so much content and so much active participation that as a fly Fisher you’re always learning something new or seeing new approaches or new techniques that people are using. And so it’s a great way of picking up on those sorts of things and thinking about how you can apply them in your own efficient situations and

Dave S 17:37
exactly, that’s great. Well, there’s a you know, definitely a lot of research I what I did want to touch on flight time just for a second. I’m not sure how much flight time you do, but I was curious if somebody was a search flight tying in the group, you know, say they want to get some information on skating patterns for for steelhead. Is that something that You know, you they could find you think on there?

John 18:03
Yeah, absolutely. Like I said, there’s, there’s a whole range of active fly types who regularly post their flies on the grip, and also advice on how to how to fish them. I’m not actively a fly tire per se myself, I’m going to do Thai for a few flights here and there for my own use, but I’m certainly not doing that on a commercial basis. But there are a lot of commercial fly tires who do post photos and links to their own web pages we can buy by the flies by tires. So yeah, by all means, search through run through the content, you’ll find which element

Dave S 18:39
Okay, and I’m just kind of looking here to see skating flies. I’ll just put that in and see I’m just kind of curious how it comes up. So yeah, posts. So it looks like it post a link. Tim Cammisa is on there and it’s just got a list of links and then I think you can sort right you can sort by different topics. Yeah. Yeah, so there’s just a ton of content. And then it looks like yeah, there’s some, obviously Tim’s got some good stuff going on tons of different names. So this is cool. How is Facebook? Ben, as far as you know, you hear all these crazy things about Facebook. And this is a this is a public group, right? This isn’t a private,

Unknown Speaker 19:19
correct? Yes, it’s open to the

Dave S 19:21
public. And anybody right now can just start, they can join it. They don’t have to wait to be approved yet.

John 19:25
You know, there’s there’s an approval process so that the group is public and visible to anybody. So you can see the news feeds and so forth. But to actually participate in post you have to become a membership. I started up a membership. And that just involves answering a couple of key questions about what’s your background in fly fishing, why you want to join the group, how long you’ve been fishing for and so on. And they’re basically filters to try and get out any of the bots and things like that that are automatically trying to throw up fake membership accounts. So and to be honest, probably bout 50 to 54% of the applications that we add to the group are exactly that bots and spam. No kidding that we have. Now there’s a lot of that going on. So that’s probably a lot of what the membership filtering is, is that it would guard against. Yeah, yeah, no, unfortunately, it happens. But like I said that the tools that we’ve got for keeping on top of it help us make sure that we don’t get anybody in there. It’s not doing the right thing. And if they do, normally, we pick them up pretty quickly and block them from the sites and

Dave S 20:30
gotcha. And how does it work with Facebook as you hear these things, these stories about Facebook, how they’re cracking down, and I think groups is the place where they actually are expanding as the Facebook pages where the you know, the Pete your followers don’t really see it, do you? Do you notice changes in the Facebook group from Facebook algorithm changes affecting

John 20:50
Yeah, yeah, absolutely. There’s certainly being far more vigilant in some of the algorithms are running against the group policies and and that type of thing. So in the background as, as admin, we get feedback from Facebook directly when they find content that they feel breaks their own community standards. And that may not necessarily be the rules of the group per se. But if something gets posted, photos get posted, content gets posted that breaks the community standards, they are pretty, pretty red hot on letting the administrators know that something’s not right. And we’re going to get the choice to go in and, and delete it directly or in some cases, depending on the severity of the content, Facebook will deleted, the algorithms will delete it themselves and knowledge allows you that contents being deleted. So so they are definitely ramping up their vigilance on this type of content in groups.

Dave S 21:45
Gotcha. Okay. And, and so, you know, out of all the stuff that you’ve posted, you have an idea of what the most popular topics or a post or any of that stuff. Do you track that I’m just kind of curious.

John 21:58
Uh, yeah, bye. based on the feedback we get from members, probably one of the most contentious subjects that gets raised is the catching kill versus catch and release argument. All right? No. And normally, when that gets popped up, it creates a lot of mid feedback from people. And I can, I can see the argument from both sides. Because people sometimes are fishing in impairments where it’s a requirement to get access to you have to take what you take what you catch. In some cases, trout fish like that, or an introduced species, and they’re not endemic to the area that they’re fishing. In other cases, trout are native to the areas that are fishing. And so the dynamics of that fishery, totally different. So, and again, because we’ve got a global audience. Sometimes the appreciation of the nuances of the fishery that people participating in are necessarily shared or understood by everybody. So that’s probably that’s probably the most contentious topic that gets brought up from time to time it’ll, it’ll raise a lot of MIT feedback, which is great. But sometimes you just have to rein it in because people Little bit to the top with what they’re saying and the comments they’re making. But

Dave S 23:04
that’s right. That’s right. Yeah, I didn’t notice. And you can sort by by tag location, you can choose a location. So there are ways to I mean, what would be your recommendation? If somebody’s searching for again say, say they were searching for escaping flight, you know, fly tying patterns for skating for steelhead? How would they track down more exact, you know, instead of just just a bunch of stuff coming up?

John 23:28
Yeah, well, hopefully the people who are posting this stuff, we encourage them to use hashtags. And those sorts of tools as well, which helping the search algorithm. So if you’re looking for hashtags related to a particular topic, that’s probably the quickest way to sort and find all the tape in hashtags. Yeah, yeah. And that should pick up pretty quickly content that matches that search. Gotcha. Or even Yeah,

Dave S 23:53
just you can type in hashtag steelhead and see what pops up. For example, yeah, yeah, gotcha. Okay, okay, cool. This is this is good. Any other tips that you would get out there, you know, again, somebody coming to your, your group for the first time they just see this pile of information and some of it’s relevant some of it’s not, you know any other tips you would give them to get the most out of the group?

John 24:20
Well, the quickest way probably just to have a look at what’s going on is if you go to the group and just look at the the media and photos that have been posted up rather than the content and they’ll give you a feel for the type of, I guess fishing scenarios that people are covering a lot of it is is freshwater trout, steelhead, that sort of thing because a lot of people are coming participate from the northern Americas and Canada in the US so forth. But there’s a lot of saltwater fly fishing content is now getting shared and that’s coming from all over the place. I know there’s there’s been a big push on in Australia in the last five years or so in in the salt water environment because we have closed Seasons for our freshwater fishing basically were in Australia so when the seasons closed and the cooler months down here we tend to go and look for the saltwater species in the warmer climates that we can chase So, so saltwater fly fishing is certainly becoming a far more popular pastimes and that’s worth checking out some really cool things that people are doing in that in that space that are worth looking into. Okay,

Dave S 25:27
cool. And so what what do you think is the most it sounds like the wild versus hatchery are killing fish? What What is the most common question you get on there struggle from from people with a common theme?

John 25:40
It’s not really a question. It’s more of a point of view so that there are the pro catching kill and grill people are quite rightly able to catch and make a meal out of the fish that they’re catching around both salt water and fresh water is not just one particular environment or species. So and then and then the the The other side of it are people who are pro catch and release and advocate for letting fish go, because you know, they either don’t consume a lot of fish or they let them go to the court again, another time by somebody else. So personally, I tend to practice catch and release most of the time. And that’s only because the fishery that I’m fishing in is a dedicated trout fishery and I don’t particularly like trout as an eating fish. There’s there’s other species of fish that are 30 a week instead of trout. So I don’t tend to kill a lot of fish that I catch in that environment, but then there’s some fishing in salt water. In Australia, we do a lot of fishing for bear Monday, and related saltwater species here and those who shall tend to keep it the legal size because they’re great at fishing. And so I consider the the argument from both sides and then they said there’s no right or wrong situations, just whatever is unique and appropriate for your fishery, and also in your own individual circumstances. Something

Dave S 26:59
okay. And what about, you know, as far as the Facebook group, you know, you’ve grown this thing up to over 60,000? if somebody wanted to grow their own Facebook group, what what sort of tips would you give them

John 27:12
have a lot of patience. Yeah, and have content have content that is has value, because that’s the thing that you can you can go around and post links to your own groups and a lot of different groups at your own at your membership or members of yourself. And that’s a way of getting the word out there. But if the content that you have on the group isn’t a value to the people who are participating in it, then they’ll just leave the group. Yeah. And so that’s been the key, I think, to growing the group and retaining the membership is that the content that you’ve got, has to have value to the to the membership. So make sure that what you’re posting and what people are posting, is, is credible. And is of value to what they what their interests are. The dis tools within Facebook that allow you to look for particular search words and rules that you post around access to the group that are validated as well so there’s tools in there to help you do that. But primarily it makes sure that what’s the what the group is about is true to itself so the content matches what the group says it does. And that it has value to the membership.

Dave S 28:22
Okay, perfect. And now and what is your you know, your home water I mean, you’re down in Australia what what is the, you know, thing you fish most often.

John 28:35
freshwater for trout mainly. He live in Melbourne in Victoria, in southern Australia. So I have family back in Tasmania as well so I get back there and fish for freshwater fish. Again, trout, mainly down there. I also get away like I said in the winter months down here and go up to the northern part of Australia in the tropics in Darwin and chase. Um, saltwater species in that area to get away and do an occasional trip to New Zealand chasing trout in that in that country as well. And we’ve got a couple of trips coming up to the Pacific Islands next year mostly post COVID. And all the international flights get resumed trip to Christmas Island next year to chase bonefish and that sort of thing too. So I’ve got a wide interest in in a whole different species of fish I just find it interesting challenge because I’ve been asked to constructed myself it’s interesting to try and use those skills to present a fly to different fish in different environment to to get them delivered. So

Dave S 29:42
yeah, that’s cool. And are you an hour? I’m not sure what you do for your day job. Are you in the fly fishing industry? Or is this something you kind of do on the side?

John 29:53
No, it’s it’s purely, purely my own personal interests outside of my main at my day job. I’m the Operations Manager I’m a company that says we’re probably the largest rule testing organization in the world, in Melbourne. So that’s my day to day job. But the fly fishing stuff certainly keeps me busy. And outside of that, we’ve got a, I’m also the chairman of a company called mending cast in Australia. We run the casting for recovery and recovery programs, which people use will be familiar with on those programs down here in Australia, too. So that’s, that keeps me busy. Outside of my normal nine to five day job.

Dave S 30:32
That’s right. And that’s and those groups are that’s that’s part of the like, the cancer recovery, right?

John 30:39
Yeah, that’s right. So casting crew covering is specifically

breast cancer related. So it’s a program that that runs free weekend retreats for women dealing with breast cancer and uses fly fishing as a way of helping them to, to overcome their problems and introduce them to an outdoor activity that they can take forward as part of their own Every and real recovery is similar in that it operates in the male cancer space. It’s a little bit more generic and it covers all types of cancer. But the premise is the same that we run free weekend retreats for men suffering from cancer as a way of introducing fly fishing to them as a coping mechanism as a tool for getting them out into the outdoors and experiencing differentiating giving, giving them an interest that they can carry forward as part of their recovery from finances.

Dave S 31:26
Yeah, that’s right. I had Hank Patterson on I think back in Episode 58. And he mentioned that his, his partner, Daniel actually died of cancer, but he went through that program I think before, you know, that helped him you know, get through a period of his life. So yeah, it sounds like it’s a pretty good Why is there a if we want to

John 31:46
know i think i think i think Travis is actually one of the moderators one of the programs in Iowa or somewhere I think what he’s what he’s based to, so he’s actively involved in every program now.

Dave S 31:57
There you go. Yeah, I said, I said, Hey, pass it, obviously but that’s it. Yeah, Travis Travis shorts, right is his actual name.

John 32:04
Yeah, that’s true.

Dave S 32:05
Yeah, I’ll put a link in the show notes to that episode that was pretty cool because we I ended up talking to Hank Patterson at the start but we ended up really talking more to Travis and, and hearing some of the deep stuff that we got into So, so I think it was a good episode. Well, anything else we want to touch on here? You know, that we should know about with Facebook group, it just seems like there’s so much it’s almost almost overwhelming to try to cover it all. But anything else you want to touch on before? You know before we get out of here.

John 32:35
Like I said, just for those people who are interested by all means jump on the group. If you’re not a membership, then click the membership button and join up. That doesn’t happen immediately because like I said, the moderators and the administrators will have to go through and set the applications and make sure that people are legitimate and not program bots and things like that. So it may not get approved straightaway but it will happen within within 24 hours. So, jump on and have a look. By all means, post whatever you feel is appropriate that matches the group rules and actively participate. That’s all I can really encourage people to do.

Dave S 33:11
Perfect. And let’s, let’s wrap, get out here with the rapid fire round here, here. So I started this I started this off the, the 222 is where I typically start off but I want to start first and just talk about other Facebook groups you follow. Is there are there any other groups that you are following out there? fishing or other love?

John 33:33
Yeah, I do have another Facebook group, which is called Tasmanian fly fishes, which is basically dedicated just to people fly fishing in Tasmania. So that that’s another one that I ran. There’s a lot of other groups that are members of which couldn’t really list here because there’s probably hundreds of them but all of those all those will be pretty much fly fishing related as well. So I get an idea of what’s happening in in our groups and in other areas of the world. But that may relate to what we’re doing in the community as well. So, yeah, it’s certainly it’s a fascinating fascinating thing to be a part of the market. So you never stop learning. There’s there’s always things evolving and equipment evolving and, and people looking at different flies and different fishing techniques. And it’s all part of a learning curve. So,

Dave S 34:17
yeah, exactly. I had Dominic spin, Tosca was on and he was talking about how, yeah, his blog, the trout bitten blog is, you know, grown to it’s pretty massive, right? He’s got all this and it’s just, he’s just been writing over there and it and he talked about how he updates it, you know, he regularly updates posts because he’s never gonna run out of stuff to write about and that’s, I mean, obviously, with your group, there’s gonna always be something how many people are in the Tasmanian group.

John 34:47
This just turn off thousand in that group. So it is a little bit more bespoke in that it basically just deals with people who live in Tasmania, efficient Tasmania, so there’s not a lot of people outside of that of that location. That it members but but again, it’s specific to their particular fishery and the content in there is, is interesting, given the type of fish that they’re chasing in the environment, the pristine environment that the fishing.

Dave S 35:14
Yeah, cool. What What is it? You know, as far as the group, your bigger group, the fly fishing community, what was the you know, what are you most proud of with that group?

John 35:25
I just think the fact that its longevity has stood the test of time. Like I said, we’re coming up for me to enter the university in September. So there will be a bit of a celebration on the group at that stage when we reach that milestone and the fact that we’ve maintained just steady growth in membership is really the thing I’m most proud of, because it means that like I said, the content on there is a value to people and people are actively participating in making it what it is because ultimately it’s the membership that that make the group what it is because they’re the ones sharing their own photographs in their own content and willing to discuss it with with other people. And without that the group basically has nothing to, to share. So I certainly think that members should members for their participation and their support of the group.

Dave S 36:13
Do you? Do you still post content on it?

John 36:17
Yes, I do. Not as regularly as I used to but, but when there are things in my life and my fishing experiences that I’ll share, I’ll certainly do post content on when did you start?

Dave S 36:27
When did you stop kind of regularly posting?

John 36:32
Basically, as I got more involved in the mending casting, casting for recovery, your recovery space because that’s taking up a lot more time and a lot of the content on posting on those Facebook pages specific to those programs. So while there’s some of that I do share back onto the flybys community because it is relevant on a broader, broader fly fishing sense. So I’m sort of split my time between posting content in in those groups and content back on the fly fishing community.

Dave S 37:00
That’s right. That’s right. Okay. And well we’re gonna get out of here pretty quick. I just did I noted the 222. So, Top Tips top flies top resources and you know, we talked I guess, let’s just think of your if you had to pick two flies You said you do some saltwater or you do some trout fishing. Let’s just stick with the trout. What are your you know, if you had to pick two flies for trout? What what are you putting on tomorrow? Ah,

John 37:25
again, fishing in Australia is probably a little bit different to fishing in other places around the world. But in our fishery, I probably use a red tag as a go to dry fly. And I says it on the internet be the guy who is an employee.

Dave S 37:40
There you go. There you go. And what about other resources? So again, somebody is here. You know, I guess we just say generally talking about trout fishing somebody new to it other than your your group, which is a great resource. Where else would you direct somebody if you had a couple other resources? It could be another group, book, magazine, video, blog, anything yeah.

John 37:59
This this, there’s so much there’s so much content around. I mean, I’ve just actually become involved in the anchored webcasts put together by April Voki. So that that’s one thing I’ve just started getting into himself. She’s putting some some really, really great information up on her blog. Other than that, there’s nothing that really comes to mind because there’s just so much content that’s being shared by people. April.

Dave S 38:26
Yeah, April is a big one. So now what are you dealing with? What do you what sort of content are you working with her on?

John 38:33
Nothing directly, then I was just, I’m just an active member, then dealing in breeding what she’s been putting up. So all right. And some of the some of that contents been been been really careful with a lot of its,

Dave S 38:45
yeah, that’s right. Because she’s kind of she spends half her time down in your neck of the woods, right?

John 38:50
Yeah, that’s right. I’ve actually met her a couple of times and her husband and nice. They spend half their time in Australia and half the time in Canada. So it’s sort of split between the two companies. They can Trees so they’ve got a good appreciation of decision challenges in in both countries so

Dave S 39:06
yeah, yeah, cool and and this might be another hard one but as far as tips, what are any couple of tips that you know her hear about commonly or something that might help somebody? You know, say if we stick on trout fishing in your neck of the woods

John 39:21
will fly fishing and is really linked to fly casting. I’m coming at this from a fly cast instructors I’m declaring that upfront. Yep. But if people want to improve the fishing from my own personal experience, my fishing improved in leaps and bounds when I started working on my casting. So my encouragement to people is if you are having trouble, fly fishing or getting the knack of it or the technique, or you want to go to the next level in terms of saltwater fishing where you need bigger gear, longer casts heavier flies, you really can’t do yourself any disservice by seeking out I credited fly fishing instructor. If you go to the fly fishers international website, there’s a search function on there where you can look globally and find accredited casting instructors will be more than willing to help you out. So my biggest suggestion for people is to work on their casting, and I continually do that every week, just keep practicing and patreon improves, because that’ll help by that you present fly. And the presentation is really no, it thought for some of the problem in getting fished, fished way before.

Dave S 40:33
Yeah, that’s right. And the easy way to find a casting structure was just go to loads recommend go to the FF II website.

John 40:40
Yes, go to the flow fishes international website and there’s a search function there and the instructors I think we can look for instructors that are registered all over the globe because the SSI program is a globally

as a global program. So there’s instructors all over the world who are registered in

Dave S 40:59
it. And do you get a lot of conservation posts in your group?

John 41:06
There are a few Yes. And a lot of is to do with local content because the particular issues cropping up in, in people’s home waters and local government issues that people want to bring to the surface, which is fine. I mean, it’s all it’s all part of the challenges of having a fly fishing community and and the fisheries that they participate in. It’s just as long as the discussion stays on track and doesn’t become too emotive or too political. But yeah, there is a lot of conservation post content on YouTube, which is right.

Dave S 41:38
Yeah. And who’s the next biggest group Facebook group? next to you? Do you have an idea, similar group of what you’re doing?

John 41:47
I don’t To be honest, because I don’t really actively go and look and see everyone. It’s not like it’s a competitive thing where we’re selling a product or you’re promoting a particular company, so I don’t actively go and look at Other groups, I mean, I know some of the commercial companies like sage and AWS and and those, those businesses will have more. More membership simply because of the products that they’re selling. And people are interested in seeing what new products are coming up. But in terms of community groups like ours, I don’t actively go and look to see what other what other groups have done.

Dave S 42:21
Yeah, it’s it’s probably, my guess is it’s, yeah, probably more of a local group in your area, or there are some like fly fishing gear, buy sell trade stuff. Oh, there’s another fly fishing group. I’m just kind of looking at. Yeah, so there’s a few out there. But yeah, I think they’re, they’re all probably Yeah, there’s one here that’s got about 25,000 people. So yeah, there’s a few other other resources out there for sure. And what’s your plan now for the next the next year to five years down the line Are you just gonna keep kind of plugging away plugging away at it?

John 42:58
Well, up until the current situation emerged, we were actively looking at scheduling some more retreats for both the casting for recovery and recovery programs. But unfortunately, that’s all been put on hold, as you appreciate with the situation with COVID and the terrible, terrible problems that we’re facing globally in that sense. So really all that is on hold until we come out the other side of, of the common issue because now international travel and things like that is really going to be clamped down until they can find a vaccine and get it all under control. And so a lot of what we do down here involves participation from people in the States, like people like Stan Golub, who’s the executive director, Bill recovery was planning to come down to Australia to help us run our programs down here. So that’s been put on hold the fly fishing international program. We had testing events that we should do to be run here and in October and then they’ve been cancelled because we can’t get people from the States out here to help us participate. So A lot of things that we were planning in the next 12 months, two years, five years, really on hold until the current situation plays itself since right? So how is

Dave S 44:10
how is it going down there with with COVID? In your I know, in the US, I think we’ve definitely are probably the maybe the worst country at handling it so far. But how is it down your neck of the woods

John 44:22
where we’re relatively fortunate, I think in terms of how we sit, compared to the global situation, our governments obviously close their borders relatively early. And I think we had the benefit of hindsight in that what was developing here was sort of happening two weeks behind Europe in America so we could see what was coming in that sense. So governments act pretty quickly to close their borders and clamp down on social, social, just so forth to get on top of it. And, you know, I’m happy that, you know, the term flattening the Kurvers is being achieved and they’re looking outward. Relaxing some of the restrictions that they put on place in terms of Business, Business access and people getting out and about enjoying joining activities and socializing. I mean, we’ve only just as of yesterday in Victoria been allowed to go back fishing again. So yeah, that’s, that’s been a big thing from from the fishing fraternity point because as you appreciate people who have been locked down at home, who are used to getting out of the outdoors and using fishing as a way of relaxing and and

dealing with their mental mental health, I found it difficult to know that we were allowed to go fishing again, at least it’s going to help people.

Dave S 45:39
That’s that’s, yeah, definitely. Yeah. So I guess the next, you know, six to 12 months. Well, what do you think? What do you think it’s going to be looking like any predictions on where we’re going to be at or, or I guess anything new you got cut? I guess the real recovery is coming up, right, hopefully.

John 45:55
Yeah, I think that the crux of the issue, obviously globally is finding a vaccination. I think that’s the only thing that I’m just going to slow the spread of divorce globally and obviously, as people become exposed to it and the expectation is that once you’ve had your renewal is going to help slow the spread down eventually But the last thing you want is, you know, second and third waves of exactly. Infection spreading through countries. So I think we’re going to be in a pretty pretty stringent lockdown in terms of international travel until such time as the vaccines are readily available and and proven to start to be effective and and of course that’s going to have economical ramifications around the cloud. They’re gonna last for several years that’s Yeah, that’s

Dave S 46:42
that’s definitely probably a that’s definitely a good take on it. Well, I guess we’ll leave it at that john. And if they want to find you, anybody, they can just go to the fly fishing community, Search it up on Facebook and they can connect with you there.

John 46:56
Yeah, absolutely all send the message to one on the list of

Doesn’t that mean there so they can hook me up on the on the community page and send me a message as a plan.

Dave S 47:07
Perfect. Yeah, I think that’s how I originally looked you up I, I found either on the admin and we we finally got this thing put together. So this is a good spec. Good to have Yod Yeah, just want to say thanks for coming on and sharing. You know a little bit about the group and you know, appreciate you providing the resource. I’ll be maybe you’ll see me in there a little more post in some of the upcoming podcasts. I know this one will be there when we get this one ready to go. So yeah, thanks. Thanks for everything you’re doing.

John 47:35
Thanks, Dave. appreciate the support and hopefully, when this current situation sorts of server or get over the states have been catching up and they’re fishing in your local waters sometimes.

Dave S 47:43
Exactly. Yeah, we’ll have some steelhead ready for you. Alright job we’ll talk to you soon. You want to find all the show notes and some of the links we covered just go to wet fly swing comm slash

Unknown Speaker 47:53

Dave S 47:55
JB. If you want to find out more about growing your own Facebook group, head over to My new podcasts, the outdoors online marketing podcast and grab some tips directly from the marketers who are leading the industry in Facebook, and other social media platforms. That’s outdoors, outdoors with an S I want to thank you today for stopping by and checking out the show really appreciate you for coming in and listening. And if you get a chance we’d love it if you can share this episode or any of the past episodes with somebody who hasn’t heard of the wet fly swing show. Thanks again.

Unknown Speaker 48:30
Thanks for listening to the wet fly swing fly fishing show. For notes and links from this episode, visit wet fly swing COMM And if you found this episode helpful, please subscribe and leave a review on iTunes.

hidden content


the fly fishing community

Conclusion with John Billing

John Billing shares the resource he created in the largest non commercial Facebook group in the world.  With over 60,000 active members it’s not just another Facebook group.  We find out how to take advantage of the group and why John puts so much time into this side project.

WFS 144 – Deschutes Salmon Fly Hatch with Elke and Alysia Littleleaf

elke littleleaf

I sat down with Elke and Alysia Littleleaf from Little Leaf Guides.   We covered some tips on fishing the Deschutes salmon fly hatch and what it’s like being the only native american guide couple on the river.

We find out how you plan for your next salmon fly trip and the best flies to use for the trip.  We find out exactly what Elke’s fly box looks like and why he uses a 6 weight single hander and micro spey in the toolbox.


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Show Notes for the Deschutes Salmon Fly Hatch

03:00 – John Smeraglio was on the podcast in episode 32 here and covered the Deschutes SalmonFly Hatch.

07:15 – We talk about Al Bagley who was another native american guide who is retired now.

08:30 – Elke notes the Nestle water issue and how they spoke up to protect the environment

10:30 – The DRA and the NW Steelheaders are two groups that they give back to.

14:00 – Alicia notes the Warrior Pavati driftboat they use for their trips.

15:45 – Elke noted having some green drakes is it’s cold and wet.  Here’s a green drake fly tying video.

17:30 – The Predator is the killer salmon fly patter that Elke developed.  Here’s a pic of the predator.

20:50 – We here a great story about the influence of Jim Teeny here.  I had Jim on the podcast in episode 5 here.

24:13 – I note the Bruce Chard episode where Bruce tells another Jim Teeny story catching a trophy permit on the last cast.

28:45 – The norm woods special is a great pattern.  Anything with legs can make a difference.  Here’s Jason from the Portland Fly Shop tying up a Norm Woods Special.

43:30 – Marty and Mia were on in episode 76 here.  Marty noted how Elke fishes the Deschutes differently for steelhead. 

58:45 – Alicia’s large trout photo that we talk about in the show.

1:01:50 – The Deschutes Fly Shop at Warm Springs with RV hookups is right up the road from Elke and Alicia.

1:11:30 – The Warm Springs historic museum in Warm Springs

1:12:00 – When the River Ran Wild is a book by Alicia’s grandfather.


You can Elke and Alicia Littleleaf at Little Leaf Guides here or at 541-615-0402.


Top Deschutes Salmon Fly Hatch Tips 

  1. Have a variety of sizes and colors of salmon fly patterns
  2. Have green drakes if cold and wet weather
  3. Be ready for changing it up with pressure drops in the weather
  4. Use the Elke’s predator pattern with a caddis trailer
  5. Use a 3x leader so you don’t loose fish
  6. have plenty of caddis in your box

  7. Get a black magic marker and add dots, stripes, etc to make different

  8. bring 6 weight single hand rod or micro spey to deal with the wind in evening
  9. cast in the middle of the river to get the big fish
  10. Use studded boots and a wading staff
  11. Look under trees and next to grass
  12. The sling shot cast works great
  13. Don’t step into the water first – Fish are typically right up against the banks
  14. Make sure that your wings stand up and that the fly has the profile


Resources Noted in the Show

Here’s a link for the Warrior Pavati drift boat

pavati warrior


When the River Ran Wild Book by George Washington 

when the river ran wild


The Shattered Civilization 

the shattered civilization


Videos Noted in the Show

How to tie a green drake dry fly

How to tie the Predator fly pattern


deschutes salmon fly hatch


elke littleleaf



Conclusion on The Salmon fly Hatch

Elke and Alysia LIttleLeaf share their best tips on the Deschutes River.  Find out why you shouldn’t walk fast, and the other key items to have for your next trip.  Tons of great tips including a biggie on when to stay out of the water and the best time to hit steelhead in the upper river.

WFS 143 – Fly Culture Magazine with Pete Tyjas – Euro Nymphing Flies, Chalk Streams, UK Fly Fishing

pete tyjas

Pete Tyjas, the editor of Fly Culture Magazine, is on to share a perspective on fishing UK chalk streams, dry flies, euro nymphing and more.  We find out how Pete is fishing for Atlantic Salmon now that he has put in some time for steelhead.

We also hear about how he put together Fly Culture Magazine and why it’s growing in the US.  Find out what the #1 four pieces of tackle were as noted in Fly Culture.


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Show Notes with Pete Tyjas

04:18 – The Pursuit of Wild Trout was a book that started it all for Pete.

12:30 – The Fly Fishing and Tying Journal is our current sponsor.

18:15 – Taw River is the home waters for Pete.

20:55 – The Complete Fisherman by Patagonia.

22:10 – Here are a few of the past Euro Nymphing episodes from past guests we’ve had on the podcast.

26:27 – Pete notes a Perdigon and how it was his goto pattern prior to going back to the pheasant tail.

42:30 – Vision Waders, a Patagonia Pack were a couple of Pete’s favorites.

45:20 – The Patagonia Waders and Orvis Two Handed Rods were both reviewed on the Fly Culture Website.

46:00 – The Sage Dart Video

47:20 – The founder of Buzzsprout was on the Outdoors Online Marketing Podcast.  This is the show where I help fly fishing brands grow their online presence.

1:03:28 – Trout and Salmon and Fly Fishing and Fly Tying are two big UK magazines.

1:04:30 – Andy Buckley has a great Youtube Channel.  Here’s a link to Andy’s Beginners Guide to Euro Nymphing.

1:06:15 – The Lady Caroline

1:11:15 – Klaus Frimor was on here who works for Loop and is the big player in Europe.


You can Find Pete at Fly Culture Magazine here.


Videos Noted in the Show

How to tie Perdigon


Beginners Guide to Euro Nymphing


The Complete Fisherman by Patagonia




pete tyjas

Conclusion with Pete

Pete Tyjas shares some tips fishing euro nympnhs and talks about how he breaks down and fishes the water in his home area.  We also find out about the Fly Culture Podcast and what Pete’s doing to increase the awareness of his magazine.


WFS 142 – Flies for Steelhead Fishing with Jason Osborn – Skating, Dean River, Kalama

jason osborn

Jason Osborn is on the podcast today to provide some tips and stories on flies for steelhead fishing.  We hear the story of how he came to own the Portland Fly Shop and some tips on why they have been successful. 


Click below and listen to the Jason Osborn Podcast:

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Flies for Steelhead Fishing with Jason Osborn

Find out about the Kalama and how Jason used to catch fish year around on this river. Jason breaks down some tips for Skating Steelhead Flies on the Dean River and local Kalama River.


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Show Notes with Jason Osborn

Northwest Fly Fishing Outfitters was Jason’s previous employer before opening up the Portland Fly Shop.

20:30 – Jason talks about Jim Teeny on the Kalama back in the day.  Teeny was the Derek Jeeter of Fly Fishing.

26:40 – The Klamath skater, the bomber and the waller waker are all good flies.

32:25 – We talk about the riffle hitch when using wet flies for waking flies.

35:15 – I @ mentioned Jason on a salmon fly skater.  a Chubby Chernobyl might be the best skater for trout as noted here.

39:50 – Steven bird was on the podcast in episode 134 to talk about trout spey in the Upper Columbia.

40:45 – Jerry French’s Camo squid

41:20 – Frank Moore was on the podcast in episode 34 and noted the skunk as one of his patterns.  I tell the story again how I picked up a nice fish on this pattern.

46:20 – Steelhead University

47:20 – The Caddis Fly Shop is a great resource online with tons of videos.

51:00 – Travis Duddles was on the podcast here.


You can find Jason at the Portland Fly Shop here.


Resources Noted in the Show

Steelhead University

steelhead university


Videos Noted in the Show

Chubby Chernobyl


Jerry French’s Camo squid


flies for steelhead fishing
photo via:


jason osborn

Conclusion on Flies for Steelhead Fishing

Jason Osborn describes the experience of opening and running a new fly shop.  Find out why he quit guiding and why the new fly shop has been successful.  We hear about the Kalama and other SW Washington rivers and how they have changed over the years

We also dig into the Dean River and how you might use waking flies for steelhead on this great river.  We also break out some skating tips for rainbow trout as well. 

Tying a Dry Fly with AK Best – Production Fly Tying (WFS 141)

ak best

I had the pleasure of interviewing AK Best to talk about tying dry flies and his life in fly fishing.  We also hear some of the other influential parts of his life including how he survived his music night life.

AK talks about absolute attention in music and in fly tying.  Find out what makes a Colorado Green Drake such a killer pattern and why the wing tips are so critical for dry flies.


Click below and listen to the AK Best Interview:

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Show Notes on Tying a Dry Fly with AK Best

05:00 – Production Fly Tying here was a big impact book for many fly tyers in the space.

11:00 – The Colorado Green Drake from Charlies Fly Box.

12:00 – In the Ring of the Rise – Vince Marinaro book on trout behavior.

22:00 – Tom Whiting was on the podcast in episdoe 115 and talked about how he creates the perfect dry fly hackle.

26:25 – The St. Vrain Caddis was a killer pattern if you need a goto pattern when nothing else is working.

st vrain caddis

29:00 – The Colorado Caddis was a famous Colorado pattern.

29:40 – A Red Quill Parachute in a size 18 is a great prospecting fly.  Works great on the Frying Pan River.

40:50 – John Gierach was on the podcast is episode 47 and talked about quitting drugs and alcohol.

45:25 – I interviewed Joan Wulff here and Frank Moore who were two of the oldest guests I’ve had on the show.

49:40 – The Winged beetle

the winged beetle

56:10 – The Olive Quill Dun, The Red Quilled Parachute are two of AK’s goto flies.

58:30 – Danville 6/0 thread is the only thread you need.

Gene Shropshire, an old friend of mine was on the podcast in episode 165 and covered some of the history of dry fly fishing with a focus on his early years learning from the Dette family.

1:00:40 – Selective Trout by Doug Swisher

1:02:00 – Henry’s Fork Anglers


You can find AK’s book Production Fly Tying here.


Tying a Dry Fly Resources Noted in the Show

In the Ring of the Rise by Vincent Marinaro

in the ring of the rise


Selective Trout by Doug Swisher

selective trout


Videos Noted in the Show

The Colorado Caddis


A Red Quill Parachute



ak best

Tying a Dry Fly Conclusion with AK Best

AK Best who wrote one of the great fly tying books shares some of the great tips from this book and others from over the years.  Find out why you should be clipping your dry fly hackles and some of his best Colorado patterns.


WFS 140 – The Mono Rig, Nymphing and Streamers with Domenick Swentosky – Troutbitten, Pennsylvania

domenick swentosky

I sat down with Domenick Swentosky to talk about traditional streamers and how he fishes his home waters out of Pennsylvania.  We get into the mono rig and how he crosses over between nymphing and streamers.

Domenick shares the exact formula he uses when fishing a mono rig and why he loves a 4 weight rod and Maxima cameleon leader for the butt section of his mono rig.  Is a little bit euro, a little bit nymph and equal parts streamer and even a little dry influence.  Troutbitten now.  Click below and listen to the full conversation.


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Show Notes with Domenick Swentosky

02:26 – Rich Strolls was on the podcast in episode 138 and talked about huge streamers and his background as a police officer and obsessed fly fisherman.

04:40 – Joe Humphries was on the podcast in episode 73 and talked about his 90+ years in the game.

12:44 – John Gierach was on the podcast in episode 47 and talked about whether he was a writer or fly fisherman first.

13:45 – John Dietsch from A River Runs Through It was on the podcast in episode 135.

18:30 – Evo Terra was on our other podcast in this episode of our new Outdoors Online Podcast.  Evo covered SEO for your blog post and podcast.

25:50 – The Headbanger Sculpin is one of Domenick’s favorite patterns but he ties it a little smaller than what Rich Strolis typically uses.

28:20 – Troutbitten has a ton of articles on the Mono Rig and are grouped by the 5 most important articles.

29:50 – Ed Shenk’s white minnow is a great fly to have a point of site and see what’s going on with the flies on his rig.

39:40 – George Harvey dry fly leader is what Dom breaks out after he’s finished with the mono rig.

51:20 – The half pint and the full pint along with the Circus Peanut are a few top flies for streamers.

54:50 – George Daniel has a ton of great resources out there and was on the podcast in episode 55.

57:50 – Ken Burns Country Music Documentary was amazing.


You can find Domenick at



Videos Noted in the Show

The Headbanger sculpin


Ed Shenk’s White Minnow


Kelly Galloup’s Circus Peanut


Ken Burns Country Music


Read the Full Podcast Transcript Below

domenick swentosky

Conclusion with Domenick Swentosky

Domenick Swentosky describes how he fishes streamers with a mono rig in his home waters of Pennsylvania.  We hear why Domenick doesn’t love fishing the huge streamers and find he does pretty well with more traditional sized flies.

WFS 139 – Jerry French and the Intruder Revolution – Spey, Steelhead, Aqua Flies, Ed Ward, Skagit

Jerry French

Jerry French shares the intruder story and how the skagit spey lines and short spey rods came to be.  We find out how the intruder drove the lines and rods and how Ed Ward Scott O’donnell and others created the huge change for steelhead fly fisherman.


Click below and listen to the Jerry French Interview:

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Show Notes with Jerry French

05:30 – George Cook was on the podcast in episode 131 and talked about NW Spey history, his connection within it and Jerry and the boys.

16:00 – The Wolf Craft adjustable boat that Jerry and the gang used up on the skeena basin.

17:20 – Robert the Robot from lost in space.  Intruder Alert was the platform for the fly patterns.

32:00 – Jerry was an original founder of OPST and was all about getting Ed Ward paid for his contribution for it all.  The ultra compact heads was a big part of what Jerry and Ed developed.

35:20 – Joseph Rossano was on the podcast in episode 136 and talked about steelhead fly design.

40:00 – The Dirty Hoh is a little different than an intruder.

47:00 – Jerry talks about his love for the color white and UV in flies.

54:30 – Geoff Peroway and Doug Brudicko were two people that helped Jerry get it going with his company.

1:13:45 – Jerry is hosting trips on the Grand ronde this year through the Grande Rond Angler here.


You can find Jerry at Jerry French Fly Fishing.


Resources Noted in the Show

Jerry’s Ultra Tubing

ultra tubing


Videos Noted in the Show

The Dirty Hoh pattern


Read the Full Transcript with Jerry French:

Click here —>>>  Jerry French – Wet Fly Swing Podcast  to get the Full PDF Transcript

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Jerry 0:00
Straight up, no question, always broadside. I call it controlled. It’s always a controlled broadside and it’s something that’s very, very achievable with a small line, the shorter line systems. I’m able to, like I do this tip out technique which once the flies on the inside where most guys are leading with the rod and the fly has lost all of its animation. It’s just literally sinking to the bottom and you’re dragging the thing to the inside to try to cover the inside lies.

Dave S 0:30
That was Jerry French telling us how he prefers to swing the fly. We get the intruder story directly from the man himself today on the wet fly swing fly fishing show.

Unknown Speaker 0:40
Welcome to the wet fly swing fly fishing show where you discover tips, tricks and tools from the leading names in fly fishing. Today, we’ll help you on your fly fishing journey with classic stories covering steelhead fishing, fly tying and much more.

Dave S 0:56
Hey, how’s it going everyone thanks for stopping by the fly fishing Show. I’m excited to Second podcast that could be a huge help for you. If you have a fly fishing business and want to improve your online influence, head over to outdoors online CO and listen to the show right now. And if you get a chance to be great if you could share it with one other person that you know who has a business. Jerry French is on the show today to give us the full story of how the intruder revolution came to be. We hear how the intruder drove the spade line evolution. What makes the intruder platform unique and what length is perfect for the fly. The chariot also tells a funny story about how early on during the boys had their intruder stolen multiple times right off their fly rods. A quick word from our sponsor got fishing calm is your trusted source of information with access to the world’s best fishing trips. You never pay a dime extra for the trip you book and in many cases less than advertised. Find out where got fishing could take you by heading over to got today. That’s g ot or reach them by phone at two 086303373 got fishing calm the easiest place to start your next fishing adventure so without further ado, here’s Jerry French from Jerry French fly fishing calm how’s it going Jerry? I’m very good how are you Dave? Great, great well I might as well as we could be a current situation we’re still at the lockdown so this is this will probably publish in a month or two. So hopefully by that time we’ll all be out fishing and on the rivers again, but yeah, how are you hanging in there?


Jerry 2:33
I’m hanging in there. You know, I really want to fish I’ve tried enough flies and I’m ready to get out and you know, shoot some guns and swing some flies. So

Dave S 2:45
yeah, that’s awesome. We’re gonna jump in today to you know, of course the intruder and the sketches and everything that you’ve you’re known for, you know, your name is a pretty big name out there. Before we get into all that can just talk about how you first got into Fly Fishing then how you brought that into where you are today?

Jerry 3:04
Yeah, sure, no problem. The Well, I was I had moved from my mom is terminally ill. And we live like the wilderness family in Alaska. And we lived way off the grid. And when my mom had to move closer to the hospitals, we moved to Arlington, Washington, and they took away all my guns and my mom got me a slingshot. And she went to Western auto and she bought me a wrist rocket. What a foolish maneuver, right? You know? Yeah, seriously, and so, but she bought me the slingshot and she bought me a literally, I think it was a Shakespeare starter kit, like a fly fishing starter kit. It was to Western auto. And so she brings this thing home and I’m like, well, this is really cool. You know, because I was used to fishing for really nice bows and stuff. It was a ride around Houston, Alaska is where we live. So I fished a lot on the little Sioux City and Big Big things and lots of big rainbows and so, you know the fly fishing thing really intrigued me and then you know then once I started fly fishing I realized the lineage that I lived between and the people that were you know on the Stila Guam and I became really good friends with Walt Johnson and you know efficient on this gadget I rubbed shoulders with you know, Harry, Lumiere and all those guys and then closer to my generation there was Ed Ward and Dec Hogan and Scott O’Donnell you know, and so it was like those guys there was this you know, this huge influence of you know, real prestige on the river and so I just, you know, I stayed super quiet and we you know, we had this I had this thing where it was like you earn what you learn kind of deal you know, we didn’t, I didn’t fish other people’s water, I just snuck onto the river quietly and I, I, you know, I, I took my lumps like everybody else did in the sport, just kind of waiting my way through with a single hand rod and then when the two handed rod came into the game, it Really, it really fired up the whole angle you know, I wasn’t I wasn’t as intrigued by casting far as I was about fishing better you know that was really the beginning of the whole thing and you know like once I was bit that was the end of it and then you know a few years later was probably five or six years later edit I met at board became good friends with tech Cogan and then med board.

Dave S 5:21
What year was that? Jerry? What year are we talking here now? But it

Jerry 5:25
was I think it honestly it was the early 90s and and I’m not really good at dates, because everything kind of messes together. But it really it’s like, you know, if you asked me when Doug and I first started this business, I’d be like, uh,

Dave S 5:40
and I asked that I asked that only because I just had George cook on recently and he he was breaking down kind of the Northwest spay history and I just wanted to put you plug you in there because we talked your name came up but we didn’t dig into a lot on the intruder. So I just want to make to plug that real quick.

Jerry 5:56
Yeah, no problem. It was it was it was it was I would say was, you know, the early 90s, maybe as late as 95. It feels earlier than that, because I was only out of high school, I graduated in 84. You know, I’ve only been out of high school a few years and I was you know, I’d basically become a full blown steelhead bum. And then I met Dec. I’m, you know, I knew of Dec and Ed long before I actually became friends with that, you know, I’d see them on the river, we’d pass in the woods, things like that, you know, but once I became friends with that, then this whole Pandora’s Box opened up, you know, and that was, it was it was pretty much endless pursuit. You know, Scott Hall was part of our little crew and then one other buddy who just kind of vanished, but still fishes very hard. I just never see him again Tucker English. And so that group of guys was, that was the new keyless of the intruder and all the evolutions that we were and it was, it was no one person you know, and it is this brilliant man and so You know, and so Scott and so is, you know, Tucker and Tucker was this beautiful caster and great fly tire and Scott was just this Terminator fish angler with lots of ideas and skills. And, you know, once you put us all together, the evolution of the ideas and concepts were, they were very rapid, you know, it was like, make a new line every night tie a new fly, you know, it just went on and on and on. And there were all these heads hyper focused on the same outcome. You come up with some pretty cool stuff really quickly. So, you know, that was that was really where we’re at. But I would say, you know, the early 90s, you know, early to mid 90s, we all kind of jelled and then carried on from there.

Dave S 7:41
Okay, cool. And can you maybe take us back to the I don’t know wherever you want to start with the very beginning of the intruder idea. And then and I’m not sure where you guys were the lines and the different lines. Was that all in the same party? You know, the evolution?

Jerry 7:57
Yeah, absolutely. One drove the other and believe it Not the fly drove all the fly design or byline design because right there were no lines for casting what it was we were creating and the creations were the creation just starting with the creation The idea behind the intruder was is that because we live on the coast and because we have this affliction and love for these coastal rivers and super bright steelhead that just came in off the tide kind of thing. And so we were trying to create this conditioned response and I was, you know, there was, pardon the expression but there were all these parts sniffers that would just sit on the beach and just sit there and geek out on their boxes and make no mistake I geeked out on my box. I started tying you know, spray flies and all the classic stuff and and you know did to give credit where credit’s due all of that classic information and passion for classic flies and in space lies is what drove the intruder. Right. We all stuck within that Same love have long wiggly hackles like there were on SIDS spay flies, you know, and so on. And so, you know, if you look at it, it’s like the intruders just a mega version of these classic space, but in a way that was very, very castable. And we started to get into, I mean, imagine trying to use a double taper and cast a six and a half inch or even five inch intruder, you know, and even if it had a single clean front station, and a single clean back station, it was still a nightmare to cast these things. And so the evolution of the, you know, the fly lines was it was just it was very, very, it was simultaneous for sure. You know, it was like we were and the short rod the short rod became a really big part of our game. We were always hunting for shorter rods. You know, it gave us the way we looked at it as we looked at it like Special Forces fishing. You know, you were We were fishing the high bank sections and off the bars. We were we were working The plugger guys work you know that we were with the big rocks on the high bank stuck in the bushes and the big rods didn’t work there. And so you know the evolution of the shorter rods, shorter lines and these bigger wiggler flies were all basically simultaneous let’s go and what was

Dave S 10:15
the short rod back then what would you consider when you guys first word Oh, it was

Jerry 10:19
like the Greenie you know 13′ 6″ was considered short and and think and you know I credit George cook because during the early days George cook sent us a quiver of these 11 foot rods that were basically marketed in Europe for fishing the locks drifting the locks and they were all 11 feet long and there were I think he sent four of each initially there was a six way to seven weight and an eight weight and they were all 11 feet long. And I don’t remember what grafite series they were but they were pretty fast. And either way what we ended up doing is we we were already in the cutting up, you know 12 weight 13 weight double tapers And making these shooting heads out of it and it turned into this. Okay let’s let’s add a foot to this 11 footer and make it a 12 foot seven weight and then let’s make this a 12 foot six inch eight weight you know and we were taking other broken rods and just adding to the bud sections and then building the handles over and then so and then taping the reels to them of course so you can find this ideal location for the reel and I still have one of those rods made into a bait caster and unfortunately all the others some most of them got stolen and then the ones I actually still had got broken. So it was kind of a you know, as it goes right the thing you really love this snap can’t get that again. Oh, yeah, that’s where that ended up. Cool. You know that it certainly was a fly driving the lines for sure. And the technology

Dave S 11:51
it was okay and and so you know, it’s funny because you mentioned that the the short or you know, shorter rods and stuff and I think in my experience up and firstly experience in the skeena You know, it was kind of the same thing. I mean, I picked that up and I remember I was on these tight banks and because I brought a spay rod I had never really used one before I was able to fish some great water. And my buddies who didn’t have right they had that single head of rods they weren’t able to get out there. So is this crazy thing but you know, I remember hearing a story about you guys back in the in the Ford Explorer, right three of you packed in there could you know Could you take us to that tight because it reminds me of our story. Like we call it the like 10 days of stinky guys on the river because we floated the bat bean and stuff. But you know, what was that like? For you guys? Because you were This is when you were cutting lines and develop and asleep in the back of car. What were you doing back then?

Jerry 12:40
Well, we were guiding in Alaska. And we would you know, we’d be tying flies all summer long and talking trash about you know what was going to go down when we got home and we get home and my birthday was close to that. And initially we would wait around until September 28 like right after my birthday and then we would hit the road. And we passed the Thompson that was a hard thing to do. And then just blaze straight up. And you know, initially we went to the Maurice, we we’d end up there because it was closest and we driven a long ways. And, you know, we’d load up the Ford Explorer. And, you know, eventually that turned into bringing a boat with us because we were, you know, we were foot warriors for a long time. And then we’d bring the drift boat and then the drift boat eventually turned into a jet boat. Oh, and the camping kit. Yeah, the camping kit got a little bit more pimp.

Dave S 13:31
What was the for what we’ve already got? I just want to paint the picture. But what year was the Ford?

Jerry 13:37
The Ford was I think it was like an 89 maybe, you know, it was like it was first year second year the the vehicle came out I got one I was like, that’s gonna be a great fishing vehicle, you know, and all I looked at is how much stuff I could put inside of it. Now really, the fact that it sets six inches off the ground, you know, and so, the week, you know, pick up Scott and Ed and I will It trek up load up and then head up there and you know, Scott Scott was going to college at the time. And so what he would do is he, he was his, his fruitfulness and his commitment to that was literally mind boggling. I mean he would we’d be driving from spot to spot and Scott would be eating raw potatoes and putting Johnny seasoning salt on him. Oh my gosh and eating tuna no joke, no joke, and you can only imagine the gas that man Oh my god, right bro. It was. It was it was epic. And I don’t use that word very often but it truly was. He would he would like leave. You know like a scum on the windows after a night of sleeping in the car. We slept in the back of the Explorer, head to foot like sardines. And it would be like you know add on when windows Scott in the middle and me on the other window. And it was you’d wake up in the morning and we all smells so bad. It was like a garbage can I mean it was literally like we were sleeping in a garbage can and Scott had this old bag, this old army sleeping bag it kept him really warm. And you know he had to warm after running around with no toes on his boots all day and so on. You know he was the first guy out of the truck and the last guy back every day but the whole explorer thing kind of I mean the thing got stuck so many times that eventually I just ended up getting a toy to pick up and you know, tricking that thing out from top to bottom to be able to accommodate you know me and Ed to Scott was kind of his on its own

Dave S 15:32
on his own program. That’s awesome. And then and then so that’s pretty cool then you the evolution then so drift boat and then sled So where were you guys taking that sled out there? I I haven’t really been on a bulk week on the ballclub Yeah, that’s right. The bulk.

Jerry 15:44
Yeah, the boat he became the boat, he became our love. I mean, it was, you know, the schema whenever the schema was fishable but the bulk we was that was our place, you know, especially the whole scope stretch trout Creek, trout Creek in this Esquire area. They would you know, we can put the sesqui launch quite often and then just put the jet boat in there and run up river. We also had these little blue cataracts long before the we boats were really popular and those things were, you know, super super capable. They were built by Wolf craft and we turn them into they were an adjustable boat that you could either make into a kayak a pontoon kayak, or it could be this very low seated very whitewater capable small kayak at nine foot 10 inches was a pontoon like so it was, it was a real real formidable and we use those for real stealthy missions. And we floated in those as much as we did anything else. Honestly. As long as we had a place to drop it off the high bank that was the cool part. It could be put in and taken out anywhere. So it was Yeah, you could go out with our kids for sure. But yeah, the the exploder is what we call that the smoker Yeah. Yeah,

Dave S 16:58
go right. So yeah. And let’s go back to the intro because I want to maybe start off just a little bit on that and you know there’s probably some people that maybe don’t know exactly the you know the definition of the intruder but can you just talk about describe to some newbie what the intruder is and what what defines an intruder

Jerry 17:14
okay the the name came from a very simple session on the river actually testing a fly in Alaska that walked down and you know, stuck it in the water and it was like the super wiggly thing. And if anybody remembers the series lost in space, there was a character or a feature on the show called Robbie the robot. And he would, he would just do this Intruder alert thing and swing his arms around. Okay. And so and and I was always cracking that up as much as I could crack up anybody and, and I did that. And he we looked at each other and we were like, well, there’s the name. You know, we’re just going to call this platform, just that a platform there is no pattern. You know, it’s a platform because we just A variety of types throughout the years. And you know that if I’ve been asked that question a lot, and the definition of that really is, you know, a large fly tide as sparse as possible. And if you were to give it a specific intruder name, it would have to be two stations. It’s not it’s not a rabbit strip lie, it’s an ostrich fly, you know, and that’s where it came from, you know, and like my dirty Whoa, the dirty hoe is just an evolution of that idea because of my love for string leeches. And it has a fairly robust shoulder front hackle and which allows it can’t be too robust because it’ll actually stifle the swim and pull the tackle tips in behind the way in behind the shoulder. But nevertheless, the intruder was it was two very trim stations. His trim is we could tie him and a long, beautiful section in the middle. And that beautiful section in the middle of originally was always tensile. And there might be a little bit of polymer over that tension. But the reason for that was we were using polar bear and seal hair almost exclusively then. And so it created this very illuminated interior part of the fly. So what we were trying to do was to create a conditioned response from the fish and we know for a fact that our steelhead eat big wiggly flies, and there are, you know, you get into this inner desert area or places where they’ve traveled, you know, six 800 miles or further, they will eat smaller stuff, but they didn’t go from small to adult by eating, you know, green Highlanders. They got that way by eating big wigglies. And so those big weeklies were We were just trying to emulate that, you know, and, you know, and it’s not i’m not talking any trash about beautiful flies and tying beautiful flies and how great it feels to make those flies but for us it was about improving our our performance and productivity period. It was a super selfish pursuit of just You know, catch more fish see how big a fly they’ll actually eat? You know, can I cast this damn thing and how long can I and that evolved the fly lines you know? So the intruder that was a it was a platform period it was tight on a shank. Initially they were they were all tight on Shanks they were touching so the loop in the back with the lid mana rig through and then the hook and a piece of speaker wire installation. That’s exactly how the thing was built. Yeah, and eventually there’s now you know, it’s like my junction tubing, my Ultra rig tubing, you know, after years of dug, researching tubing for me, I actually found the ideal jumps into me, you know, and it fits on the backs of the Shanks perfectly and it stays secure hook up or down however you pursued. And then when you hook a fish, it pops loose, you know, and, and the more elastic version of that turned into the ultra rig kit, you know, because I was I was having problems with breaking wire in Alaska and those things evolved into the altering kit, you know, so it was, you know, it’s just like this natural evolution, it’s it’s necessity, you know. And that’s where everything came from. And if if there was some young guy who wanted to tie an intruder, you know, there’s a billion videos and books out there now, and I didn’t write or make half of those. And I think that’s a be I do, I think it’s a beautiful thing. It’s like, we never in a million years would think that it would have become what it became, when it was so selfish and self centered in the beginning, you know, and we kept it secret. We kept it. I mean, we walked around with the flies in our hands and or buried under our real cases. You know, it wasn’t we didn’t share this with anybody It was the first one was actually stolen notes and that’s where it did it was stolen. And that’s where Ed decided that we better take credit for it, but for someone else takes credit for it.

Dave S 21:52
Sorry, I started right there. Like stolen. How does that happen to like,

Jerry 21:56
how did you like well on the river? Yeah, on the River Road. or excuse me, Scott had a rod stolen in BC with his frickin boob lay on it, bro. No kidding. Needless to say, yeah, right so he had a bootleg the dude stole the whole rod. And I don’t know if it was for the boob layer there. Why? Because Scott was crushing it when he was out in the Queen Charlotte. I mean crushing it. Yeah. And so someone snatched the rod, the reel and the fly right off his boat on the river holy and I had come back to my boat. From fishing, we would park the boats and then go for walks, fish a whole run. And then you know, this gadget or the sock specifically is where this happened. You would, you’d fish a piece of water and then you’d see another piece of water and before you knew it, you were a mile and a half two miles away from your boat, you know, and by the time I get back to my boat, the fly has actually been cut off my other rod setup. And I was like, holy crap. No one. They didn’t take the rod. They didn’t steal that note. They took the fly and the fly had been literally the real case had been opened up. The Fly had been taken off the crossbar and cuts straight off right at the front end of the mono. Yeah, I was like, I was like, look at this Ed and he goes, Yeah, I’ve seen that rod before and I’m like, No What’s missing? And it was like, holy crap. Someone’s told the intruder. Wow, we were like, okay, we had an idea who it was because there were some people that kind of spied on what we were doing. You know, our names started to carry some weight. Yeah, you know, there were wondering what was up with our success and you know, it really, it really did it. There was a time when we first started doing the intruders that we had a secret weapon. Yeah. And, and, and we all felt that way. I mean, we knew we did. We knew we were onto something. As soon as we started using it in Alaska, we started catching kings on the swing and we started catching way bigger rainbows. No kidding. And and it was, it was like, Okay, this is real, you know, and that came from talking with my scientist buddies that are all biologists professors up at Western And, you know doing studies on anatomist fish and, you know, they all talked about what they ate and what they consumed and you know, we would sum to the books and look at frickin you know, saltwater flies and see things that were all big and ugly and be inspired by that and but then we were all still bound to this classic appearance that we’d love so much from our history as fly fisherman steelhead fly fisherman so it was you know it was that is the spawn of that critter that’s uh that’s it

Dave S 24:30
and so yeah new so that point when you knew this thing was gonna be a game changer. What was when was that point what did you remember that exact point when you’re like, Okay, this intruder is going to change the game.

Jerry 24:41
Unfortunately, I don’t remember that exact point. But what I do remember is I do remember situations like okay, it’s third or fourth trip to British Columbia and and I are walking up opposite sides of the river, and I would look across the river and Ed was hooked up. I walked down river and every single Possible fishy spot. I got a fish. No kidding. And no kidding. I mean, it was just like, it was almost like you could call it. It was so weird that when we entered run that hadn’t been fished by anybody else. And even if it had been the numbers of fish I caught behind people on intruders was absurd. I mean, it was just you started to feel bad. You know, I mean, it was like, okay, we can’t do this dude. Yeah, we can’t do this anymore. We can’t because those people would charge up and be like, what are you using? What are you doing? And then then we then we have to be dicks because you don’t want to share them with anybody, you know? So it was like, it was a thing that it was it was a really weird time. You know, and I would say that it took it was probably maybe three years total from the invention of the first to two stations to being absolutely certain that what we had created was huge. This was a legit game changer. And then you know, things evolved in Alaska to it made it made it possible to go up there. And actually have a legitimate swing fishery for kings exactly you know and and people were using more two handed rods and people were tying more in true to relooking flies you know the giant string leeches like mole leeches and stuff like that kind of were the very first part you know, you know camp flies that we were using because tying intruders was almost taboo and most people made them way too damn big for any client to cats you know and so you know the evolution took a little while to get to the point where you know, like I’ve landed on two and a half three inch flies now and they worked exceptionally well and you know, I caught a caught lots of steelhead on a on an intruder almost seven inches long. But here’s the problem with that is not not only is it a nightmare to cast, but it only appeals to so many fish and that two and a half three four inch fly it appeals to the larger variety of them or majority Have them for sure. You know, lots more dollies. I mean we go out at night had this little competition we called Dolly fest. That was one of the I mean one of the funnest parts of all the river swamp and was Dolly fest going out and just literally destroying Dolly numbers and that’s what it was all about was numbers. It wasn’t about size or anything I I carved this trophy out of a piece of soapstone and he and I would pass it back and forth living in the same house you know it just and and that that also led us to a larger understanding of the fish themselves and where they sat and you know what they were like and when they first came in and you know the difference between like fish in this gadget during ages and the Olympic Peninsula drainage is you learned there were these these vast differences between these two things, these two River drainage is in the same state. You know, the where the fish held, the way they ate to fly the way they moved up the river. I mean, it was all of that Fly made that possible so the guesswork was in the mystery was way less you know we were we were really learning you know just exponentially every single time we fished as a group there was this huge massive learned you know we go up to the marine section fish a little intruder and by the end of the day you know between me Scott Ned the numbers were just ridiculous you know compared to our old days of doing this I mean Pew

Dave S 28:27
so in that so in that good day you’re out there with the interior things are just rocking it well what is a good day on the river up there on the Murray syrup on I mean

Jerry 28:33
it morning fish I mean morning fish. I remember there was a morning bird between Ed and I there was I know that I hooked in landed property six and I lost like 12 Wow. And add landed every single thing he caught. And Scott Scott would leave. Scott would leave before sunup pretty much every day. And there were some days we’d fished together but most days that dude was on foot just terminated. Yeah, and he would come back afterwards. And his toes would be sticking out of his Danner boots all bloody and hammered. And that dude, he landed 15 fish, you know, and we would, we would talk about him, you know, we talked about every single one of them. And the you know, there was always a point where with Ed and I and Scott even to Scott, you almost, you know, we jokingly call them the Terminator light. You know, too much was never enough for that guy. But it’s not true because there was a point where we were like, Okay, this is, you know, we became way more laid back and way more focused on the way that we fished. And if we went out at first light, Ed and I would crash up in the trees just beyond the bar, and we’d sleep for most of the day or we go back to camp and, you know, talk shit, no timer flies and take a big long nap and then go out for the evening session. It really, it really mellowed out our pursuit and and our in it, really, it put a sharp sharp point on our focus and intention, you know, and so it’s It was, you know, it was it kind of it didn’t make it easy, but it made it more understood.

Dave S 30:05
And what mellows you out you’re saying the just the intruder or what, what? meld you guys out there,

Jerry 30:11
the confidence. Yeah, the confidence behind it. The confidence behind it is what really took the intensity out of it. Make no mistake, we still fished really hard in one to see if we could catch more fish in more places more ways, but the level of confidence that you had when you flip that thing into the water was it was crazy talk. You know, we all knew, like I said, we knew that we had something we literally had a secret weapon. It was like I would watch guys fish down to run and watch them walk away and then I would step into the top end of that run. And inevitably, something would come from there. You know it whether it was me or at or thought you knew it, you knew it damn well, you were just like, okay, the fish that didn’t like what they offered is definitely going to eat what we do. You know what I mean? And and it just turned into that You know, and then eventually once it became that, and everybody was fishing to handers, it, it really changed the trajectory of the whole thing you know, but it was, it was also very inspiring and satisfying to see that, you know, the to know that, you know that our little tiny, we were, we were called the testosterone game because of how, you know, intense we were about it by all our peers and a lot of our peers believe that steel heading was a badge of honor. And, you know, it only took it wasn’t until later in life that I realized that this was some this was a form and an idea that had to be shared. And it had to be shared very, you know, intensely and coming from us. So everybody who was had been bitten, like we had been bitten, we could change that learning curve and then minimize that mystery a little bit, you know, because the pursuit is a big part of that for everybody. We didn’t want to take it away. We just wanted them to be more confident in their pursuits, you know, gotcha.

Dave S 32:03
Gotcha. So, so when did the I’m not even sure on the PST the sketch at that brand. Seems like that came out a little later and you weren’t you involved early on that.

Jerry 32:15
Absolutely. Yeah. And and I started the company and, you know, I was the very first person that they brought on board after I met the partners and it uh, you know, and and I, it was, it was a vision and opportunity to create all this stuff we had in our heads. And potentially, I mean, honestly, for me, it really was more about getting Ed paid for the contributions overall into the industry and his true understanding of what we were doing. You know, because like the compact, the ultra compact heads that came out of PST, those were things that we’d been building for years. And, and the idea behind them, you know, these these hydrometer low length lines They create the surface tension on the water. And when you combine that with the tip, that’s how the whole thing was thought of as the entire casting package, this short head, and then the tip section was your total casting package. And that whole thing, if it sat really low in the water, it created free load. And that free load meant that you could fish these much more compact units, and make the rod, you know, load and recover in a really high performance way. And it would still work extremely well under the trees and stuff like that. So that was the idea behind that. And it was, it was an opportunity to create this, this wine that the world just didn’t know they wanted, you know, and I mean, then there were so many people that were, you know, I get it. There’s a lot of people that there’s a lot of followers, and then there’s a lot of there’s a very small amount of people that are actual creators. And so for us, it wasn’t, it was more like Like I said before, it was about it was about going look at this and look at how much easier This is for you. It’s like as a guide, I’ve taken 10 and 15 year old kids who have never touched a two hander stuck a commando in their hands with one of my Renegade rods, and that kid is fishing in the morning. So you know what I mean? And that, that, to me, that carries more weight than all the fish I’ve ever caught. You know, it’s just like, look at this this kid is bit and he’s loving it and he’s actually doing it well, you know, and it’s not it’s not a badge of honor. It’s a you know, it’s a gift if you get to go out to the river and swing flies. Well, good on you, you know, because you’re you’re bit by something that is freakin beautiful in a beautiful place. And the outcome matters to everybody differently. But it really matters, you know, and whether you get something or not, it’s there still the outcome. You spent a beautiful day on the river and hopefully you learned something and evolved a little bit bit, you know, totally,

Dave S 35:01
totally. Yeah, that’s Yeah. I was thinking the example of you guys developing that line, you know, giving the people what they want or what they didn’t know they when I think of the Ford, right Henry Ford example, what’s the only code if if he would have listened to the people, we’d still be driving buggies and wagons. You know, he basically had this idea that nobody thought would would even right and he just came up with this thing. Same thing with Apple. I mean, nobody thought the iPhone was going to be this thing but jobs knew it. He had this idea. Yeah, exactly. You guys are kind of saying I mean, you had this thing and you knew it because it was working and it’s kind of a similar deal. I mean, what I think of I you know, Joe, Joseph Rosana was on recently he was talking about the history of the evolution of steelhead fly design and, and I asked him, I asked him in that interview, I said, I said what is you know, the most important you know, in steelhead fly design over all the years right and he stayed on he said, he said the intruder You know, he said it was the number one thing so when you look back at it other than the intruder, you know what What other major steelhead fly design Do you see back in history? I’m not sure if you’re a steel or a history buff, but what would you look at?

Jerry 36:08
I would still say the intruder Yeah, I mean, the thing is, is that people were dabbling. People were dabbling people were trying things and then giving up on them and and you know, there were guys like, okay, Bob made the big Marabou spiders, that that was the beginning of an idea with the wrong materials. You know what I mean? Marabou is just this destructive material. Yeah. All right. Read in the water one time. Yeah, exactly. The popsicles and john Farrar. Those guys were fishing these really fishy flies. Granted one fish would eat them in the thing would just be you know, dropping pieces all over the place. But it was and that was the thing about the ostriches the ostrich for us, we realized its durability. And so that became the fly, you know, that became the material to use for that fly specifically, you know, the turkey flanks and all that stuff. That was all So part of the game, but it was just about the way those things looked. And that was a buggy feature that couldn’t be ignored. You know, because we were still very buggy in our heads, right? Everything had to be buggy. And so now I hardly ever use it. You know, because I’m and I do I do for my own flies in my composite loop site. I throw some turkey flats and flank feathers and stuff in there. But I don’t really for production stuff with guide plies, things like that. But it I would have to say the intruder the intruder was the effect of that fly was literally worldwide in a way that I couldn’t even explain as a guide. I got to see it ever evolve every single year. And watch these dudes come from Europe and Great Britain with intruders tied on tubes or on Shanks, the classic style and I was just like, I can’t believe this, you know, and then I guided people on the OP much later in my career after the intruder was worldwide. And guys were asking me the same thing. questions you’re asking me? Yeah, you know what I mean? It was just like, How did this happen? Why did this happen? What what are you using? Why are you using this stuff? You know, and it was just like an all they, they it was just curiosity they needed to know more, you know. And so for me, it just opened up this Pandora’s box of creativity after a time that there was a lot of rules and fly tight. You know what I mean? there were all these rules and things that you had to have the tinsel had to be like this, and it had to be done this way. Or it’s not this pattern. And, you know, the fish don’t get, and I’m out there for the fish. I’m not out there for you to like what I do. I’m out there to take all this in. I’m out there to make contact with these beautiful creatures, you know, and so that’s where that was all at and the effect that the intruder had, once the intruder became known, was it was exponential and it was frickin mind boggling to us. You know? And we were like, there it is. We did do something good. You know, there are so Big super good here. Everybody knows about it. So let’s just, you know, let’s just keep it going and let them all wallow in it, you know? And, and like I said, there’s, I can’t that. I mean, the proudest days for me are like thumbing through my Instagram feed and seeing the creations that these guys make. And it’s just like that, that influencing people that way, whether they know it or not, it makes me super freakin happy. You know, I’m always a little bit annoyed when someone calls my dirty Whoa, I’ve been sitting down time, and they’ll walk up and they’ll go, that’s a nice intruder. And I’m like, No, man. Yeah, that is not you know, that’s not an interior, that’s a dirty house. You know, it does a different thing a different way. And it’s an evolution of an idea. You know, it’s another platform, and I don’t, you know, none of them are patterns, do whatever you want on the platforms, but try to be at least slightly, you know, respectful to the platform in the idea and the name You know you can do whatever you want inside of that but those three things were there was a lot of heart and soul by a handful of dudes a gang a tribe if you will that really put their lives in their thinking and you know everything they had into those ideas so that that’s you know that’s a big thing the

Dave S 40:20
the the dirty hell can you describe briefly for somebody who maybe hasn’t seen that fly how that platform all

Jerry 40:26
it is yeah all it is is a solid front shoulder that I started doing the composite hackles or you know the the composite loops on because the the the intruder platforms that to this day they still take me close to 20 minutes to tie the real deal. And when I started tying the the dirty whoa that was that was after fishing for years and years with Ed and Ed fishing a very simplified a porker in a very simplified, streamlined version that I gave him a lot of money. up about because that is one of the most gifted fly tires you’ll ever meet in your whole life. I mean, if you see the guy spin deer hair, you’re just like, what the hell, dude, you know, and, and this was like up in Alaska when we tie walks and stuff out of exclusively deer hair and edge shaving them with a face shaver and a razor blade instead of using scissors, like using rough cut, just cut these things down quickly, and then finish them with a face shaver and a razor blade. It was just, it was ridiculous. And you know, Ed would have a whole box of walks just poof right off the bat, you know, and so I gave him a lot of crap about that. That silly little string leech that caught everything. You know what I mean? And it was skinny. It appealed to the fish in size, but I mean, he would fish some of these things were six, seven inches long, and he caught everything that was in the river, and I was just like, okay, you know, and I had always had a love for string leeches, but they’re always way too heavy. And originally when I first started tying the dirty hose, they were a regular occurrence. quarter inch strips split with the razor blade. So I could minimize the volumes. Right. And then once you know once Sanyo came out with the frickin, you know the micro strips, I was all over those things and pints Squirtle absolutely love pints, girl mink, all those really thin durable strips. Rabbit hair strip, I think there’s very few things in the world is wiggly as a rabbit hair strips and so, you know, the twisted hitch actually rigging the hook or attacking the hook to in a removable replaceable manner to the rabbit strip really kind of made that platform and it carried the swing weight of the hook the way that it swung in very current speeds across the column of water. Everything about that fly and its cast stability, I could hand it to an absolute beginner and they could cast that fly. You know, it’s like a bullet to bullet fly into the air. It’s a bullet sink and in the column and they swing really easy. They rise and sink very predictably, which was a really big deal to me because the intruder with the dumbbell eyes that fly continually dug in, it just dug in and dug in and dug in and being able to drive that fly over the big rocks without jamming it down in the transition was was pretty difficult you know and you would end up kind of compromising your penetration or where you were how you’re how you’re fishing the fly would just get jammed down inside of the transition between the substrate and these big boulder or but the dirty hoe was something Yeah, absolutely. It was something that would drive you just a little bit of tension on the flightline and you would drive it over the boulder because the fly being tied with the with the cone, it would actually start to lift very nicely and it would rise right up over it and as soon as I dropped my rod tip back in its sink right back. Yes. You know that they had to drop in and it seemed like a bullet and get back into the zone where the dirt you know the intruder the dumbbell eyes, they’ll rise and fall a little bit Once that fly is dug in trying to get a dumbbell to rise up and rise up rapidly or in a controlled fashion is almost impossible. You know it’s very very different and once I started guiding I really started to study side by side case study like a guy fish in a dirty Whoa, a dude fishing intruder walk in the high bank watching these dudes fish down through these bolder gardens. And like keep track of how many times the dude with the intruder was snagged. And of course, these guys had to be pretty equal in ability for that to have any, any merit at all. But once I got those, those combinations, I would always do these little case studies and, you know, learn as much as I could from that and watching the way they swam, and so on and so forth. You know, and eventually the dirty hoe became literally the driving force behind all my time. Nice, nice, nice and

Dave S 44:51
I had a question Jacob bargo from the Facebook group had a question about kind of flight choice in different conditions and he was asking You know, that’s one thing I guess, how do you change depending on conditions and the other part of that was do you do swing it butter broadside on the swing?

Jerry 45:08
Straight up? No question, always broadside. I call it controlled. It’s always a controlled broadside. And it’s something that’s very, very achievable with the small lines, the shorter line systems, I’m able to, like I do this tip out technique, which once the flies on the inside where most guys are leading with the rod and the fly has lost all of its animation. It’s just literally sinking to the bottom and you’re dragging the thing to the inside to try to cover the inside lies. Well, what I do is I take the rod tip and once once I’ve started to lose my forward momentum inward towards the beach, I drop the rod tip in the water and start pushing it out towards the middle of the river, and that creates a sail the wind is the river. Your line is the sale and that’s what I’ve always told my clients and so what you want to do is sell your fly across the The column in a controlled fashion from where it lands to where I say it’s done. And where it’s I say it’s done is where the fish is going to actually lay, you know, and those are, the fish sit on the inside way further in most cases will walk and right through where they want to be. And so I want to fish all that first exceptionally well. And so the tip out technique is what allows me to do that. So when conditions as far as fly choice on conditions, I’m always fishing broadside. It’s controlled, it may not be hard, hard, full broadside, but the fly is always in a sideways animated condition. And then as far as flight choice and conditions, that really has to do with your individual confidence, what you feel good about fishing, but what I look at now is more as much as anything else is how the fly the presence of the fly in the conditions and in the column. Like you know, guys talk about dark day dark fly I have never been onto that because it’s tribal knowledge. And I have this problem with tribal knowledge because it’s, I’ve seen it happen. I’ve may not. I’ve seen guys on the river one day start to talk about something. And then next year at the lodge, guys are talking about it. Like it’s some kind of rule. You know what I mean? And it’s just like, No, that’s not what it is. I mean, I’ll be honest, one of my favorite, favorite flies of all time is white. And it always will be and it comes from watching old timers, fish, white flies, and completely blown out conditions and railing on dollies and steelhead. And I started going What the hell is going on here. And that also goes back to my my love for you know, UV materials because this ultraviolet the most reflective thing in the column is white and it doesn’t matter how dirty it is. The most present color is white, and it doesn’t matter how dirty it is. The black fly Yeah, it’s present. It’s okay. You know, it’s, it’s got this in dirty water. Yeah, you can see that. But what’s the most reflective thing we can fish white. And so when you put a white fly in any condition, that fly is illuminated, and they’re completely aware. And here’s the other side of it, it’s that this is where the big movie really came into play. His vision was less of a factor than the lateral line. Because as conditions change for those creatures, and because of the way their eyes are set, they need they use they rely on their lateral lines, their pick up a vibration and just the movement of water as much as they do their ability to see it. You know, does that make sense? Yeah. So being able, being able to like fish something across the column that is moving water, that is wiggling like crazy. That is animated once they actually They feel it before they see it. And once they see it, they want to eat it. And that’s where I’ve always been super hyper focused on that, ever since the, you know, the intruder became, you know, a known pattern that we knew that it worked and then the evolution of all these other ideas and platforms, they all came from that you know, so it’s in conditions there is possible it is possible to fish too big into clear conditions of course, you know, and it’s and it’s possible to fish too bright in those conditions. But, you know, I’ve seen the contrary so many times like, you know, the boba show river in the summertime out on the Olympic Peninsula. The thing is gin clear. I mean, it’s literally gin clear and we fish down through this lie with these nice beautiful little intruders and little white summer, intruders that I call them and they were just you know, those are coastal fish that are six eight miles from the from the salt they just wrote in on the tide. These things hurt. gamer’s right. And some dude finds this huge orange intruder and decides to fish it. And I’d fish through the run a couple other guys of fish to the run. And then I hear Whoo hoo behind me now, that fish could have just moved in, or nothing we had appeal to him. And this giant orange fly. This thing looked like a fire truck rolling down the river. I mean, it was so out of place. It was fun to realize. I mean, it was just offensive, you’d see it land and you’d see the refraction of that fly all the way across the column. And the fish ate it. So it’s, you know, it’s really is it to answer your question, those things are really all about your confidence, you know, what you what you believe in, you know, and what you believe in what you have confidence in what in your box produces for you, you know, but, you know, there there are no rules, that’s the best part of it, right? So try everything, give it all and go you know, and and and walk around. You know, that’s great. Yeah, I was just thinking back again to that George conversation I asked him what one of his butterfly boxes look like and he was talking about how he had a lot of reds in it and we kind of joked about it but what if we look at your fly box right now for winter steelhead does it What does it look like is it have a huge variety and and it that’s and that’s because I guide people that have zero confidence in anything unless it’s black and blue. And when I fish black and blue, it’ll be Jim clear. And I’ll fish black and blue and slightly off colored water, but I lean way more towards it when it’s clear, and that’s only because of my personal experience and success. Fishing that fly in June Clearwater, right? So that’s where it goes back to that confidence thing. But it mine is a variety of colors. And me personally it’s it’s very natural tones, and lots and lots of white variations of white and orange, white and all of white and black. Right, orange, red, you know, so but it’s in, you’d probably be like, if I opened my guide box, it’s all dirty hose and ultra squids because they are super client friendly as far as casting and their ability to hook the fish properly. And the higher odds of them landing them, you know, because the thing about the intruder was is that unless it was built, specifically old school style where the hook pop loose, you lost a lot of fish on that fly. If it’s tied with wire, it might as well just be this giant lever. You know, I can’t even count how many fish I watched jump and spit that fly out, you know, big dumbbell eyes on the front. You know, it’s like a hammer swing, you know, it’s just a lot of leverage.

You know, you had to try to up this, you know, up this productivity level, and that’s where a lot of that evolution came from. That’s it.

Dave S 52:55
That’s it cool. Well, as we, you know, try to wrap this thing up here pretty quick. I just You know, I want to touch on a little bit you have, you know, you’re selling some raw and you have some stuff going, can you just talk a little bit how you you know, the transition from not sure if you’re still guiding now but transition from when you’re at the O PST to now with the company you have going, can you talk a little about what you have going these days?

Jerry 53:17
Um, okay. Yeah. Good question the, the that evolution was a matter of when I left that company, and I left that company for just, you know, differences in professionalism and direction. And, you know, ad EDS participation. It’s not like you sitting at a desk inside that company ads, ads in the Great Lakes taking care of his mom, you know, it was in Wisconsin, and for me, I wanted dad to get paid. And that was my whole goal in that situation. And I just wanted to truly take our ideas and bring them to market

and make as much money as we could to get Ed paid and potentially, I could actually have a job doing Something providing, you know, my ideas and the things I love to the masses. Well, that didn’t work out. And it was really unfortunate To me it was I gave my heart and soul to that I tried everything then within my quiver to make myself fit within that picture that the owners wanted. And, you know, the business partners that they wanted. And so I bailed out. And once I bailed out, I just believed with all my heart that, you know, the reality of the fishing industry was pretty cutthroat. There’s, you know, there’s, there’s a lot of that’s a great idea. Let’s steal that. Okay, no, so I didn’t, I didn’t want to be part of that. That’s not who I am. And Doug bruco approached me. You know, I reached out to my friend, Jeff pure way and said, Hey, dude, let’s build a rod. And Jeff reached out to Doug and then Doug reached out to me, and Doug is Doug is. I mean, Doug brought my face back, you know? I believe in people again, I believe in how good people can be. Doug is such a legit human being. I’m proud to be part of the Aqua fi brand. And I’m also he’s the only reason that all these ideas of mine have come to fruition for the masses. Because, you know, he, he makes sure that he does all the legwork I design, I do the, you know, I come up with the concepts, the ideas, and Doug does all the legwork, and he invests in, you know, does all that stuff to make that stuff come true. And so, Doug bruco took my idea that I was hoping for a PST and made it a reality, you know, and, and the rods that I was designing with pure way. I wanted to be able to create this ultimate fishing tool lineup that literally was a casting partner, not something that you had to go out and buy a line and then be educated by the people who designed it to be able to use it. It was Something that was your casting partner they loaded easy and they had a fast recovery and they were in this ideal length and wait for the purpose you know because I don’t go to the Grand Ron with a 15 foot five weight no you know or even a 12 foot five weight I go there with a short five wait and when I go to the Grand run now I finished my six because my six is the perfect rod for that pursuit all those fish fish fit within that, that rods abilities and all the casting distances that I fish are also within that, you know, I’ve never been a caster Bader for lack of a better word is it’s on the other side of the river we’ll go fish that next fish what’s in front of you? Well, and that’s just the way I looked at it. I outgrew that casting far thing a very long time ago. And the efficiencies of angling were much more important than how far I could cast. You know, and, and but I admire the dudes that can Hawk mega. I really do. Always have, and I always will. I’ve never looked down on them. That’s their prerogative. And that’s the beautiful thing about our pursuit. It’s all about you, you know, you be you and you have a great time. But if you sit in my boat as a guide, and no, I’m not guiding anymore. I retired a few years ago in a pursuit of trying to the it had become very competitive here in the wintertime. And to the point where a lot of the people that most of my client were 90% they were 90% returned, and I didn’t have to advertise at all. And I wasn’t able to give these people the experience they were paying me for, you know what I mean? And so it turned into a thing where I would much rather just do this for myself and not take their money. And I know that all of these people have learned enough from me that they’re more than self capable. You know, I know that every single person who sat in my boat except for a very small percentage over and over over the years, are they can go out by themselves and be successful. You know, and it really boiled down to a lot of the people that came back. We just wanted to spend time together and they became really good friends of mine. So it was, you know, that was that was that part and coming back to, you know the transition between Oh PST and Jerry French fly fishing. The you know, Doug was a big fan and a believer in what I was doing. And so you know, he took it upon himself to make a platform for me to do what I do, and that’s what Jerry French fly fishing is it’s there’s no gimmicks they’re just real products that I use. He let me design a new fly or a new hook. He let me design new Shanks my Shanks are the Shanks that I want to tie on. It’s not just a shank and they’re all beautiful, you know, the upturn dies. All of the returned I hooks are tapered, they’re tapered shank so you can tie a beautiful intruder with a small head. It’s not going to cut your thread and it is a beautiful Hook, and the round eye hooks are all for your beat applications, you know, up and down the gamut from trout size all the way up to mega cones, you know. So they’re all there in a variety of lengths. The Ultra rig are for those real discerning clients, the real discerning people who have had a lot of really bad experiences with wire, and they, they want to finish a rigid hook rigging rigid yet flexible hook rigging that is not going to break and it will work the same every single time. If you use it right or do it right, it’s going to be you’re going to end up with this beautiful hook right in the corner of the mouth and that you’re not going to lose them. The Fly has, you know, that has the same playability as it would if it had just a Dacron loop back there. You know and the combination of the Dacron and very flexible tubing over the top created this ideal condition of a rigid application with all the flexibility you would ever want. Once you hook a fish, you know, and it’s not gonna break. I mean, I can’t even count how many books I’ve lost on that on a wire application. So there was something in my book that had to be changed. And so, you know, Doug doing all the work, and I get in a reality to a royalty check. And, you know, we talk a lot on the phone, and, you know, we’re constantly, you know, blah, blah, but he’s, he’s been incredibly good to me and made this really easy for me to do. And that’s really what I was looking for. And so, you know, I, every day I sing his praises, and I, you know, I work very hard for that guy. So it’s cool. No, it sounds like a amazing and I think,

Dave S 1:00:40
yeah, we ran into each other just briefly at IFTTT, but you know, I’ve been seeing your name out there and stuff and obviously, you know, your name is a big David, you know, I could I could ask this next question to you just as easy but I’ll I’ll kind of pointed towards Ed because ed is a pretty seems like a hard guy. He’s a pretty quiet guy, you know? Um, what do you think? You know, what do you think people get wrong about Ed?

Jerry 1:01:05
There, there might be this thinking that ad is arrogant, and is one of the most generous, caring human beings I’ve ever met my life. It’s just a matter of and it goes for me too. I have a lot of acquaintances in life, and a very small core group of friends. And I’m, that that’s who he is to add is, it is he doesn’t have an arrogant bone in his body. He’s incredibly confident. He’s incredibly humble, and, and incredibly skilled and intelligent. I mean, I’m all constantly blown away by the things that will tell me and I’m just like, How in the hell do you know that? You know, and he’ll tell me what I was in the Navy. I studied it. I’m just like, dude, that’s so damn cool. You know, and it was just, he, he’s his influence. Once you get to know And his influence and his true understanding of so many things is really kind of mind boggling. I don’t, there’s in my lifetime if I tried as hard as I could, I couldn’t hold a candle to the type of person and how much he knows, you know what I mean, his experience and the way he sees things, Ed, like Ed took notes of stuff and was committed to a concept like the whole ultra shortline concept. That that is all add. Now my understanding of it is, is as I would say, as in depth as his but his the he was literally the driving force behind that he could see before it even was a thing, what it was and what how capable it was. And so as we moved into the shorter rod world, Ed never fished anything over 13 feet and was fishing shorter and shorter rods all the time. I mean, I wouldn’t say he fished anything over 12 feet. He was fishing shorter. Shorter rods all the time building a new line almost every single night, he would we’d come home, and he would sit down and make some adjustment on a fly line or build an entirely new one, and then go out to the river The next day, and fish that thing and be like Dude, cassis and you just be like what, you know, easy, it’s ridiculous, you know? And he was like, Yeah, but look how look at the line speed and the tightness of the loop and, you know, all that stuff, it would all just, you know, exponentially build up. his commitment to that idea was, was what really made me commit to the idea as well. You know, it was obvious that it was that was the way to go, you know, shorter shorter rods, ultra short line systems, and the whole outcome was a much more fishable package. That was easy. For you know, for the end game. Let’s say it was super easy to teach. You know, really,

Dave S 1:03:56
I think the biggest thing I think that’s what you guys were a part of what you did You know, and you already said it, but that was one of the biggest thing it took steelhead fishing, because I remember I was always a single hand caster. And, you know, it was just sometimes it was a struggle and you guys made you just like you said, you can take that kid and within an hour or whatever, he could be catching steelhead and and I mean, that’s as big as anything. That’s what you guys did. You made it for almost you made steel fishing for the masses pretty much.

Jerry 1:04:23
Absolutely. I mean, you know, I’ve heard people say you could never guide people into steel head without the CAD SketchUp concepts. You know what I mean? You just you couldn’t do it. And but you could, but it would take a much larger learning curve, you know, for sure. It’s like, you know, it’s those. And it started as a super selfish pursuit and then became entirely by the people for the people. You know what I mean? It’s and that’s a beautiful thing. It really is and it and I can’t, like I said, I can’t be prouder than I am to see, you know, I just got an email from a guy who has his entire quiver. Are all Renegade rods and it’s because that dude’s drank the Kool Aid, you know, he’s and he he gets to go out and every, every, every place he uses those rods whether he’s fishing for kings on the Skinner in Alaska, he my Renegade is working for him, you know, and he knows that and feels that and appreciates that it it fights fish really good because of the flex of the rod. I mean, it just goes on and on that dude, he drank the Kool Aid. And he just he just wanted to he just did the last email was like dude, I need a five Wait, and I’m thinking about your four year five. And I’m like my five Wait, you want my five wait for what you’re what you’re describing. That is the rod, the length, the weight of the rod. If you you know if we ever get around to making a legitimate fighting handle or a two handed handle for that thing, which I believe Doug is trying to do, or was trying to do before this craziness hit the handles on my single handed rods are all removable and If, and I only cast those rods, I cast them single hand style because they’re a single handed rod and I can cast as far as I want, and casting him with the two hands is just not biomechanically efficient. So it’s like, I don’t I’m not concerned with casting it with two hands, but there are other people that do. And so we’re trying to make a three inch but for that rod, and that way guys can screw out the little fighting butt and literally put in a second handle on the bottom, you know, so they can cast those rods two handed style, you know, and, and when I do cast them two handed style, I just call it the two finger but and I use two fingers on them because it it doesn’t take a whole lot of bottom hand to know make that thing hook, you know. So that’s where I’m at with that. Yeah, but primarily, it’s, you know, it’s all single hands gadget stuff. That’s it. That’s it.

Dave S 1:06:50
Well, one last big one for you here, Jerry. You know, I’m not sure if it sounds like you’re maybe in your mid 50s. Now somewhere in that range as far as 3535 perfect. So when you look back at your 25 year old self, and I’m not sure where you’re at in this evolution of everything here, but would you have any words of advice for that 2025 year old kid back Back in the day, knowing what you know now?

Jerry 1:07:15
Yeah, I would be like, keep your mouth shut. Right, you know? Yeah, I would I would be I would be way more. I would probably be more secretive, in the sense that there’s probably more we could have learned and shared later. But I’ve, I’ve always been very like, people, okay. People would always say, Tell us how you really feel Jerry. That’s that was what was known about me. I’ve always been the kind of person that if I had a problem with you, you absolutely knew about it. And I was more than happy to attack you and tell you how I actually felt and that was, that’s a product of where I come from the way I was brought up and so on, but the And then a lot of negative stuff have has evolved from me being that way. Okay, so I would just be more like just be keep it to yourself and be Keep your mouth shut. Because I’ve always been super humble. And I’ve always been generous. And so it was, you know, I didn’t, I wasn’t arrogant about my shit. I just was very vocal about it. And so, and you know, and it sometimes could be violent, it depended on the scenario, but it the bottom line was, is it would just be keep my mouth shut, and just be quiet. You know what I mean? Just carry quiet confidence instead of being who I was when I was 25 you know, I was, but when I was 25, I was very, very hyper focused on fishing. And within the fishing world is where I existed. I rub shoulders with people, you know, on the lateral parts of the world, you know, that I, you know, I had opinions about and things I said and Things I wish I didn’t say so, you know, that’s, that’s where I’d be it would just be, you know, be quiet and do more listening, less talking.

Dave S 1:09:09
How would you say this is kind of a big question we probably can’t dig all into it, you know, but you, you know, you’re an industry. You’ve been in the industry. And so I mean, what what would you change about the industry? You know, the fly fishing industry? I mean, it sounds like there’s some good and bad Of course, there’s lots of great people and stuff, but anything come to mind that you Oh, yeah,

Jerry 1:09:28
yeah. There’s, there’s so many great people and but it you know, that’s, that’s a really, really hard question. I mean, I could, I would probably need a lot more time than we have to be able to give you a legitimate answer, but it the evolution of, Okay, I like to tell my clients that for 30 years, we’ve been hyper focused on the same thing. And the industry is coming up with something new for you to buy every year. Right. And that that’s really how I feel about that. It’s like, I’m not I don’t have anything negative to say about the industry and the people in the industry, because most of these people are my friends. You know, and they evolved in that direction. And, you know, there’s guys that are the high ends of things. And it’s like, you know, I feel like, I kind of feel like as I’ve gotten older, I’ve been excluded from things because of the whole social media thing and how much I’m involved in it, but the reality of it is, I’m still as innovative and creative as anybody, you know, and I, and I know that because I’m applying myself to it, you know, and I and I spend times with the younger generation, and everybody’s feeding off of everybody else. They’re not innovating, they’re just copying, you know, and so it’s like, and a lot of it’s not beneficial. I mean, it’s, it’s really not a lot of it is just, it’s like trendy, that just goes from year to year and disappears, you know, so it’s like, you know, just some more reality, some more hyperbolic Focus on really helping the people and not so much helping yourself. You know, if I had to really put a point on it, you know, I’ve been, I’ve been so hyper focused on in my latter years once I realized what we had to share as much as I could and to minimize the learning curve and mystery for those that came to me for help. And anybody that was interested, you know, and then I think that that’s where, that’s the beauty of what we do. And I really hope that, you know, the, my willingness and my giving this would translate into loyalty and following, you know, but that’s not really how it works. It doesn’t and so I’m okay with that. I really am. I’m okay with that. And if you climb on board, if you drink the Kool Aid, then we’re in the same tribe. You know, and we speak the same speak, and we’re, you know, we’re getting along and there’s a lot of people in this world and that are just trying to sell you something and don’t have an original thought to save their lives. You know what I mean? So it’s like, that’s where I’m at. And and I’m happy being that guy that is. I mean, if we were better businessmen, we would run this industry, or so if we were better businessmen. But we’re not. We’re fishermen. We’re innovators. That’s where it came from. I mean, that’s why Doug makes all the decisions about things. Yeah. You don’t ask me. Where’s the better place to sell stuff? No, I don’t. I’ve never put any thought to any of that. But I’ll I’ll talk about fly concepts and hook angled designs, and, you know, Rod blanks and all that stuff all day long. But don’t ask me anything about business. You know, I mean, I don’t know, lodge in Alaska, and I’d be really worried about my summer season right now. But I’d be stoked that I owned a lodge in Alaska. You know what I mean? So, but it’s just the way it goes. And I’m super happy to be here. Make no mistake. Yeah. And that

Dave S 1:12:54
that’s been reinforced by other guests we’ve had on this show, you know, when we’ve talked about that before. I think I just think back to one I think echo. Um, I can’t remember it’s we’ve had a couple of echo, you know, conversations, but I think they talked about that, you know, where they don’t necessarily make a new rod every single year, you know, they kind of have their line and right and they’re sticking with it and there’s no reason to come out with a brand new rod every year. So I think yeah, that’s been reinforced for sure. So I appreciate that.

Jerry 1:13:22
Yeah, I mean, it’s you know, you have concepts you believe in and you need to push those concepts you know

Dave S 1:13:30
well, Jerry, we’re we’ve definitely had a we’ve pushed you here on time. We’ve covered some stuff left some stuff on the table, I’m sure but in the next you know, six to 12 months anything you want to know coming up with them you know, obviously we got this craziness with a lockdown. But after that anything with your, your company, you want to give us a heads up or anything you have going personally?

Jerry 1:13:50
Well, if anybody’s you know, what I would like to bring up is if it actually comes to fruition, I’m going to be hosting trips for Troy dedmon no grand right. angler Ron the grand lon River. Yeah. And if you want to come and you know, I’ll, I’ll share everything I can with you. And if you want to float one of the most beautiful river valleys planet, yes. It’s like, I mean, there’s wildlife everywhere and super good conversation is going to be amazing food and awesome, you know, and Troy’s a glorious human being. So yeah, I pushed that. And if you know if you want to just go to Troy’s website, the grand Ron angler and sign up for my week and I’ll I’ll we’ll have a great great time. I promise, man. Yeah, that that anyway, super great to talk to you, man.

Dave S 1:14:36
Yeah, it’s been it’s been fun. Jerry, Hey, I just wanted to let you go get out of here. Just want to you know, thank you, obviously, you know, you’ve been you’ve influenced me and you know, like so many people out there. So, you know, I think that like you said in the industry that the fact that you’ve got all these new people into fly fishing, I just think it’s such a good thing because you know, in the steelhead, right because that one person that caught their first deal. Why because they used an intruder. Shorter rod, you know, I mean that person is going to give back to, you know, steelhead for years and years to come. So yeah, just want to thank you for everything you’ve done.

Jerry 1:15:08
My pleasure, man. Absolutely.

Dave S 1:15:11
So there you go. If you want to find all the links and all the show notes we covered today go to wet fly swing comm slash 139 a reminder on the new podcast that’s out now, outdoors online CO, the marketing podcast to help elevate your outdoor business online. It’d be great to have you over there to check out if you haven’t had a lesson yet. Thanks again today for stopping by looking forward to catching up too soon. Hope to maybe see you online or on the river.

Unknown Speaker 1:15:37
Thanks for listening to the wet fly swing fly fishing show. For notes and links from this episode, visit wet fly swing COMM And if you found this episode helpful, please subscribe and leave a review on iTunes.

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Jerry French


Jerry French

Conclusion with Jerry French

Jerry French tells the story of why the intruder came to be and how they developed the fly, rods and specialized lines that revolutionized steelhead and salmon fly fishing.  The Commando line is still one of the most popular and easiest to start with.


WFS 138 – Fly Fishing Streamers with Rich Strolis – Catching Shadows

rich strolis

When it comes to fly fishing streamers, Rich Strolis has become known as one of the big guys in the streamer game.  Rich breaks down how he designs flies and what he thinks about when coming up with new patterns.


Click below and listen to the Rich Strolis Interview:

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Fly Fishing Streamers

We hear which hooks Rich loves, how to determine what color to use for your patterns and why he gets fired up about the dumbing down of fly fishing.

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Show Notes with Rich Strolis

04:50 – Farmington River Anglers Association

06:00 – Thomas Aimes Hatch Guide to New England Streams.

10:20 – Mike Schmidt is a friend and mentor of Rich.

11:40 – Charlie Craven was on the podcast in episode 125 here.

12:38 – Montana Fly Company is associated with Rich’s brand and the fly fishing books he’s written.

14:30 – Dean Finnerty was on the podcast in episode 19 and was another police officer that I had on the show.

23:18 – Catching Shadows is one of Rich’s big books on his fly patterns.

26:40 – The HeadBanger Sculpin is one of the goto flies as well as the shucked up emerger is a good dry fly for Rich.

27:30 – The DDT Nymph was another fly noted here.

42:00 – Roman Moser came up with the present day beads.

45:00 – Rich notes how amazing the Ahrex hooks are and what they have going right now.

47:00 – Kelly Galloup was on the podcast in episdoe 52 and is still one of the best and longest yet.

54:30 – George Daniel were on the podcast is episode 55.


You can find Rich at



Resources Noted in the Show

Catching Shadows by Rich Strolis

catching shadows


Thomas Aimes Hatch Guide to New England Streams.

hatch guide


Videos Noted in the Show

HeadBanger Sculpin




rich strolis
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fly fishing streamers

Conclusion with Rich Strolis

Rich Strolis shares some great stuff today on fly tying and fishing with a focus on streamers.  Rich goes into a couple of solid rants as well that should get you thinking next time you are on the river.

WFS 137 – COVID-19 Tips for Fly Fishing Brands with Matt Smythe from AFFTA

matt smythe

COVID-19 Update for Fly Fishing Brands.  Matt Smythe, the communications coordinator for AFFTA,  sheds some light on what AFFTA is doing for fly fishing brands during the corona virus pandemic.  We find out what AFFTA does and how they balance politics and conservation. 


Click below and listen to the Matt Smythe Podcast:

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Show Notes with Matt Smythe

03:55 – Tom Sadler was on the podcast in episode 98 and is the guy who taught Matt and his dad to cast a fly rod.  Tom also talked about IFTD in this show.

11:40 – Kirk Deter with Angling Trade just put out a piece on the current status.

22:00 – Matt notes the Bristol Bay issue.  Jenny Weis gave us an update on Bristol Bay in episode 132.

26:30 – We had Jenn Herman on my other podcast, the Outdoors Online Marketing Podcast.  There were tons of great tips to scale your instagram following.

32:00 – Here’s the Covid-19 resources page for federal and state level.


You can find Matt at


matt smythe
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Conclusion with Matt Smythe

Matt Smythe talks about the benefits of AFFTA for guides and the affect of COVID-19 and what you can do to help the industry and your business.

Steelhead Fly Patterns and Design History with Joseph Rossano (WFS 136)

harry lemire

Joseph Rosano shares the history of steelhead fly design and development as a man who was side by side with some of the biggest names in steelhead history.  From Trey to Spey and everything in between, we dig in a bit in this one to shed light on some of the best fly innovators for steelhead.

Find out why Joseph waited 35 years to start writing about all of the great names like Sid Glasso, Harry Lemire and the rest of the gang.  Find out what it was like being on the river as the intruder revolution was beginning.


Click below and listen to the Steelhead Fly Patterns Podcast:

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(Listen to all Archived Episodes Here)

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Steelhead Fly Patterns and Design Show Notes

02:00 – George Cook was on the podcast in episode 131 and talked about the history of NW Spey casting.

04:15 – The Thunder and Lighting was the first steelhead fly Joseph used early in his steelhead fishing career.

06:40 – Trey Combs first book Steelhead Fly Fishing and Flies was the first resource that had a big impact on Joseph’s steelhead future.

10:00 – The Van Fleet Steelhead To A Fly was another great resource.

11:00 – Alec Jackson was one of Joseph’s closest friends and a person who had a large impact on NW steelhead fishing.

14:00 – Joseph has written for Swing the Fly Magazine and has a new article coming out in the summer of 2020.  Plus a photo essay with the Fly Fish Journal.

22:15 – The NW Atlantic Salmon Fly Guild was the fly tying group that brought together some of the big names in steelhead out of the Washington area.

25:00 – Ken Helvie’s book, Steelhead: Fly Tying Guide, has a lot of the great patterns from the day.

26:00 – The dependable fly pattern was a good example of what came out of the guild.

29:50 – A Queen of Autumm and a Gordon are two classic flies to check out.

34:40 – John Shewey’s book on Spey Flies and Dee Flies.

35:20 – Trey Combs was on in episode 5.  We talk about the transition from Trey to the present day spey and everything in between.

37:15 – Arthur Wood was noted here and a big part of the evolution in his work Greased Line Fly Fishing.

44:10 – Dave McNeese is writing the book on Siy Glasso.

53:30 – Klaus Frimor was on the podcast and talked about underhand casting.


You can find Joseph at


Steelhead Fly Patterns and Design


Steelhead to a Fly by Clark Van Fleet

steelhead to a fly


Steelhead: Fly Tying Guide by Ken Helvie

steelhead fly tying guide


Steelhead Fly Patterns and Design


The Thunder and Lighting Tube Fly


harry lemire
photo via:


Steelhead Fly Patterns and Design


Joseph Rosano breaks down the history of steelhead fly design from Trey Combs, through Sid Glasso and into the intruder revolution.  From Trey to Spey and everything in between, this is going to be a good one.  Many new episodes have come from this one including a chat with Dave McNeese.


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