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Peter Kaminsky

WFS 546 – Catch of a Lifetime with Peter Kaminsky – New York Times...

If someone says the word fly fishing, where do you go in your head? In today's episode, New York Times writer Peter Kaminsky takes us...
euro nymphing flies

717 | Tim Cammisa’s Top 5 Euro Nymphing Flies from the Best Anglers in...

Take a quick moment and think about what your top 5 euro nymphing flies are right now. If you could only...

716 | Protecting Alaska’s Salmon: Insights from Tim Bristol of SalmonState

In this episode, we’re joined by Tim Bristol, the Executive Director of SalmonState, to discuss the urgent challenges and exciting successes in protecting Alaska’s...
How Lakes Work with Brian Chan and Phil Rowley

Littoral Zone #14 – How Lakes Work with Brian Chan and Phil Rowley

If you want to have more success fly fishing lakes, you need a good understanding of how lakes work—knowing how lakes...

Traveled #23 | Fly Fishing World Championships with Glade Gunther: Inside the Idaho Fly...

In this episode, host Dave talks with Glade Gunther, Fly Director for USAngling and member of Fly Fishing Team USA. Glade is also in...

In the Bucket #13 | The Conservation Angler with John McMillan and Tom Pero

In today's show, we're gonna be learning more about The Conservation Angler, or TCA as it's often referred to. We'll be speaking with our friend John McMillan, president of TCA and one of his board members noted author and publisher, Tom Pero. These two gentlemen have a long history in fisheries conservation and also happened to be passionate anglers. We're very excited to feature TCA as our conservation partner and our recently announced Wet Fly Swing Skeena Steelhead School promotion. We have a tremendous amount of respect for this organization and the people involved. Let's get into it. Time to get in the bucket...
dry fly fishing

698 | Dry Fly Fishing Tips with Mark Raisler from Headhunters Fly Shop

In this episode, we dive into the art of dry fly fishing with Mark Reisler, owner of Headhunters Fly Shop and a passionate angler...

692 | Swinging Flies for Trout and Steelhead with Marty Howard – Deschutes River,...

Marty Howard, author of Steelhead Fly Tying with Dec Hogan, and a guy who’s fished more steelhead rivers than most of us could dream of shares his swung fly journey. We're gonna dig into his new fly-tying book for trout that's coming out right around the corner, and we're gonna hear why he doesn't care if gear fishermen or sleds are going up and down the river before he swings his fly on that run. We're also gonna get some tips on staying warm this winter. Plus we hear about how he ended up fishing multiple times with Tigerwoods and other famous pro golfers. More stories today with another passionate steelhead angler and fly tyer.
fish behavior

LZ #13 | Effects of Environmental Cycles on Fish Behavior with Jason Randal and...

In this episode, Phil is joined by Jason Randall, a renowned author and fly fishing expert, to explore the fascinating effects of environmental cycles...

668 | Celebrating the Life of Colin Mckeown – Ep 84 Re-released

If you’ve ever watched a fly fishing YouTube video, there’s a good chance you’ve come across one produced by today’s guest, Colin McKeown. Colin...
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