fly water travel
Show Notes: Ken Morrish is on the podcast to share the story of how he built created and became one of the leading travel companies at Fly Water Travel plus we dig into some tips on dry fly tying design and the top 6 dry fly patterns Ken created.
Fly Fishing the Ausable
Have you ever experienced the frustration of a dry fly being swirled up by a fish but not taken? Or struggled to keep your dry fly afloat on the water? Today is your lucky day because Evan Bottcher, owner of the Hungry Trout, will guide us in fly fishing the Ausable with Dry Flies. Evan will give us three important tips...
joe rotter reds fly shop
Show Notes: Sponsors: Stonefly Nets: Anglers Coffee: I sat down with Joe Rotter from Reds Fly Shop to dig into some tips on fishing the mayfly hatch with a focus on the blue-winged olive.  Joe has a serious passion for teaching and breaks down his good stuff today.  We find out what technical dry fly fishing is all about on the Yakima River.  Joe is a wealth of knowledge and shares his best tips on dry fly fishing.  We find out what gear you need and what makes a great dry fly fisherman.
Show Notes: Heather Hodson shares her wisdom on West Slope Cutthroat fishing Idaho and Montana and breaks down the United Woman on the Fly Movement. The Northwest Fly Girl breaks down how she has become a leader in the fly fishing world.  We also get into her day job as a nurse, the challenges there and all of the amazing trips coming up this year.
curtis fry
Show Notes: I connected with Curtis Fry from Fly Fish Food.  We talked about the Provo River, their connection to Hareline and Wapsi and some great tips on tying dry flies. We get into some of the background on the great quality of fly tying materials we have today including dry fly hackles.  The Morris Mouse, the Fripple Fly, Ants and hoppers are all covered in todays episode.
deschutes angler amy hazel
Show Notes: Sponsor: Turtlebox Audio: Sponsor: OPST: Amy Hazel is here to break down the Deschutes Angler fly shop and what you need to do now to prepare for your next trout fishing trip.  Amy shares some great tips for the salmon fly hatch and general trout in May, June and July.
fishing long island
Show Notes: I had the pleasure of sitting down with Tom McCoy along with a good friend of mine, Michael Barger who was a co-host on this episodes.  Tom and Michael go back and fourth on fishing Long Island, what makes it special and the history behind a unique part of the country.
so fly gear
Show Notes: James Carlin shares some great tips from his competition fly fishing background with a focus on dry fly fishing.  James is also the founder of So Fly Gear who is our most recent podcast sponsor.  I’ve been wearing So Fly’s Hoodie and been loving it this summer. James has a great story and the youngest guest we’ve had on the podcast.  We hear about the youth Competitive fly fishing team with a focus on dry flies and euro nymphing strategies for trout.
Brooks Robinson shares the Cortland Line Company story and some big tips on choosing a line for fly fishing today on the podcast.  We find out how Cortland has been going strong for over 100 years now in the fly fishing space. We dig into the Delaware River System, how to choose a dry line for the Delaware and how...
fishing the hiwassee river
Show Notes: Wanda Taylor is here to share some great tips on dry fly fishing the Hiwassee River and her life in fly fishing.  Wanda shares her love for drift boats and how she uses a drift boat to get her clients into fish.
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