Mike Lawson from Henrys Fork Anglers is on the podcast to break down the Green Drake hatch and fishing mayflies on the Henrys Fork. Mike sheds some light on different bugs and some entomology chat.
We find out about where and how you can fish rainbow trout and brown trout as Mike shares some tips on fishing dry flies on the upper and lower sections of the Henrys Fork River.
Click below and listen to the Green Drake Podcast with Mike Lawson from Henrys Fork Anglers:
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Henrys Fork Show Notes with Mike Lawson
07:10 – Mike noted Joe Brooks, Dave Whitlock and other great old timers who visited the Henrys Fork in the early days. Joe’s nephew and Dave Whitlock were both on our podcasts in past episodes.
12:00 – We talked about the book Caddisflies and Gary Lofontaine who was one of Mike’s closest friends in the fly fishing world.
16:40 – The river rap series was Gary Lofontaine’s early idea of the fly fishing podcast. Here’s an old video on caddisflies from Gary.
19:16 – Spring Creeks was one of Mike’s big books along with Fly Fishing the Henrys Fork.
23:55 – Mike noted the Pale Morning Dun and we talked about the PMD with Joe Rotter from Red’s Flly Shop in episode 186.
26:40 – I noted the salmon fly hatch which we covered here with Jon Smeraglio from the Deschutes Canyon Fly Shop.
41:58 – the Flav is a great pattern to use for the green drake or similar hatches.

44:00 – Kelly Galloup was on the podcast in episode 167 and noted the ant as a key dry fly to have in your box.
58:30 – Enrico Puglisi uses the EP fibers which Mike noted here for wet flies.
1:02:45 – Mike talks about fishing the dry midge in his book spring creeks. Here’s a quick mending tip from Joe at Red’s Fly Shop.
1:19:30 – Fly Fishing the Henrys Fork by Mike Lawson is the goto book by Mike:
If you want to learn more about another great mayfly hatch – the blue-winged Olive then head over and check out Joe Rotter from Reds Fly Shop who shared his best tips on the podcast.
You can find Mike at HentrsForkanglers.com
9 Tips on Dry Fly Fishing the Henrys Fork
- Use emerges for the green drake hatch
- PMD’s are important
- Use ants and beetles
- Get upstream and feed the dry line down to the fish (with mends)
- React the same as a fish strikes your fly (hard strike, hard set)
- A bright yellow wire can help with weight and color for the wet fly
- Use EP Fibers for the wing on the wet fly
- Use extended body dry with wet fly dropper off bend of hook
- Use your local fly shop resource (Trout Hunter)
Resources Noted in the Show
Charlie Brooks on the Henrys Fork
Selective Trout by Swisher and Richards
Videos and/or podcasts Noted in the Show
Caddisflies with Gary LaFontaine

Bonus Podcast Episodes
Reds Fly Shop with Joe Rotter — Blue Winged Olive Mayfly Hatch, Yakima River (WFS 186)
Green Drake Conclusion with Mike Lawson
Mike Lawson from Henrys Fork Anglers is here to share some big tips on fishing dry flies on the Henrys Fork. We talk about why the green Drake is such a huge hatch and then walk through PMD’s and other big hatches.
Mike also shares some of the background and madness behind the great Gary LaFontaine. Gary was a good friend of Mike’s and was a master of the Caddisfly. We get some insight into the impact of Gary on fly fishing.