James Carlin shares some great tips from his competition fly fishing background with a focus on dry fly fishing. James is also the founder of So Fly Gear who is our most recent podcast sponsor. I’ve been wearing So Fly’s Hoodie and been loving it this summer.
James has a great story and the youngest guest we’ve had on the podcast. We hear about the youth Competitive fly fishing team with a focus on dry flies and euro nymphing strategies for trout.
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Show Notes with James Carlin
04:45 – Guy Robbins was James’ first mentor and a world renown kayaker. Guy was also the guy who brought the youth team out west.
I talked about Dry flies with Gene Shropshire who was one of my personal mentors in episode 165. Gene covered his top 6 dry flies of all time in this classic episode.
07:00 – Big Wood Flies was James’ first website from his 6th grade year. Yes, 6th grade.
09:50 – We talk about Rip Curl and the effects to surfing similar to what James is going for with his So Fly brand and the state of Flow.
11:00 – TASC Performance is the manufacturer of So Fly Apparel and produces some amazing products.
12:40 – Laird Hamilton is a flow hacker and rides some crazy waves. Check out the link.
17:40 – The Youth Fly Fishing Team was held out west in Ketchum Idaho. Michael Bradley was part of the event.
25:20 – I noted Rick Hafele who was on the podcast here and is a leading fly fisher and entomologist.
31:20 – We talk about the trico hatch and the importance for silver creek. They create a spinner cloud that is crazy.
36:20 – I noted Lance Egan and Devin Olsen were both on the podcast episodes previously.
37:16 – We talk about the 6.5 x trout hunter leader.
38:30 – I noted the Maxima heavy duty leader in relation to the x factor. I love Maxima for steelhead fishing and if you click this link and purchase from our local fly shop the podcast receives a commission at no extra charge to you.
47:00 – Devin or Lance and Gilbert’s DVD’s and resources. Here’s a trailer to the great video we noted.
48:10 – The Modern Nymph Course and how to develop a Modern fly box at The Catch and the Hatch.
You can find James at So Fly Gear here.
The Four Main Euro Nymph Types:
- Pheasant tail euro style
- france flies
- thread body nymph
- Waltz worm
3 Key Competitive Dry Flies
- Puff Daddy
- Little Elk Hair
- Quill body on check hook
Top Dry Fly Fishing Tips for Silver Creek
- Use a few basic patterns with many different sizes
- Downstream Presentation
- End your rod high for slack
- Use an S cast to get drag free drift
- A reach cast with micro mend (see video below)
- Fish 2 dry flies to increase odds
- Use a downstream presentation
- Target pods of fish
- Target the Trico spinner fall
- Use S cast or micro mend
James Top 2 Dry Flies
- elk hair
- Cdc comparadun
How to make a Reach Cast
Resources Noted in the Show
Videos and/or podcasts Noted in the Show
Laird Hamilton and the 100 foot wave finding his flow
Conclusion with James Carlin
James Carlin shares the story of how he created a brand with killer fly fishing and life style clothing I’ve been loving. We find out what Find Your Flow means to So Fly and how it can help you enjoy your time on the water even more.