fishing honduras
Cam Gordon is here today to share his journey around fishing Honduras, fly fishing, and Fishhound Expeditions. We find out how he found himself creating this Honduras fishing operation, what his next year looks like around the Fishhound Expeditions in Alaska, and what it's like to be a full-time guide. Fishing Honduras with Cam Gordon. Hit play below! Find the show:  iTunes | Stitcher | Overcast Subscribe on...
Fly Fishing Museum
Alen Baker is here to take us to the Fly Fishing Museum of the Southern Appalachians. We discover who some of the most famous people are in this region and why they have a drift boat in the museum.
Fly Fishing Florida
Bruce Chard is back on the podcast today to take us to fly fishing Florida, one of the greatest saltwater destinations in the world. We find out how to catch giant tarpon, big bonefish, and permit on the flats. We discover how to prepare for tailing fish. We also get some sight fishing tips. This is an all-around huge episode...
places to fly fish
Chris Santella, author of the 50 Places to Visit Before You Die series, is here to break down some of the best places to fish.
fly fishing british columbia
Derek Bird, the founder of Fly Fusion Magazine, takes us all around BC today as we focus on the best places if you're planning a trip out to British Columbia.
fly fishing trips
Brian O'Keefe is back on the podcast with an update on his traveling adventures. We get a little rundown on his top fly fishing trips.
sustainable fishing
Matt Shilling, Executive Director of Indifly, is here to enlighten us about their mission. Find out how they use fly fishing as a tool to transform the lives of Indigenous People and protect their valued homelands.
fly fishing in costa rica
Today, we're going fly fishing in Costa Rica with Tom Enderlin. We discover a few different species in the jungle including a fruit-eating fish called, machaca - cousin of the piranha but vegan.
fishing in the seychelles
Show Notes: Presented By: FishHound Expeditions, LakeLady Custom Rods, Trxstle, Reyr Gear Sponsors: Keith Rose-Innes, Director at Alphonse Fishing Company, takes us fishing in the Seychelles - one of the most sought-after fly fishing and eco-tourism destinations in the world. We discover some tips and tactics for catching giant trevally and permit - gears, flies, and setup.
rocky mt national park
Show Notes: Presented By: Bearvault Sponsors: Kirk Bien takes us into a season in Rocky Mt National Park. We find out how they deal with bears, moose, and other critters. We talk about what the fishing is like up there, what flies are the most effective, and what type of fish you can actually catch and cook. Kirk tells us what we need to bring for the camp, the policies we should be aware of, and how the Bearvault helps in a lot of ways during camping. We also talk about what they have going with their fly shops - Llama-packed trips, guiding classes, and rafting.
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