In this podcast, learn about Yosemite Fly Fishing with David Gregory and Gregory Nespor!
Yosemite Fly Fishing with David and Greg. Hit play below!
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(Read the Full Transcript at the bottom of this Blog Post)
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Show Notes with David and Greg on Yosemite Fly Fishing
(0:00:05) – Yosemite Exploration and Backcountry Fishing
Yosemite National Park offers world-famous rock climbing, renowned climbers, and the five-minute rule to explore the wilderness.
(0:08:21) – Yosemite Fly Fishing and Backcountry Adventures
David discusses Yosemite’s waters, casting, family vacations, and beauty, as well as the differences between Yosemite and Yellowstone.
(0:14:56) – Managing Bears and Food in Yosemite
Bear management in Yosemite National Park involves rangers, funding, food management, and awareness of dangers.
(0:23:17) – Bear Sightings and Tourist Expectations
Bears, fish, and fishing techniques in Yosemite National Park are discussed, exploring bear management, intelligence, and native species.
(0:27:38) – Fishing Trips and Expectations
Yosemite National Park protects the genetic diversity of golden trout, cutthroat, brook trout, browns, and German browns; bear management; and tips for a successful day trip.
(0:36:02) – Sierra Fishing Strategies and Tips
We discuss water temperatures, fish, flies, casting, and bear management in Yosemite National Park.
(0:44:49) – Restoring Hetch Hetchy Valley, Environmental Impact
Exploring Yosemite National Park and its public access, we discuss big browns, restoration, public lands, bear management, fish species, water temperatures, rivers, tributaries, and fly selection.
(1:01:24) – Responsible Catch and Release Fishing Tips
We emphasize conservation, sustainability, Native American fishing, fish tickling, barbless hooks, and teaching young people.
(1:12:00) – Fishing and Environmental Concerns
Euro Nymphing, environmental responsibility, teaching kids to fly fish, and preserving Yosemite National Park discussed.

(1:16:53) – The Power of Making a Difference
We discuss mental health, conservation, Leave No Trace, and optimism to make a positive change.
(1:20:49) – The Importance of Conservation and Stewardship
Events, conservation, sustainability, public access, and fishing ethics are discussed to care for Yosemite National Park.
(1:32:37) – Conservation and Education in Yosemite
Giving, kindness, Patagonia, Yosemite National Park, planning, exploring, and diversity are discussed.
(1:36:14) – Changes to Recreation Booking Process
David shares his experience of making a difference through acts of kindness, highlighting the power of giving and its impact on environmental conservation and mental health.
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You can help by supporting these organizations in any way you can:
Restore Hetch Hetchy
Trout Unlimited
American Rivers
Highlighted Quotes:
- “Yosemite is an inspiring place with inspiring people. It’s a pretty neat place to be able to start a day.” – David Gregory
- “There’s always opportunities to be had that are right under your nose. So just don’t be lazy, be curious.” – Greg Nespor
- “Managing your food properly is probably the most important thing you can do to not have any sort of issue with bears.” – Greg Nespor
- “We cannot play a passive role as anglers anymore. We have to take responsibility and make a difference.” – David Gregory
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Read the Full Podcast Transcript Below
Conclusion with Greg and David – Yosemite Fly Fishing
In this podcast, learn about Yosemite Fly Fishing with David Gregory and Gregory Nespor!
The last part of this podcast was some of the most inspiring that I can recall. Love the idea of donating older gear. I have some old fiberglass rods; would those still useful? They work (older Pflueger medalist reels) 6 wt and 8 wt.