Do you have a business in the outdoor niche?

Maybe a fly fishing product or service?

Want to get more eyeballs on your great stuff?

We are launching a brand new podcast where I’ll be interviewing some of the biggest names in online marketing so you can grow your online influence.

The Outdoors Online Marketing Podcast will be my way of serving you if you have a business, work for a business or want to start a business and grow a business online.

Click here to join the launch and get updated when it’s live:

outdoors online

The #1 Biggest Struggle for Your Business

I ran a survey last month to find out what the number 1 struggle was in growing a business online.

Click here to take the business struggle survey

And what was the biggest struggle?

The biggest thing most noted was getting more traffic to your website.  More eyes on your thing.

Other struggles included knowing where to start, having enough time, increasing conversion rates, content marketing and a few others.


Need Some Business Coaching?

I’ll be setting up calls as time allows for those interested in connecting with some of the ideas and guests that are coming on the show.

Click here to get more information on Coaching for your Business

Want to get more leads to your website?

Our guests can help.

Want to get on the first page of google for you thing?

I’ve got a podcast that will guide you.

Send me a message here to find out more about the coaching plan.


Seasons for the Marketing Podcast

In order to keep a little focus as we go we’ll keep a focus by breaking the show up into seasons.


Season 1 – Podcasting

I’ll be sharing a bunch of great content from some of the biggest podcasters in the world including Daniel J. Lewis from the Audacity to Podcast, Rob Walch from, Mark Asquith from and many more amazing guests that will help you get into podcasting and grow your following.


Season 2 – TBA Based on Your Feedback

I have a few ideas but would like to hear from you on what Season 2 should be.  Send me an email at and let me know what your biggest struggle or click below:

Take the survey to guide the direction of the show


Season 3 – Where to Start if New to Online Business

We will get into a season for the newbie in an early season.  Are you someone who has an idea for a business in fly fishing?  Maybe you just got

We will likely be getting into episodes on growing your email list since it is such a big part of any online business.


Yin and Yang – Outdoors and Online

Where did the idea for this show come to be?

I was getting a few comments from new business owners who were just getting started and wanting to know where to start.

I’ve always had a passion for the online space since 2014 after first coming across Pat Flynn at Smart Passive Income.

Cool thing is now I have Pat Flynn coming on the new podcast!  One of the biggest internet marketers who does it the right way is coming on to share his wisdom.

and for the the Yin and Yang?  As I was thinking about a new name for the brand it came down to the DIY Marketing Podcast or The Outdoors Online Marketing Podcast.

Yin and Yang just popped into my head one day.

The exact opposites but complementary.

Kinda like the Outdoors and Online.

I want to show you how to allow the Online space to complement your outdoor business.

So that’s about it for now.

We are launching the new podcast on April 28th 2020.

Click here to join the list and get update when it’s live!

I would appreciate your support and if you can listen for even a few minutes I’d be eternally grateful to you.

Thank you for your support for the Wet Fly Swing Podcast and the new Outdoors Online Marketing Podcast.