zebra midge
In todays video I show you how to tie a Black Zebra Midge.  This was noted by Gary Borger as one of the great flies and his goto in episode 45 of the Wet Fly Swing Fly Fishing Podcast. Give us a call - (971) 220-1093 Send an email - dave@wetflyswing.com   Click here to watch the Zebra Midge Video:   The Zebra Midge Material List Thread: ...
woolly worm
We are going back to basics today with the Woolly Worm.  One of the best first flies to begin with when starting out. I walk you through tying the woolly bugger in this video tutorial.  If you are new to fly tying then the best thing you can do is start with the basics. Whether a woolly worm or a woolly...
fly fishing giveaway
A short post about the fly fishing giveaway that is ending this week. Click Here to Enter to Win the Giveaway We have 6 products worth over $450 including a Moonshine fly rod, Breakline Glasses, Ty-rite, Grey Drake Fly Wallet and Rock Treads.   Click here to watch the video:   I also noted the how to use the Ty-Rite video in the video above. ...
I show you how to put a handle on a fly rod today in our How to Build a Fly Rod Series.  This video focuses on a 13' spey rod.  Watch the entire series on youtube here.  You can send me an email or leave a comment if you have any questions.   Click Here to watch the Video: (Subscribe on Youtube...
mad river outfitters
Brian Flechsig, founder of Mad River Outfitters, takes us back to square one as we break down the steps to getting started in fly fishing.
In todays fly tying video I show you how to tie a basic scud pattern using a plastic bag for the back of the fly.  Scuds are a pattern that every fly fisherman should have in their box and can range from size 14 up through as tiny as you want to go. Click Here to see the video on...
fish taco
I tie the Fish Taco steelhead fly in todays fly tying video.  The Fish Taco was created by Jeff Hickman and has become a popular pattern because of it's simplicity and sparseness. Watch this somewhat flashy and somewhat sparse taco and then follow along below for all of the links and show notes.   Click Here to watch the Fish Taco video:   Show...
fly fishing film tour
Show Notes: https://wetflyswing.com/F3T Paul Nicoletti and Nick Jones are here to share the Fly Fishing Film Tour story and the killer films they have on tap this year.  We find out how they made it happen this year with an amazing selection of films covering the world.
guide's choice hare's ear
I demonstrate how to tie a Guide's Choice Hare's Ear in todays fly tying video.  The Guide's Choice is widely considered one of the best all around nymph patterns. No secret why, as it blends just about all of the finest trout materials you can think of.  See the materials list below. Click Here to watch the video on the Guide's...
fly trap fly holder
I take a look at the Fly Trap Fly Holder in today's video.  The Fly Trap is a handy way to hold leader, flies and anything else that you can attach like zippers and nippers.  If you love going light then this might be one product you'll love.   Click here to watch the Fly Trap Fly Holder video:   You can find...
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