In this video I show you how to tie a Stewart, my goto summer steelhead fly pattern.  This fly was developed by Marty Sherman, an old friend of the family.  I hope to get Marty on the podcast soon.


Click here to watch the Skunk Video Tutorial:


The Stewart Material List

Thread:  8/0 Uni Thread Black (click here to purchase)

Hook:  Daiichi #2441 size #6 (click here to purchase)

Tail: Golden Pheasant Tippets (click here to purchase) 

Body: Hare’s Ice Dub Black  (click here to purchase) 

Rib:  Medium Gold Tinsel (click here to purchase) 

Hackle:  Black Hackle (click here to purchase)

Underwing:  Purple Flashabou or similar substitue (click here to purchase)

Wing: Black Calf tail and orange calf tail (link to purchase above)

(If you’d rather I send you the entire package of materials please email here:


Conclusion for the Stewart

This is one of the amazing things about this pattern.  It has a great name, LOL and I didn’t come up with it.  A great old friend of the family, Marty Sherman created this pattern and named it after my dad or the shop.  Not sure which but I’ll ask Marty when I talk to him.

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