Show Notes: Sponsor: Stonefly Nets: Ethan Igleheart shares the background on how he created a wood trout net business at stonefly nets. We find out what the process looks like in producing nets and how the burl makes the nets so unique. We talk about some of the specific nets Ethan makes and some of the custom nets they make. You'll have a perspective on what goes into making a wood landing net at the end of this episode.
Show Notes: Support Anglers Coffee: Joe Monaghan is here to share the Anglers Coffee story and why after retiring he is going back in business as one of the best coffee's for fly fisherman. Anglers Coffee is also my favorite coffee and a sponsor for this podcast.
Fly Fishing Founders
WFS 122 – The Outdoor Biz Podcast with Rick Saez – Adventure, Podcasting, Outdoor Retailer Show, IFTD
Dave - Show Notes: I connected with Rick Saez to talk about the Outdoor Biz Podcast and some tips to help you find out more about building a business in the outdoor space. Rick is helping outdoor adventure businesses get into podcast through his online courses. We hear about how Rick started at the bottom and worked his way up through the business via multiple companies along the way. Tons of shoutouts to companies in people in the outdoor industry and fly fishing industry. It was a fun chat to BS about the outdoors with Rick.
Fly Fishing Founders
WFS 113 – Frank Amato – Salmon Trout Steelheader, Amato Books, Fly Fishing and Tying Journal, Deschutes River
Dave - Show Notes: I finally sat down and had a great chat with Frank Amato who is the brains behind Salmon Trout Steelhead magazine, the Fly Fishing and Tying Journal and about 300 books relating to fishing. We hear how Frank was a key player in protecting the Deschutes River. We also hear about the Blue Jetboat Frank has had since 1980 and how he saved my butt after flipping int he river.
Fly Fishing Founders
WFS 104 – Fly-Fishing Insider Podcast with Greg Keenan – Zencastr, Kamloops, Stillwater, Podcasting
Dave - Show Notes: I sat down with Greg Keenan, the host of the Fly-Fishing Insider Podcast to hear how he is putting together the next big fly fishing podcast. We hear about some of the great guests he's had on the show and what you can expect in the coming years.
Fly Fishing Founders
Fly Fishing Founders – Sage Brush Dry with John Peterka – Dry Bags, Kake Alaska, Basketball
Dave - Show Notes: We hear the story of how John Peterka came to own Sage Brush Dry, a great company out of Kake Alaska producing dry bags for hunting and fishing. Find out how part of the deal when buying the company was for John to become a fly fisher. John describes their process of using radio frequency welding which creates a thermal and air tight bond. They can get more curve because they are using hot air welding via a double bond. A lot of terminology but bottom line is they produce a killer water proof bag.
Show Notes: Show Sponsor: Turtlebox Audio: Jonathan Mckenzie, the co-founder of Turtlebox Audio is here to share the story of how they created a great Outdoor Bluetooth Speaker that sounds great and is ready for the outdoors.
Fly Fishing Founders
WFS 226 – The Fly Fishing Collaborative and Sex Trafficking with Bucky Buchstaber
Dave - Show Notes: Bucky Buchstaber is on the podcast to break down how the Fly Fishing Collaborative is focused on battling sex trafficking through the building of hydroponic farms around the world.
Fly Fishing Founders
WFS 251 – Fly Fishing for Redfish with John Mauser – Mauser Fly Rods, North Carolina
Dave - Show Notes: Sponsor: Togen's Fly Shop: John Mauser from Mauser Fly Fishing is on the podcast to break down fly fishing for redfish and his story of building a fly rod company out of Swansboro North Carolina. John has a really passionate story to share and one that really resonated with many in the fly fishing community.
Show Notes: Sponsor: Anglers Coffee: Sponsor: Stonefly Nets: I sat down with Louis Cahill from Gink and Gasoline who has been leading the way in the online fly fishing space for a long time now. Louis shares the story of how they decided to start blogging every day and have not stopped since 2011.