David Brotzman is here to share his story of how he put together a remote trip into the Adirondacks of New York.
Show Notes with David Brotzman on Adirondacks Fly Fishing. Hit play below! 👇🏻
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(Read the Full Transcript at the bottom of this Blog Post)
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Show Notes with David Brotzman on Adirondacks Fly Fishing
03:10 – Take a look at David’s video on the trip they put together with Trout Routes in the backcountry.
05:34 – David notes his first rod as a redington 8 weight. Redington has been a great partner and they have great gear.
08:34 – David talks about his first salmon and some tips on fly fishing for newbies. He says don’t get obsessed with the gear. Just grab a rod combo and get after it

11:39 – We were in Buffalo with Rick Kustich fishing for steelhead.
12:03 – David talks about the 1965 boat and how they restored it so it looks amazing now. He uses it to cruise around the waters.
15:23 – David compares the west to the eastern United States and the fact that the east has some great remote areas.
16:45 – David notes the Back Country Skinz guys and the great wester trip they took. You can find the podcast we did with the BackCountry Skinz here.

17:57 – We talk about Bull Trout at this point and the huge fish they landed.
20:10 – We discuss the movie they produced and the process of using cinema cameras for the adventure. He describes why the big cameras are different than just an iphone video. The characteristics of the cinema camera vs the iphone is noticeable.
24:22 – The Wild Wild East is the name of the movie. It will be out soon. Here is some of David’s other work.
26:30 – I note the Jeff Liskay trips to the South shore of Lake Erie and the great steelhead fishing they have there.

26:55 – I mention Rachel Finn and the episode she was on in episode 72. She said it’s all about the hang and the bucket list trip might be in your backyard.
27:47 – The Hungry Trout and they were on the podcast
@verygoodflyfishing PART 9 in the Van Build series – plumbing, structure and more. Tag along as we start to finish up this build!!! LIKE AND FOLLOW FOR MORE. #vanlife #vanbuilds #vanbuild #fishinglife #flyfishingnation #flyfishinglife #blundstoneusa #blundstone #blundstoneboots #fishing #construction #plumbing #electrical #acunit #dometicac @dometic @renogyofficial @blundstoneusa @ford @loweshomeimprovement @project.vanlife

You can find David on Instagram @verygoodflyfishing
Facebook at Very Good Fly Fishing
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WFS 532 – Backcountry Skinz with Kelly Reaume – Wading Gear, Bull Trout, Fly Fishing Canada
Read the Full Podcast Transcript Below
Conclusion with David Brotzman on Adirondacks Fly Fishing