I connected with Jerry Lorang, the Deputy Region Coordinator for the NW Region for Project Healing Waters.   Jerry shares some stores about the lives of some of the members including my cousin Mark.

We talk about family, fly fishing and how Project Healing Waters has become one of the big resources for veterans struggling with PTSD and various other issues.  I hope you are ready for some inspiration.


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      Show Notes with Jerry Lorang

      05:30 – I interviewed Rob Snowhite from the Fly Fishing Consultant Podcast in episode 12 who is also from the DC area.

      07:20 – Shakespeare was the first rod that Jerry purchased when he was 40.  He talks about what it felt like getting started a little later.

      11:55 – John Colburn and Ed Nicholson were the original two people who planted the seed for Project Healing Waters after WWII.   Here is an article that John wrote for FlyAnglersOnline.com.

      31:00 – Todd Desgrosseilliers is the CEO of PHW.

      42:40 – The Trout Unlimitted Veterans Service Partnership was noted as an alternative for those who don’t qualify for Project Healing Waters.

      44:10 – The Madison – Gallatin River Helpers were big for the first large event that Jerry put together.

      45:40 – The Enis RV Village let the PHW group stay for free for a week.

      56:40 – Fly fishers International sponsors some of the PHW’s local groups.

      57:20 – Rivers of Recovery, Warriors and Quiet Waters, Heroes on the Water, Eagle Rock Camp and many other groups are out there to support veterans.

      1:00:40 – Project Healing Waters Australia demonstrates the reach of PHW’s around the world.

      1:03:35 – The Soft Hackle is Jerry’s goto pattern.  Here’s Davie showing how to tie one of the classics.


      1:14:20 – The Pacific NW Fly Tyers Rendezvous is brought to you by TU via Tualatin Chapter.

      1:17:50 – I interviewed Tim Cammisa in episode 25 of the podcast.  Tim noted how much of a response he saw when he announced PHW on his channel.


      You can connect with Jerry at Project Healing Waters.org or send Jerry a direct email on gmail here Jerrylorang@gmail.com


      project healing waters


      Conclusion with Jerry Lorang

      It was really interesting to get a behind the scenes view of one of the most important resources for veterans and fly fisherman around the country.

      “We are about fly fishing, but we are really not about fly fishing at all.”

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