Tim Cammisa breaks down his history tying flies online and building a fly fishing brand while working full time.  He shares some sweet fly tying tips and gives us a glimpse at a special fly fishing conference that he attends each year.

Tim talks about Lake Erie Steelhead, his home trout waters and the fly tying video that got 150,000 views for him.  He shares what it has taken him to become a leader in the online fly fishing space.


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Show Notes with Tim Cammisa

07:08 – Tim’s “From Vise to Water” video series where he is stepping outside of just fly tying videos

08:50 – Project Healing Waters and Tim’s video that is helping to get the word out on a great cause

12:00 – Lake Erie is Tim’s home Great Lake and home waters

12:50 – Ian’s Brass Ass fly pattern from the Orvis blog and other killer patterns notes

13:15 – The Mop Fly Pattern as demonstrated by Tim in this youtube video

15:00 – A guest tyer on Tim’s channel demonstrates Intruder fly pattern

20:15 – He had 150,000 views on this fly tying video on techniques for finishing a fly

22:55 – John Dun was as steelhead mentor

25:05 – Chuck Furimsky is the lead for the International Fly Tying Symposium

30:16 – Bob Clouser ties his minnow here.  Tim noted that Bob described to him how to name his next fly

31:00 – Kelly Gaulop’s fly tying channel


42:00 – Tom Larimer has a great quote on episode 11 here

59:00 – This is the link to Tim’s recommended fly fishing companies that he shares on his website


You can find Tim at TroutandFeather.com if you have any questions or want to just say thanks and connect with him.


tim cammisa fly tying


Conclusion with Tim Cammisa

I wanted to give Tim a huge Thank you for coming on the show and taking some time out of his day.  This was a special episode as we are stepping a little outside of the steelhead focused podcast.

Did you like this show?  Would you like to see me dig more into some of the other people and brands who are doing some good stuff online in the fly fishing space?

Leave a comment below or send me a message directly here and let me know if you would like me to explore other out of the steelhead box guests.


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