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WFS 486 – Renzetti Fly Tying Vise with Lily Renzetti – The Traveler, True...
Lily Renzetti is here to tell you the entire Renzetti fly tying vise story and how they've been setting the standard for the past...
Littoral Zone #5: Making Sense of Stillwater Fly Lines with Phil Rowley
Today we're kicking off with Part 1 of an exciting two-part series focusing on stillwater fly lines. We'll understand why you need multiple lines to...
WFS 468 – Driftless Fly Fishing with Geri Meyer – Driftless Angler, Caddis Flies,...
Geri Meyer is here to talk about all things driftless fly fishing. We will discover what the crane fly hatch is all about, we...
The Traveled Podcast Presented by Yellowstone Teton Territory
Welcome to Yellowstone Teton's Traveled Podcast!
Please subscribe to the Podcast on Apple Podcast, Spotify, Google, or wherever you listen to your podcasts. Traveled #25 | The Golden Triangle...
WFS 439 – Fish Untamed Podcast with Katie Burgert – backcountry tips, Home Water,...
Katie Burgert from the Fish Untamed Podcast is here to break out a serious chat about podcasting and the outdoors.
WFS 437 – Fly Fishing New York with Jay Peck – Brown Trout, Steelhead,...
Jay Peck is here to walk us through fly fishing New York, and some of the rivers he guides and fishes. We discover his...
WFS 430 – Trout Spey Fishing with Tim Flagler – Fly Tying, Skagit, Show...
Tim Flagler is back on the Swing to break out some of his magic, focusing on trout spey fishing. With his years of experience and knowledge, Tim discusses the best lines and rods for this style of fishing and how to present the fly to the fish.
WFS 427 – Caddis Hatches with Craig Mathews – 1% for the Planet, Yvon...
Looking to up your game on caddis hatches? We have Craig Mathews to share his expertise on caddis flies and their history today on the Swing!
Littoral Zone #3: How to Approach New Lakes with Phil Rowley – Stillwater Fly...
Today we got Phil Rowley to get you prepared for approaching new lakes on your next trip. He shares his expertise and provides invaluable...
WFS 424 – Euro Nymphing with the French Fly Fisherman – Farmington, Hendricksons, Sulfur...
Show Notes: https://wetflyswing.com/424 Sponsors: https://wetflyswing.com/sponsors The French Fly Fisherman Antoine is here to take us to Euro nymphing. We find out how to present your fly more effectively and how to identify big fish, and we touch on many of the Farmington river hatches today.