Jay Peck is here to walk us through fly fishing New York, and some of the rivers he guides and fishes. We discover his egg setup and how he fishes it, some tips for handling your line and fishing on the water, and an overall primer to fish one of the great states in the union.

Get ready to put the feed bags on and find out what it means.

Fly Fishing New York with Jay Peck. Hit play below!

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fly fishing new york

Fly Fishing New York Show Notes with Jay Peck

3:45 – Jay tells how he got into fly fishing and guiding. He grew up on a dairy farm in New York.

5:12 – We dig into what rivers to fish in New York in December. He says that the Genesee River in Rochester can be an amazing steelhead river during a dry winter.

7:41 – He talks about fishing in New York specifically near where he lives.

8:37 – He mentions the waters in the state that are great for fishing, including the Beaverkill.

fly fishing new york
Photo via: https://thebeaverkill.com/about

9:53 – He talks about the climate issues he encounters when he fishes in New York.

10:47 – He spends a lot of time fishing in the Salmon River.

12:26 – He loves fishing tributaries and fishing for steelhead, salmon, and brown trout.

13:23 – We dig into lake run browns.


14:42 – He describes the gear he uses for steelhead fishing. He recommends a 10ft 7wt for a one-handed rod. He also uses a 10 1/2ft 6wt with a little switch grip on it and a 10ft switch rod.

fly fishing new york
Photo via: https://www.orvis.co.uk/products/clearwater-7-weight-10-fly-rod-2s7p

16:20 – He walks us through how they present a fly to browns and what fly patterns he uses.

18:18 – He talks about his egg pattern setup when fishing for browns. He uses a lot of nickel roll bugs. He uses a lot of nuclear roe bugs and Oregon cheese is his favorite color for that pattern.

19:37 – We dig into the indicator and the advantages of doing an indicator swing.

22:36 – He mentions the leaders and tips he usually carries with him.

23:41 – He further explains how he does the indicator swinging.

24:51 – I ask him about the best time to swing out there and hit steelheads or browns.

26:41 – He explains where the term feed bag came from.

Photo via: https://www.valleyvet.com/ct_detail.html?pgguid=00189ea0-b0a0-4b0b-bd1b-899d0797ecca

27:14 – He talks about how they swing for salmon. For Chinook salmon, he uses a lot of woolly buggers.

29:27 – He gives more tips and dos and don’ts on salmon fishing.

34:09 – I ask him how they find a great salmon when there’s a bunch of spawners.

36:39 – He talks about the flies he likes to use for swinging. They use a lot of egg-sucking leeches for steelheads.

fly fishing new york
Photo via: https://www.orvis.com/meg-a-egg-sucking-leech/059T.html

38:55 – The watershed for the Salmon River is the Tug Hill Plateau. They estimate that the river there produces 20 million young-of-the-year (YOY) wild salmon.

41:43 – Mid to late September is the best time to hit some wild fish.

42:23 – Early to mid-October is the best time to catch some browns.

46:29 – He takes us throughout the year of his guiding. This includes the fish cycles and the species he catches for certain months.

48:43 – We dig into northern pikes.

fly fishing new york
Photo via: https://www.fws.gov/story/northern-pike

52:43 – New York has fairly diverse species.

53:48 – He gives us a heads-up on what content they have released and will be releasing on their YouTube channel. 

55:25 – He gives a quick summary of their video showing how to fix your waders.

56:37 – We do the two-minute drill.

57:14 – After a long day fishing, he likes listening to Metallica.

Photo via: https://www.instagram.com/metallica/

57:29 – He tells us his one rod for New York to pick. If it’s in the tributaries, he’ll go for an 11 ft 7wt switch. He has been using rods from Douglas Outdoors.

59:09 – He prefers the white zonker size six for browns.

59:38 – He gives some tips on spey casting.

1:00:25 – He talks about that one trip that he wants to tick off his bucket list.

1:01:18 – He mentions the people who had the biggest influence on him and his business.

You can find Jay Peck on Instagram @LostRiversFishing and @Jay.Peck.5.

Facebook at Jay Peck Guides and @Jay.Peck.5

YouTube @JayPeckGuidesLostRiversFishing

Visit their website at JayPeckGuidesFlyFishing.com.

fly fishing new york

Videos Noted in the Show


Read the Full Podcast Transcript Below



fly fishing new york

Fly Fishing New York Conclusion with Jay Peck

Thanks for tuning into our latest podcast episode with Jay Peck! We hope you enjoyed learning about fly fishing in New York and the thrill of catching browns, steelheads, and salmon.

Whether you’re an experienced angler or a beginner, Jay’s tips and insights are sure to inspire you to get out on the water and try your luck. Keep an eye out for our next episode and happy fishing!