In today’s episode, we’re diving into the world of two-handed casting with spey legend, Al Buhr. Level up your spey casting game as Al shares his top three casting tips that will revolutionize your approach.
Discover Al’s unique fly pattern techniques for enticing steelhead and gain insights into the rich history of spey casting, from Jim Green’s legacy to present-day innovations.
Tune in to uncover the secrets that will make your casts easier and more effective than ever before!
Show Notes with Al Buhr on Two-Handed Casting. Hit play below! 👇🏻
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(Read the Full Transcript at the bottom of this Blog Post)
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Episode Chapters with Al Buhr on Two-Handed Casting
01:22 – Al Burr takes us back to his early days in fly fishing at the age of 15. Despite being mostly self-taught, Al’s keen observation and persistent curiosity paved the way for his mastery of fly casting.
03:31 – Al’s journey into two-handed casting began when he received a 16-foot boron rod from Jim Green. Eventually, Al learned the figure of eight method from Canadian experts on the Skagit River.
Two-Handed Fly Casting: Spey Casting Techniques
12:22 – Al’s journey to writing his book began with his involvement in the Federation of Fly Fishers. As the program expanded to include two-handed casting certification, Al took on the role of chair and recognized the need for a clear instructional guide.
Over time, this booklet evolved into a larger technical manual, covering basic and advanced casting techniques

Understanding Constant Tension in Spey Casting
18:00 – Constant tension eliminates the need for pauses in the back cast, ensuring a smooth, continuous motion crucial for efficient casts.
Regardless of line length or shape, constant tension allows anglers to regulate the depth of the D loop, enabling them to cast effectively without needing ample space behind them.
29:00 – The stop-and-go approach or forced turnover involves pausing or stopping during the casting motion, causing the rod to unload and reload with power. This pause can lead to slack or waves in the line, affecting the efficiency and accuracy of the cast.
32:53 – Besides constant tension and the power-up technique, another key aspect is using a modified D loop for casting efficiency.
48:04 – Al recounts a conversation with Tim Rajeff during a casting event in San Francisco.
“The man who straightens his rod the fastest will win.” – Tim Rajeff
55:48 – Al explains the figure of eight casting technique as visualizing an eight laid horizontally. You perform a crescent lift and a round lift for one side of the eight, drop down to form an X, and then curve back up for the other side.
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Read the Full Podcast Transcript Below
Conclusion with Al Buhr on Two-Handed Casting
Al Buhr shared invaluable insights into the art of two-handed casting, from his early fly fishing days to mastering spey casting techniques.
We delved into constant tension methods, the power-up technique, and the efficiency of a modified D loop, all aimed at enhancing your casting proficiency. How will you incorporate Al’s tips into your next fishing adventure?