Fly fishing spring creeks can be incredibly rewarding, yet challenging. Join PJ Smith, a Driftless guide and Spring Creek expert, as he shares his secrets for finding fish year-round, including winter and nighttime strategies. Discover how to sneak up on spooky trout, the best casting techniques, and the essential flies to tie for success in the Driftless area. Whether you're a seasoned angler or just starting, PJ's insights will enhance your fishing experience. Don't miss out on learning when fishing is not fishing and when not fishing is fishing—an intriguing perspective that could change your approach!
Fly Fishing Sheridan Lake
Today on Traveled, Steve Hyde of the Hyde Drift Boats family and Eagle Ridge Ranch manager shares his best tips for fly fishing Sheridan Lake and exploring nearby Spring Creek. Find out how to make the most of summer and winter activities in these areas. Plus, hear about how Steve and his dad founded Hyde Drift...
Marty Howard, author of Steelhead Fly Tying with Dec Hogan, and a guy who’s fished more steelhead rivers than most of us could dream of shares his swung fly journey. We're gonna dig into his new fly-tying book for trout that's coming out right around the corner, and we're gonna hear why he doesn't care if gear fishermen or sleds are going up and down the river before he swings his fly on that run. We're also gonna get some tips on staying warm this winter. Plus we hear about how he ended up fishing multiple times with Tigerwoods and other famous pro golfers. More stories today with another passionate steelhead angler and fly tyer.
Grand Teton Fly Fishing
Scott Smith, owner of Grand Teton Fly Fishing, takes us on a journey through the Yellowstone area. We’ll uncover tips for fishing the area's rivers, learn about pre-hatches, and hear Scott’s biggest tip for landing those tricky fish sipping bugs off the surface. Scott will also share stories about his mentor, Jack Dennis. This is going to be a good...
fly fishing in Chile
Mark Melnyk, executive producer at The New Fly Fisher, takes us fly fishing in Chile which is renowned for its large trout and breathtaking landscapes. Mark shares invaluable insights and tips on how to plan an unforgettable fishing trip to this beautiful South American destination. We also pay tribute to Colin McKeown, the beloved former host of The New...
fly fishing the Missouri river
In this episode, we're joined by Craig DeMark of On DeMark Lodge to guide us through the intricacies of fly fishing the Missouri River. You'll discover expert tips on navigating downstream fishing, strategies for handling pressured waters, and the crucial elements of achieving the perfect drift. Whether you're a seasoned angler or new to the sport, Craig's insights will equip...
fly fish food jimmy's
Today, we explore Fly Fish Food Jimmy's, a top fly shop in the West, now under new management. Join us as we speak with Madison Losee, the new shop manager. She'll share tips for your next fly fishing trip, including ways to avoid crowds on the famous Henry's Fork and her preferred techniques over the dry dropper method in...
fly fishing the catskills
In this episode, Joe Rist and I will journey to fly fishing the Catskills, often hailed as the birthplace of American fly fishing. Join us as we uncover the rich history of this iconic region, explore the streams of the Beaver Kill and the Delaware branches, and discover why this area holds such a special place in the hearts...
Trolling Flies
Denis Peirce, radio show host and trolling flies guru, is here to take us into the history of the great Jay Fair, how all this came to be, and his connection to Jay. Today, you’ll learn how to troll flies with your current gear, the secret to manipulating your fly, and even hear the story behind the wiggle fin that...
fulling mill
In this episode, we'll chat with Nick Yardley, the president of Fulling Mill. We dive deep into the fascinating story of how Fulling Mill became a leader in the UK and US markets, sharing insights on their top fly patterns and the meticulous process that ensures only the best end up in your fly box. We also explore stillwater fishing,...
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