Steelhead Success Stories
In The Bucket #12 | Simon Gawesworth and Adrienne Comeau on Fly Fishing the Dean River
Dave - Welcome to In the Bucket Podcast! If you’ve ever dreamed of chasing steelhead in legendary waters like the Dean River, this episode is for you. We’re joined by two heavy-hitters in the Skeena region of Northern BC: Simon Gawesworth, a casting legend and educator, and Adrienne Comeau, a top-tier guide with stories and tips from the water’s edge. From the thrill of spey casting to reading tides and targeting fresh fish straight out of the salt, we’re diving deep into techniques, gear, and the magic of steelhead fishing. Once again, it's time to get in the bucket...
Our first ever guest post for the Steelhead Success Story Series comes, appropriately from, my dad. He has a great story about fly fishing for trout and a lesson learned about fly choice and technique. Doug Stewart also has a blog at If you want to listen to the interview I did with him just click here and enjoy. He...
The explosion of the rod and reel in my left hand brought my heart into my throat. It was just the beginning of the greatest fishing experience of my life. The canyon walls towered above on a typically cool November day on the Deschutes River. It was nearing the Magic-Hour, and I was set to meet a friend down-river for...
I had no business being out there. The sun, despite its spring like warmth, had yet to begin melting away winter snow, but enticed me out of my winter slumber in search of open water steelhead fishing. More specifically in search of steelhead; steelhead that had been cooped up in small river holes for as long as I had...