Chris Freeman, the creator of Emerger Fly Fishing waxed products, is here today to tell the story of how he got started crafting these awesome water repellant fly fishing bags and wallets. From growing up in a musical family to majoring in music in school, to being a full-time fly fishing gear craftsman, Chris tells us how he found his way into fly fishing and crafting. Find out how Chris and his wife manage to produce quality products all by themselves.

Amid a world where people are losing their jobs and business owners are going bankrupt because of the pandemic, Chris sees this as an opportunity to take the fly fishing gear to a whole new level, and he tells us why.


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(Read the Full Transcript at the bottom of this Blog Post)


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      fly fishing bags

      Fly Fishing Bags Show Notes with Chris Freeman

      06:42 – The movie, A River Runs Through It (1992), inspired Chris to try fly fishing

      09:30 – We had John Dietsch on the podcast at WFS 135 – he was Brad Pitt’s fly fishing coach for the movie, A River Runs Through It

      13:12 – Chris used to carry an Eddie Bauer satchel bag for fly fishing and traveling

      16:09 – Chris sold his first bag on Etsy

      18:49 – Chris answers that FAQ about his bags being waxed – he says that his bags are saturated by wax all the way through into the fibers of the material – water repellant, not waterproof

      23:49 – We did an episode about classic gear with Ward Tonsfeldt at WFS 276


      24:24 – Emerger Fly Fishing has a wallet made to organize leaders

      fly fishing bags

      24:39 – The Streamer wallet is made to hold your flies

      fly fishing bags

      24:55 – The Hybrid wallet can do both – organize leaders and hold flies

      fly fishing bags

      28:44 – His bags’ form was inspired by Eddie Bauer bags, and the brown color was to give it an army look

      fly fishing bags

      31:04 – Ross White was on the podcast at WFS 291 where we talked about his bags – Deli Fresh Design

      33:18 – Chris’s family is musically inclined – he tells us how he got started playing instruments, then later became a music major in college

      38:04 – Kerry Burkheimer was on the podcast at WFS 282 – he was also a musician

      39:43 – Chris tells us what’s coming up for Emerger Fly Fishing

      47:29 – Using the chat feature on their website, you can reach Chris and the EFF team


      You can find Chris on Instagram @emergerflyfishing

      And their website at EmergerFlyFishing.Com

      fly fishing bags


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      Read the Full Podcast Transcript Below

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      fly fishing bags

      Fly Fishing Bags Conclusion with Chris Freeman

      Chris Freeman told us the story of how he got started crafting water repellant fly fishing bags and wallets. Chris tells us how he found his way into fly fishing and crafting from being a music major in college. We found out how Chris and his wife manage to produce their products all by themselves.

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