The purpose of this episode is to raise your awareness of the Boundary Waters status and encourage you to help preserve the great wilderness area in the country.

Riverhorse Nakadate shares some insight into what he’s been up to lately with Patagonia helping save the Boundary Waters movement.

Click here to help protect the Boundary Waters:

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(Read the Full Transcript at the bottom of this Blog Post)


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      The Boundary Waters

      Boundary Waters Show Notes with Riverhorse Nakadate

      03:10 – Riverhorse is working on a new Patagonia film with Tony Czech

      07:17 – The Darkest Web – Protecting the Gulf of Mexico from illegal fishing

      The Boundary Waters
      Go to:

      09:30 – Riverhorse talks Paddling in the back country – read more in detail here

      The Boundary Waters

      24:01 – The Punch Project – is a project that celebrates food, culture, music, and art

      25:45 – Riverhorse was on the Fretboard Journal Podcast

      26:05 – Riverhorse’s reading in The Bent – MeatEater’s Podcast (at 47:50)

      37:45 – Trout Unlimited is doing some great stuff throughout the country


      40:14 – Patagonia Action Works is where you can learn how to help your local community

      40:53 – Riverhorse’s fishing love story – Love and Water 

      The Boundary Waters

      41:21 – Tom Skerritt the actor from ‘River Runs Through It’ movie has a foundation for wounded soldiers called The Red Badge Project

      45:56 – Riverhorse is writing a book and plans to publish it a year from now

      49:13 – We’ll bring Riverhose back in for a bonus episode with one of his poetry readings in the coming WFS episodes

      The Boundary Waters


      You can find Riverhorse on Instagram @riverhorse_nakadate

      The Boundary Waters


      Resources Noted in the Show

      The Problem with Jon Stewart

      the problem with jon stewart


      Riverhorse’s reading in The Bent – MeatEater’s Podcast (at 47:50)

      The Boundary Waters

      Back Country Hunters and Anglers

      Tumblehome: a Boundary Waters Podcast


      Videos Noted in the Show

      It’s All Home Water | A Northern Light


      Crosby Stills – Carry On

      Supaman – Native American Hip-hop artist

      Related Podcast Episodes

      Jeff Liskay on Switch Rods for Great Lakes Steelhead

      Ecuador Conservation with Greg Collett

      Top Nymph Fly Patterns with Uncle Cheech


      Read the Full Podcast Transcripts Below

      Apple podcastsPodscribe

      The Boundary Waters

      Boundary Waters Conclusion with Riverhorse Nakadate

      The country’s greatest wilderness area – is threatened by human interference. Riverhorse explained on the podcast how we can help save it.

      Click here to help protect the Boundary Waters:

      How can you start making a difference within your local community? Let me know in the comments or send me a DM on Instagram.

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        1. Hi Dave I just finished listening to your Boundary Waters podcast (I’ve been a listener from the beginning) and thought I offer some contrary comments to this less than reasoned or balanced presentation. I have no dog in the fight over any mine other than the fact that I use and buy products that are the products of mining and other extractive activities and benefit from living in a strong economy that uses natural resources and I’d bet you, your guest and listeners do too! And I have done a couple canoe trips in the BWCA as well! No where did I hear your guest ever mention that this mine isn’t even in the Boundary Waters Canoe area but instead I notice they play a constant game of move the cheese and dubious fear mongering where no mine will ever be far enough away or allowed in any areas where the resources actually exist. Can you name significant mine in the last thirty years that wasn’t opposed by these folks like Riverhorse? I’m older than you and can’t say I’ve seen it. Instead we’re left to assume that the position of Riverhorse is that the only acceptable mining is in some far off third world location inhabited by poor brown people, run by some dictator who assuredly cares or is held to account far less about the environmental impact of his mines than what any mine receives in the US. This knee jerk opposition to EVERY mine needs to be replaced with a nuanced understanding that although mines aren’t the most beautiful feature they are a necessary part of our economy and lifestyle and must be carried out in the most responsible manner. There is no choice either we allow mines and hold them accountable or export this activity to people who care far less.

          • Thanks for your thoughtful comment Matt. The struggle for me sometimes, like many of us these days, is a lack of time to do everything at the level you need. I was able to touch on the surface of this topic while catching up with an old friend where it may have been better to go deep on an episode with both sides at the table. I appreciate your passion around this issue and taking the time to reach out to provide a comment here. Hopefully I can provide some more value for you next week with the Phil Rowley lake fishing episode!

        2. Dave, love the podcast. Seriously, I know that Patagonia does great things for the future of fishing, environment, etc.. I own Patagonia gear and love the stuff that I own. Please don’t let your guests, or anyone else, act like Patagonia is a non-profit, without checking them on it. Take a quick look at a pair of waders selling for $900 or my boat bag that I paid $300 for or my sling pack that I paid $199, or a sweatshirt that I bought for $200, and remind me again how the founder of Patagonia having a net worth of $1.8 billion equates to the corporation “giving it all away” for the good of the planet. Please ask tougher questions or remind your guests of the inconvenient truths that they might skip over from time to time.

          • I appreciate you taking the time to listen and provide feedback for this episode. I know it’s impossible to cover every aspect of a topic but do realize this is one that requires more coverage on both sides. I’m hopeful to get others on to help cover this topic further in the future. For now I’ll chalk this one up as a learning experience for me and a way to hopefully make a few others aware that there is a conversation going and that they can have an impact within the Boundary Waters and in all of our local basins.