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The Great Lakes Dude Podcast with Jeff Liskay

Fly Fishing Michigan’s Upper Peninsula with Capt. Brad Petzke Listen to Great Lakes Dude #10 Here   Finding the Perfect Fly Rod and Line Combo (Part 2)...
great lakes steelhead

Great Lakes Dude #2 with Jeff Liskay – A Roadmap to Great Lakes Steelhead...

Our main man, Jeff Liskay, is going to take a deep dive into how to build a roadmap to success when chasing Great Lakes steelhead and salmon.
Jeff Liskay

Great Lakes Dude #1 with Jeff Liskay – Steelhead, Walleye, Lake Erie, Fly Fishing

Jeff Liskay is going to take us around the Great Lakes today. You'll get the history of all the lakes, where to fish, and a heads up on this new podcast all in 20 minutes' time for the Great Lakes.
spey casting

WFS 362 – Spey Casting Techniques with Jeff Liskay – Great Lakes Steelhead School

Jeff Liskay is back on the show to break down steelhead and spey fishing and spey casting with a focus on Steelhead Alley area of the Great Lakes.
jeff liskay

WFS 255 – Jeff Liskay on Switch Rods for Great Lakes Steelhead

Show Notes: Sponsor: Koffler Boats: Jeff Liskay breaks down switch rods for great lakes steelhead today on the podcast.  We find out what speed you should be swinging your fly and the story of how the spey revolution hit the great lakes.
russ maddin

WFS 253 – Streamer Fishing for Steelhead with Russ Maddin – Great Lakes Salmon...

Show Notes: Sponsor: Russ Maddin is on the podcast to share is best tips on streamer fishing for steelhead, brown trout and other huge salmonid species like the king salmon.   We find out why Russ gets so fired up with chinook salmon fishing.
great lakes fishing

Great Lakes Fishing with Jerry Darkes – Steelhead, Swinging Flies, Fly Fishing (WFS 170)

Show Notes: Jerry Darkes, one of the biggest names the Great Lakes for steelhead and numerous other species, is here to break down Great Lakes Fly Fishing.  Jerry discusses the switch rod with a focus on swinging flies for great lakes steelhead.
scott baker mcgarva

WFS 012 – Salmon River Fishing with Rob Snowhite | Great Lakes Fly Fishing...

Show Notes: In episode 012 of the Fly Fishing podcast I had the pleasure of interviewing Rob Snowhite from the Fly Fishing Consultant Podcast. Rob covers fly fishing the Salmon River (New York), talks about being one of the only guides in DC, his interview with Hank Patterson and how to avoid the crowds, and combat fishing on one of the great steelhead rivers in the Great Lakes system.
pete humphries spey

WFS 007 – Spey Casting & Great Lakes Steelhead Fly Fishing with Pete Humphries

Show Notes: Great Lakes Expert Pete Humphries does an amazing job breaking down the steps to spey casting and provides a bunch of tips.  In episode 007 of the Fly Fishing Podcast I had the pleasure of chatting with Pete who covers spey casting, steelhead fly fishing and Great Lakes tributaries.   He covers Great Lakes steelhead fly fishing with a focus on Western Michigan and talks about many of the people who helps him become an expert.  If you are new to spey casting or struggling with your cast this is the perfect episode for you.
switch rod

The Switch Rod and Swinging Flies for Great Lakes Steelhead

  So, there’s no question you know what a single handed fly fishing rod is. You’ve probably also either heard about or used a spey...
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