The one and only Rick Kustich is ready to blow our minds today with all things modern spey fishing and some exciting updates, including his latest book. We're diving deep into the spey game, uncovering the early players, and getting all the juicy details on how Rick works his magic with flies on the Lake Erie tributaries. Rick and his...
fishing Pennsylvania
Ralph Scherder is here to take us fishing Pennsylvania and break down traveling and fishing in the north part of PA. We'll learn more about Route 6 and why you might be interested in taking a tour up there. We learn about Dark Skies Fly Fishing as well as a breakdown of some of the most well-known trout streams...
lords of the fly
Monte Burke, author of Lords of the Fly, shares his journey of becoming a renowned writer and author. Discover stories about the dedicated tarpon fishing enthusiasts of the Homosassa club and the current challenges faced by Florida's waters. Explore the stories of fly fishing legends like Tom Evans and Andy Mill, who pushed the sport's boundaries.
chagrin river outfitters
Dan Pribanic is here today to take us to Chagrin River Outfitters, the Steelhead Alley area, and some fishing tips and tricks. We discover which strains of steelhead they are hitting up there in that part of Lake Eerie. We also get his take on single-hand versus two-handed rods and spey. We also dig into which other species he's...
fly tying techniques
Sara Jo Royalty is here to give some fly tying techniques and take us into her story around sailing and music. We find out whether being a professional golf caddy or a professional fly fishing guide is harder, what's new with her new FFI fly fishing event she got coming up this year, and then she knocks it out...