Brandon Molzahn is here to knock this one out of the stillwater park. We go deep into stillwater tactics, get his top fly tying patterns for stillwater, and find out which tools for tying he loves. We explore British Columbia fly fishing a little more – find out how Brandon prepares for a new lake, what he looks for to get dialed in a certain spot, and his go-to flies to match the hatch. Brandon also talks about his experience with Togens Fly Shop the first time he made a purchase and how he got into the Togens Pro Team.

We get a little insight into his dream home purchase he recently made that got me fired up. Plus, we hear Brandon play the Banjo and get a bit of a country music feel. You’re going to love this one!


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(Read the Full Transcript at the bottom of this Blog Post)


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      fly tying patterns

      Fly Tying Patterns Show Notes with Brandon Molzahn

      04:05 – Brandon lives in Vernon, an hour and 15 mins Southeast of Kamloops – he was born in Kelowna, CA.

      06:00 – Brian Chan was on the podcast at WFS 243 where we covered Kamloops fishing – Phil Rowley has been on the podcast a number of times

      06:50 – About 200 lakes are within a 2-hour drive of Brandon that he’s yet to fish

      07:30 – Brandon plans to venture over into New Zealand

      08:15 – Where Brandon lives, they have lower elevation ice off that hits around mid-April – then in early May to mid-May, it’s Chironomid heaven around there

      10:00 – Brandon tells us how he prepares for a new lake and what he looks for to match the hatch and get dialed in

      13:00 – The Ruby Eyed Leech by Brian Chan is one of Brandon’s go-to patterns – watch Brandon tie that pattern below


      fly tying patterns

      16:25 – Watch a video below to learn the Hand-Twist Retrieve below

      18:35 – Brandon’s got a 14ft Princecraft Yukon Boat

      20:30 – Brandon uses a Scientific Angler Camo Line

      22:09 – Brandon talks about the first time he reached out to Togens Fly Shop and how he got into the Togens pro team

      28:40 – Brandon’s been tying some Wally Wing Mayfly Spinner patterns

      fly tying patterns

      30:50 – With the chironomids, a super effective pattern to start the early season is Bloodworm

      fly tying patterns

      36:39 – BC Fisheries Stocking Report is where you can search any bodies of water that the BC is going to supply

      40:00 – Brandon’s Damselfly Nymphs

      fly tying patterns

      43:00 – Brandon talks about fishing Scuds

      45:10 – Brandon follows and recommends some channels on YouTube – Sport Fishing on a Fly, BC Fly Guys, and Brian Chan videos

      59:05 – Brandon plays the Banjo! Super awesome

      1:03:05 – Brandon learned to play the Banjo from Jim Pankey and Banjo Ben Clerk on YouTube – scroll down to watch Jim Pankey play

      1:09:45 – Brandon talks about the acreage they bought recently and it’s pretty sweet what they have going there


      You can find Brandon on Instagram @tyingismyvise

      Facebook at Brandon Molzahn

      Tiktok @tyingismyvise

      Subscribe to Togens Fly Shop on YouTube


      Resources Noted in the Show

      BC Fisheries Stocking Report


      Videos Noted in the Show

      Related Podcast Episodes


      Read the Full Podcast Transcript Below

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      fly tying patterns

      Fly Tying Patterns Conclusion with Brandon Molzahn

      Brandon Molzahn and I talked about fly fishing in British Columbia. We found out how Brandon prepares for a stillwater trip, the insect activity he looks for, and how he matches the hatch with his fly patterns. We got deep into his stillwater tactics, got his top fly tying patterns for stillwater, and found out the tools he uses for fly tying. Brandon talked about their new home in BC and how his family is loving it. We heard Brandon play the Banjo which is pretty sweet! This is probably my new favorite episode.

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