I sat down with Peter Stitcher from Ascent Fly Fishing to chat about analyzing the bug community to catch more fish.  Peter breaks out the PAUSE method which will be a game changer to help you get started.

He shares the hatch organization method, how to organize your box and when he fishes mouse patterns.  Peter talks about how he takes street kids off the street and welcomes them into their home.

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      Show Notes with Peter Stitcher

      13:45 – Rick Hafele was my entomological mentor getting started and I interviewed him in episode 37.

      16:40 – The Bugs and Brews meetups are where Peter shares his knowledge.

      18:00 – The PAUSE method is a sweet way to remember how to find out what bugs are out and what fly you should tie on your leader.

      22:00 – The Sci-Fly Seine is less than $7 and is Peter’s goto for bug sampling must have piece of gear.

      25:35 – River Oracle is where the science meets the river and a spot you can pickup videos and content from Ascent.

      35:23 – The River Oracle magnifier and chart are helpful tools for identifying the aquatic insects.

      40:15 – The Creating Order in Your Fly Box video can be seen here.   In this video, Peter takes a customer box and tears in apart.  Then puts it back together.

      45:40 – The Martian Mysis Shrimp is the glow in the dark bad boy that gets it done on tail waters in the dark.

      48:30 – The Martian Mouse is the goto big streamer Peter uses to displace water to get savage strikes.


      49:30 – Landon Mayer talked about streamers in episode 48 of the podcast here.  Landon is one the experts when it comes to streamer fishing.

      52:30 – I interviewed Curtis Fry in this episode where he noted that they have anglers that test there patterns around the country.

      1:03:20 – #FeartheBeard was a little fun movement they tested back in the day

      1:05:50 – Duane Redford, Landon Mayer and Pat Dorsey have all supported what Peter is doing at Ascent.

      1:07:00 – Kelly Galloup is noted as a great resource on youtube and is one of my favorites.  He will be on the podcast very soon.

      1:10:30 – The Fly Fishing Rendezvous is doing another big year with an emphasis on education.

      1:11:30 – Texas Fly Fishing and Brew Festival and the Denver Fly Fishing show are two events Peter will be attending this year.

      1:17:15 – The Drake podcast will be finishing up and closing down soon.


      You can reach Peter at AscentFlyFishing.com or on Instagram here.


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      peter sticher


      Conclusion with Peter Stitcher

      I took home some great tips in this one for finding bugs and selecting the correct fly to use.  Peter breaks down every step of the process in finding bugs from starting at the car into digging into your creek.

      He also goes into some fishing tips using glo in the dark flies.  Lots of crazy and great stuff in this one.

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