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joe humphries

WFS 073 – Joe Humphreys Podcast Interview – 90 Years of Fly Fishing, Live...

Show Notes: I sat down with Joe Humphries, one of the great fly fishing personalities of the 20th century.  Joe shares is life in fly fishing, wrestling and teaching both young and old. You'll get a perspective on the history of fly fishing from Joe today and from his movie Live the Stream.  You'll here Joe tell the story of how he caught the largest trout on the fly in the state of PA.  Plus he'll describe night fishing and some great tips if you ever find yourself out in the evening.
ben furimsky

WFS 061 – The Fly Fishing Show with Ben Furimsky | Lefty Kreh, Gunnison...

Show Notes: Ben Furimsky talks about the Fly Fishing Show, the largest fly fishing trade show in the world.  Ben tells us how you can get the most out of the next show an some of the famous guests that attend. We get into the Film Festival, the Gunnison River and a bunch of more useful information.  Ben also shares his perspective on surfing, specolli from fast times and tons of other useful fun facts about his life.
ed engle

WFS 059 – Tying and Fishing Small Flies with Ed Engle – Midges, BWO’s,... I sat down with Ed Engle to chat about fishing small flies on tailwaters throughout the year.  We talk about euro nymphing, weighted flies, fishing in Colorado and his experience going to Woodstock. Ed shares his tips on presenting the fly, the casts you need to know for dry flies, how to avoid spooking fish and why blue is a great color for winter fishing.  Ed Engle brings 20 years guiding, a perspective on Woodstock and how a 1 weight rod actually has a use for small flies and large trout.
hank patterson

WFS 058 – The Great Hank Patterson Fly Fishing Guide | Travis Swartz Hank Patterson is on the show to go deep on how he became the Greatest Fly Fishing Guide on the planet.  We talk about his tips for dealing with bears, bug sex and his best fishing tips. Hank describes what his live shows are like and how he connects with the audience.  He talks about upcoming videos and movies this year along with his take on conservation.
pat dorsey

WFS 056 – Pat Dorsey Interview – Tailwater Fly Fishing Tips and Tiny Flies...

Show Notes: I sat down and picked Pat Dorsey's brain on fishing tiny flies on tailwaters.  Pat breaks down how he gets his clients into fish on one of the most challenging rivers in the country. He shares his best tips to help you find and catch fish even when dealing with finicky fish.  We get into the best indicator setup to use as well as the hopper dropper and the dropper hopper.
zebra midge

How to Tie Zebra Midge [Video]

In todays video I show you how to tie a Black Zebra Midge.  This was noted by Gary Borger as one of the great...

Wet Fly Swing Guest Posts

This page is dedicated to covering the various Guest Posting connections I have made with other fisherman, companies and people.  I have included blog...
rick hafele

WFS 037 – Entomology and Fly Fishing with Rick Hafele | Mckenzie, Deschutes Rivers...

Show Notes: Rick Hafele, one of the biggest entomologist in the western US, was on the podcast to all things entomology and fly fishing.  Rick provides some great tips on fishing dries, nymphs and wet flies. He breaks down the basics of entomology, how the bugs life changes and how this will make you a more consistent fisherman.  He shares the top 3 things you need to think about when you first get to a stream to increase your success.

The Best Fly Fishing Books and Resources

Welcome to the Wet Fly Swing Resources Section, a curated list of the gear I strongly recommend to improve your fly fishing.  The links...
scott baker mcgarva

WFS 012 – Salmon River Fishing with Rob Snowhite | Great Lakes Fly Fishing...

Show Notes: In episode 012 of the Fly Fishing podcast I had the pleasure of interviewing Rob Snowhite from the Fly Fishing Consultant Podcast. Rob covers fly fishing the Salmon River (New York), talks about being one of the only guides in DC, his interview with Hank Patterson and how to avoid the crowds, and combat fishing on one of the great steelhead rivers in the Great Lakes system.
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