I show you how to tie the flash fly in todays fly tying tutorial video.  The flash fly is a great summer or winter steelhead pattern.  I tie it sparse and in the traditional steelhead hair wing style.

Take a look below at the video and the fly tying recipe.  It is almost entirely flashabou and super easy to tie.

Click Here to watch the flash fly video:


Flash Fly Materials

Hook:  Dai-Riki #899 Size #6

Thread:  Size 70 Ultra thread

Tail, body and wing:  Purple flashabou

Hackle:  Dark Purple hackle


There is no question that purple is one of the best steelhead colors.  When you combine purple with a ton of flash you have yourself a special fly.

Click the link below to get your free fly fishing tool box that includes 5 great steelhead resources from the pros: