We have a special episode for you where we dig into the art of fly fishing and fly casting straight from the heartland with our guest Marty McVey. We’re gonna get into some on his journey from bait fisherman into fly fisherman, and now a respected fly casting instructor. We find out about the hidden gems of Iowa and some of the great opportunities in the Driftless. We talk about how Marty became a casting instructor and elevated his game. We get into some tips and tricks on that too, to help you with your game and your fly casting today. Marty does some casting instruction online as well. And then we’re gonna talk about this challenge. We got a little fly-casting challenge I have for you at the end. I’m excited to start getting this one out there.

Show Notes with Marty McVey. Hit play below! 👇🏻

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(The full episode transcript is at the bottom of this blogpost) 👇🏻

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Jackson Hole Fly Fishing at its Finest

Grand Teton Fly Fishing

    Fly Fishing on the Missouri River

    On DeMark Lodge

      Follow Marty on Instagram 👉🏻 @martymcveyflyfishing

      Visit his website MartyMcVeyFlyFishing.com 👇🏻

      Resources Noted in the Show

      Join the Wet Fly Swing Casting Challenge Here 👇🏻

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