I sat down with Elke and Alysia Littleleaf from Little Leaf Guides.   We covered some tips on fishing the Deschutes salmon fly hatch and what it’s like being the only native american guide couple on the river.

We find out how you plan for your next salmon fly trip and the best flies to use for the trip.  We find out exactly what Elke’s fly box looks like and why he uses a 6 weight single hander and micro spey in the toolbox.


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      Show Notes for the Deschutes Salmon Fly Hatch

      03:00 – John Smeraglio was on the podcast in episode 32 here and covered the Deschutes SalmonFly Hatch.

      07:15 – We talk about Al Bagley who was another native american guide who is retired now.

      08:30 – Elke notes the Nestle water issue and how they spoke up to protect the environment

      10:30 – The DRA and the NW Steelheaders are two groups that they give back to.

      14:00 – Alicia notes the Warrior Pavati driftboat they use for their trips.

      15:45 – Elke noted having some green drakes is it’s cold and wet.  Here’s a green drake fly tying video.

      17:30 – The Predator is the killer salmon fly patter that Elke developed.  Here’s a pic of the predator.

      20:50 – We here a great story about the influence of Jim Teeny here.  I had Jim on the podcast in episode 5 here.

      24:13 – I note the Bruce Chard episode where Bruce tells another Jim Teeny story catching a trophy permit on the last cast.


      28:45 – The norm woods special is a great pattern.  Anything with legs can make a difference.  Here’s Jason from the Portland Fly Shop tying up a Norm Woods Special.

      43:30 – Marty and Mia were on in episode 76 here.  Marty noted how Elke fishes the Deschutes differently for steelhead. 

      58:45 – Alicia’s large trout photo that we talk about in the show.

      1:01:50 – The Deschutes Fly Shop at Warm Springs with RV hookups is right up the road from Elke and Alicia.

      1:11:30 – The Warm Springs historic museum in Warm Springs

      1:12:00 – When the River Ran Wild is a book by Alicia’s grandfather.


      You can Elke and Alicia Littleleaf at Little Leaf Guides here or at 541-615-0402.


      Top Deschutes Salmon Fly Hatch Tips 

      1. Have a variety of sizes and colors of salmon fly patterns
      2. Have green drakes if cold and wet weather
      3. Be ready for changing it up with pressure drops in the weather
      4. Use the Elke’s predator pattern with a caddis trailer
      5. Use a 3x leader so you don’t loose fish
      6. have plenty of caddis in your box

      7. Get a black magic marker and add dots, stripes, etc to make different

      8. bring 6 weight single hand rod or micro spey to deal with the wind in evening
      9. cast in the middle of the river to get the big fish
      10. Use studded boots and a wading staff
      11. Look under trees and next to grass
      12. The sling shot cast works great
      13. Don’t step into the water first – Fish are typically right up against the banks
      14. Make sure that your wings stand up and that the fly has the profile


      Resources Noted in the Show

      Here’s a link for the Warrior Pavati drift boat

      pavati warrior


      When the River Ran Wild Book by George Washington 

      when the river ran wild


      The Shattered Civilization 

      the shattered civilization


      Videos Noted in the Show

      How to tie a green drake dry fly

      How to tie the Predator fly pattern


      deschutes salmon fly hatch


      elke littleleaf



      Conclusion on The Salmon fly Hatch

      Elke and Alysia LIttleLeaf share their best tips on the Deschutes River.  Find out why you shouldn’t walk fast, and the other key items to have for your next trip.  Tons of great tips including a biggie on when to stay out of the water and the best time to hit steelhead in the upper river.

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