Dave McNeese tells his stories of a life in fly fishing, fly tying and dyeing feathers.  Dave is working on the book on Syd Glasso’s life and has been an expert material dying all star for 5 decades.  Dave has done a little bit of everything in fly fishing including building custom rods, custom reels, flies and a fly shop.

We connect the dots even more today as we hear about the life of one of the really interesting guys in fly fishing.  We also hear the story of the felony conviction that Dave received for trading animals but as you hear this was a bad rap sheet on Dave.

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Click here –>>> Dave McNeese Podcast Transcript for the full transcript or scroll down to the bottom to read the transcript.


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      Show Notes on Dyeing Feathers

      09:30 – Dave attended the 1975 McKenzie fly fishers conclave where Lee Wulff and Ernie where there.  Here’s a little history on the conclave.

      15:15 – The Master fly tying guide by Art Flick

      22:00 – Dave notes the Fly Fishing and Tying Journal and the dying articles he has written at FTJ.

      43:25 – John Shewey was on the podcast in episode 16 and talked about the old shop “My Flies” which was located in Salem Oregon.

      44:15 – Paul Jorgensen was a big part of Dave’s growth in fly fishing.

      50:30 – Twin River Fly Shop is the local store in Albany Oregon.

      54:35 – The Blue Heron spey hooks were Dave’s line of hooks.


      1:01:15 – Trey’s first book Steelhead Trout came up again here.

      1:18:00 – The Atherton Painting who was a well know painter and fly fisherman.

      1:22:10 – The Orange Heron tied by Syd Glasso is in Trey’s 1976 book

      1:32:00 – Preston Jennings was noted.  Here’s a summary of some of his work.

      1:34:00 – Rube Cross was noted by dave as one of the Tyers everyone tried to copy.

      1:44:20 – The McNeese Madness is a great pattern for the Deschutes.

      1:47:30 – Joseph Rossano was on the podcast in episode 136 and is helping Dave with the Syd Glasso book.

      1:51:00 – Steve Gobin bamboo fly rods.


      You can find Dave McNeese by phone at 503-798-5790.


      Dyeing Feathers Resources Noted in the Show

      Master Fly Tying by Art Flick

      art flick


      Moscow Hide and Fur to grab a skunk

      moscow hide and fur

      Videos Noted in the Show

      Paul Jorgensen Video


      Orange Heren Syd Glasso


      photo via: https://nwexpo.com/tyer_dave_mcneese.php

      Read the Full Transcript with Dave Mcneese:

      Click here: Dave McNeese Podcast Transcript to get the Full PDF Transcript


      dyeing feathers
      photo via: https://www.blueheronspey.com/mcneese_flies

      Dyeing Feathers Conclusion with Dave McNeese

      Dave Mcneese shares his story of how he started his fly shop and became a material dying master.  We find out how he connected to many of the old timers including Syd Glasso.  Dave shares some of the story of who Syd Glasso was and how he got ahold of some of

      We hear how Dave started his fly shop based on a mail order business and expanded it out until he ran into trouble with the Federal government in relation to some illegal game that was sent to him.

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