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WFS 321 – Fly Fishing Iceland with Sindri Hlíðar Jónsson – Brown Trout, Atlantic...
Show Notes: https://wetflyswing.com/321 Presented By: Reyr Gear, Dette Flies, Bear Vault, Jackson Hole Fly Company Sponsors: https://wetflyswing.com/sponsors In this episode, we're fly fishing Iceland. Sindri Hlíðar Jónsson, co-owner and head guide at Fish Partner, walks us through what it's like to fish over there. We hear about which species are the most targeted and what you need to prepare for. Find out why there are no public waters and fisheries in Iceland - how all are privately owned and by whom. We also hear about the new lodge they're working on that has five different fisheries within a 20 mins drive.
WFS 314 – Fly Fishing Maine with Bob Ramano
Show Notes: https://wetflyswing.com/314 Presented By: LakeLady Custom Rods, Dette Flies, Jackson Hole Fly Company, Trxstle Sponsors: https://wetflyswing.com/sponsors Today, we're fly fishing Maine. Bob Romano takes us into the lakes and streams of the Rangeley Lakes Region. He tells us why he has been traveling up to this area for over 40 years. We dig into some of his books, his favorite authors, and talk about his new book, River Flowers - how it came to be and what makes it special. Bob mentions some camps that give access to different streams in Maine and breaks down the seasons there. Plus, we hear about the story of White Nose Pete - a trout who lived a hundred years and had never been caught.
WFS 308B – Stillwater Dry Fly Fishing with Phil Rowley + Kamloops Giveaway
Show Notes: https://wetflyswing.com/308B Presented By: Togens Fly Shop, Trxstle Sponsors: https://wetflyswing.com/sponsors Phil Rowley, the man, the myth, the legend, is back for another stillwater round. Phil shares some casting tips that increase your chance of getting a take and make your fishing trip less boring. We talk about the flies that work well on stillwater, Phil's favorites, and learn more about the fish's behavior. Find out why Phil loves stillwater fishing more than river fishing and why it's more old-age friendly.
WFS 307 – Skitchine Lodge with Phil Rowley and Dwight Jefferson – Stillwater Fishing
Show Notes: https://wetflyswing.com/307 Presented By: LakeLady Custom Rods, Togens Fly Shop Sponsors: https://wetflyswing.com/sponsors Phil Rowley and Dwight Jefferson are here today to walk us through Kamloops stillwater fishing. We talk about the Skitchine Lodge Stillwater School 2022 that you can take part in this year. We also have a giveaway going right now and there will be 2 lucky winners of an all-expense-paid trip to Kamloops, Canada for 4 days from June 12 to 16. This is a great opportunity since you will be fishing with the stillwater master, Phil and experience the lodge's unique atmosphere. Skitchine caters all levels, even if you're a beginner at fly fishing and don't have enough gear, they got you!
WFS 306 – Fly Fur, 5D Brushes and Fair Flies with Jeff Coffey –...
Show Notes: https://wetflyswing.com/306 Presented By: Reyr Gear, Dette Flies, Angler's Coffee, Togens Fly Shop Sponsors: https://wetflyswing.com/sponsors Jeff Coffey, founder of Fair Flies is here to share the story of how he created a company around fly fur or fly brush and at the same time making positive impact on the world. Jeff tells us how the Zoe Angling Group gives employment opportunities for the survivors of human trafficking and for young men who just got out of prison. Find out how these fly brushes get 90% of your tying done within 2 minutes and how they are also made out of 90% recycled materials. Jeff gives us a peek at their new fly tying vise that is 5 years in the making, plus a new tackle box.
WFS 303 – Umpqua Feather Merchants with Russ Miller + Euro Nymphing Bonus
Russ Miller is here to share the story of how Umpqua Feather Merchants came to be - what the problem was with fly shops...
WFS 302 – The Click and Pawl Reel with Tim Gelinas from Farlex Reels
Show Notes: https://wetflyswing.com/302 Presented By: Dette Flies, Trxstle, Reyr Gear, LakeLady Rods Sponsors: https://wetflyswing.com/sponsors Tim Gelinas, the founder of Farlex Reels, takes us on the why behind the click and pawl reel, and the story of putting up his own reel company. We talk about the Hardy Perfect and a bunch of other contemporary and classic reels that influenced his designs. Find out how Tim came up with the name Farlex for his reels and what his favorite reels are aside from his own.
WFS 298 – Influential People in the History of Fly Fishing with Jim Schottenham
Show Notes: https://wetflyswing.com/298 Presented By: LakeLady Custom Rods, Reyr Gear, Dette Flies, Trxstle Sponsors: https://wetflyswing.com/sponsors Jim Schottenham, Curator at the American Museum of Fly Fishing, is here to take us back to the history of fly fishing from 200 AD to this day. We talk about the evolution of fly fishing gear and the people behind these amazing inventions. We learn how Jim classifies these items as classic, vintage, and antique. Find out how the museum acquires their artifacts and how much they have so far in their collection.
WFS 291 – Reduce Reuse Recycle in Fly Fishing with Ross White – Deli...
Show Notes: https://wetflyswing.com/291 Presented By: Fly Fishing Film Tour, Dette Flies, Stonefly Nets, Anglers Coffee Sponsors: https://wetflyswing.com/sponsors The founder and master craftsman of Deli Fresh Design, Ross White, is here to tell us how he came up with the idea to reduce reuse recycle fly fishing gear with about 80% of the materials being repurposed plastic, rope, and old Simms waders. Find out how these simple gear allows us to have a better experience on the water.
WFS 289 – Top Saltwater Fly Fishing Destinations with Joe Ballarini from Tail Magazine
Show Notes: https://wetflyswing.com/289 Presented By: Fly Fishing Film Tour, Trxstle, Dette Flies, Togens Fly Shop Sponsors: https://wetflyswing.com/sponsors Joe Ballarini, the headman at Tail Magazine and Strung Magazine shares the story of why he created one of the only print magazines in salt and how it all came to be. He describes what it's like working as a full time ER doctor, being the Editor in Chief of two magazines, and a dad at the same time. Joe also mentions some saltwater fly fishing trips that we can take part in this year along with the Tail crew and the things you need to prepare for.