In this podcast join Monte Burke, author of Lords of the Fly, share his experience ina becoming a renowned writer and author.

Lords of the Fly with Monte Burke. Hit play below! 👇🏻

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(Read the Full Transcript at the bottom of this Blog Post)


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      lords of the fly

      Show Notes with Monte Burke on Lords of the Fly

      03:00 – We noted his book, Lords of the Fly: Madness, Obsession, and the Hunt for the World Record Tarpon – stories about tarpon fly fishing legends.

      lords of the fly

      03:45 – We had John Gierach on the podcast in episode 047 who’s one of the best fly fishing writers.

      04:00 – Most of the males in Monte’s family fly-fished – his grandfather, his uncle, and his dad. Monte caught his first Atlantic salmon with his uncle on Margaree River in Cape Breton, Nova Scotia.

      08:30 – Monte tells the story of when he wrote his first fly fishing story about Ed Shenk from LeTort Spring Run that he sent to different magazine companies. He then got a letter from the Editor of Sporting Classics, Chuck Wexler offering to buy his story for $200. That was his turning point from going to business school to being a fly fishing writer.

      lords of the fly
      Image courtesy PA Fly Fishing Museum

      10:25 – Topher Browne mentioned Monte on a recent episode at WFS 464.

      12:00 – Monte also did a story about Andy Mill who’s like a Tigerwoods of Tarpon fly fishing tournament. Andy was on the podcast in episode 330. Andy gave him Tom Evan’s number so he could write a story about him. He also noted names of the world’s best fly anglers in the 70s and 80s.

      lords of the fly

      19:20 – We talk about how Florida is being ruined nowadays and gets worst each year.

      Photo Courtesy of Captains for Clean Water

      21:10 – We noted Bonefish & Tarpon Trust are doing a great job in researching about the problems in the waters of Florida. Captains For Clean Waters are also fighting hard for Florida waters conservation. And also VoteWater Florida.

      24:30 – Monte talks about the rockstars of the Homosassa club who were obsessed with tarpon fishing and made it possible for future generations to catch tarpon.


      30:23 – The biggest tarpon ever caught was over 200 pounds on a 20-pound test which was caught by a non-regular guy who was just fishing with his dad. Tom Evans holds the record for the 16-pound test which was 190-pound tarpon. He also holds the record for the 12-pound which was 194-pound tarpon.

      lords of the fly
      Photo Courtesy of

      44:30 – We talk about Nick Saban who’s arguably the best college football of all time.

      Wade Payne/AP Photo via Sport Illustrated

      46:30 – Monte tells the story of when he got a phone call from Nick Saban agreeing to write a story about him. The story was then published in Forbes Magazine (2008) which also became the highest single issue of the magazine ever. Read that story here.

      49:20 – Monte talks about his process of writing.

      54:25 – We dig into his book, The Making of a Coach which was a story about Nick Saban’s life and incredible coaching career.

      nick saban

      54:45 – Monte talks about his book, Leaper: The Wonderful World of Atlantic Salmon Fishing, which was a collection of Atlantic salmon stories.

      55:15 – Monte did another fishing book called, Sowbelly: The Obsessive Quest for the World-Record Largemouth Bass.

      55:50 – We also noted his book, 4th & Goal: One Man’s Quest to Recapture His Dream which was about Joe Moglia’s legendary career transition from head football coach at Coastal Carolina University to the CEO of TD Ameritrade

      56:55 – Monte is writing a new book about the water crisis in South West looking through the lens of Lake Mead.

      58:30 – We talk about what makes John Gierach a great writer. Monte says “he’s a great lyricist” and explains why.

      59:45 – We also noted Thomas McGuane. Monte tells us what makes McGuane’s writing special.

      lords of the fly
      Photo courtesy of Catskill Fly Fishing Center & Museum

      1:03:30 – Monte tells the story of when he went to Labrador with Yvon Chouinard and other anglers.

      1:07:30 – I asked Monte the question “Are you a writer or a fly fisherman first?”.

      You can check out Monte’s work at


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      Conclusion with Monte Burke on Lords of the Fly

      In this podcast join Monte Burke, author of Lords of the Fly, share his experience ina becoming a renowned writer and author.

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