Do you ever struggle with your accuracy in fly casting? You try to hit that spot on the bank where you see the fish feeding as you make your cast, it’s going towards the spot and then it hooks up on a tree limb on the other side, and you break off having to sit down for 10 minutes to build a new rig. And are you content with the amount of line you can cast right now, or would you like to increase that with a nice sexy loop? And what if I told you today’s guest lives in Malaysia on a boat and is quite possibly the best flight caster in the country and the world right now? Stay tuned because we’re gonna cover it all today.

Show Notes with Paul Arden. Hit play below! 👇🏻

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      Paul Arden, an online casting instructor, and the man behind is here to take us behind the scenes and how we put it all together. You’re gonna find out what the four key blocks are to the fly cast and how you can implement them today. You’re also gonna hear about why you should be walking while you fly cast to increase your skills. And you’re gonna find out why a 10 to 15-minute session is all it takes as you go to keep elevating your cast this year. Plus we’re gonna find out how Paul catches snakehead and why this is such a cool and tough, challenging fish to catch in the part of the world he’s living.

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