If you listen to today’s episode, you will have a much better chance to hook more and larger fish on your next Stillwater trip. That’s because I’m going to provide a Phil Rowley summary of his top tips for inducing a strike, and I’ll have a little story to share at the end that’s going to reinforce this message.

In today’s short snippet bonus episode, we’re going to hear Phil Rowley’s 8 tips on inducing a fish take. This podcast today comes from episode 640, where Phil was on his Littoral Zone podcast and he shared these exact tips and more. If you want to hear the full-length episode, check out 640. This is going to be a short snippet episode just so you have a punch just in case you missed that one or you want something a little bit shorter.

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(Read the Full Transcript at the bottom of this Blog Post)


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      I’ve been hearing from people out there that that’s potentially what we’re looking for. But before I get into the 8 tips, I want to share a quick story. Phil and I were on the water. I think this was our first time, I believe, first time and only time so far on the water. We were fishing a small lake up in Canada and we were out there at the lodge. It was an amazing lodge. I can’t remember if it was the first day or the second day, but I found myself in the boat with Phil. It was me and Phil, and I’m not sure how the stars all line up. I felt pretty lucky to be out there.

      Phil and I put in the boat and we motor across and there is another boat in the group on the lake. We motor across to the mid-lake. There was a little point out there and we went there and we anchored up. When we first we got the indicators set up and we started fishing. It was my first chance to understand basically indicators and how critical that was, to be able to get to the right zone of the fish. We adjusted things a little bit until we found that zone and we started getting fish to take.

      Eventually, Phil got one and he brought it in. We did a stomach sample. We pumped the stomach which basically just kind of flushes water there. We looked at what it was eating which were tons of cronomids and we basically said, Hey, here you go. Here’s exactly what they’re eating right now because these were essentially… This is the food they just had eaten. We knew what to put on. We put on that and then we proceeded to get down to the right depth because we were doing that systematically. We used the indicator so all we had to do was cast out there, let it drop down, and sit and we had a ton of action that day.

      I just wanted to use this story to reinforce what we’re going to be talking about today which is Phil’s 8 tips on inducing a strike. This is going to be a quick one so we’re going to leave out some things that Phil covered in the episode. Again, you can go to episode 640 if you want to get the full length and hear the details.

      Phil Rowley’s Top 8 Tips for Inducing a Strike:

      1. Use Tippet Ring Connections: Replace traditional weather loops with tippet ring connections for a smoother and more reliable line-to-leader connection, especially effective with long leaders in still water.
      2. Rod Positioning: Keep the rod tip low or submerged in the water to maintain direct contact with the fly, which is crucial for detecting subtle strikes.
      3. Master the Hand Twist Retrieve: Use a slow hand twist retrieve to mimic the natural movements of aquatic insects, offering a more natural and enticing presentation.
      4. Vary Your Strip Retrieve: Experiment with different strip retrieves (long, slow pulls or short, quick strips) to match the behavior of various prey species. Adjust the retrieve style to see what works best in different conditions.
      5. Fan Casting Technique: Cast in a clock-like pattern from the 10 o’clock to 2 o’clock positions to cover a broad area and reach various depths, maximizing your chances of finding fish.
      6. Watch the Fly Line Tip: Observe the tip of your fly line during retrieval for any unusual movements, as these can indicate a subtle strike. React quickly with a hook set.
      7. Use Indicators: Utilize strike indicators to control depth and retrieve speed, especially when fish are less active. Indicators help in detecting subtle bites and keeping the fly at the desired depth.
      8. Lock-Style Fishing Techniques: Use a drogue to control your drift and present your flies to fresh fish in a controlled manner. This technique is especially effective in covering more water.

      Bonus Tip:

      • Wind Drifting: Take advantage of wind-induced currents by wind drifting to move the strike zone and allow your flies to cover more water without dragging to the bottom.

      Key Takeaway:

      • Continuous Learning: Fly fishing is a constant learning process. Regularly refine your techniques, stay open to new methods, and continuously experiment to improve your success on the water.

      These tips, inspired by Phil Rowley’s expert advice, are designed to help fly anglers improve their strike rates and enjoy more success on their next stillwater fishing trip.

      You can follow Phil on Instagram 👉🏻 @philrowleyflyfishing

      Follow us too 👉🏻 @wetflyswing

      Visit his website at 👉🏻 PhilRowleyFlyFishing.com

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