Katie Burgert from the Fish Untamed Podcast is here to break out a serious chat about podcasting and the outdoors.

We roamed all over the place in this one, from 50/50 to conservation to podcasting to business and everything in between. Katie’s got a good podcast and a great interview style, and we’re excited to share this with you.

Fish Untamed with Katie Burgert. Hit play below!

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(Read the Full Transcript at the bottom of this Blog Post)


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      Fish untamed

      Fish Untamed Show Notes with Katie Burgert 

      06:05 – Katie launched the Fish Untamed Podcast in 2019. It started as a blog to make her feel connected to fishing while working a job that kept her indoors.

      08:28 – I was on Katie’s podcast last March 02, where we discussed swinging flies for Steelhead.

      12:37 – Katie mentions she likes episodes focusing on specific species, such as her conversation with George Kaider about fly fishing for pike.

      Fish Untamed
      Photo via https://www.instagram.com/fishuntamed/

      13:38 – Katie Burgert likes to focus on backcountry fishing on her show. We had a few episodes talking about gear and backcountry tips. Check out some of them here:

      WFS 357 – Bear Vault with Sarah Leichnetz and Grant Breidenbach – Hiking, Camping, Food Storage

      Fly Fishing Founders – Wilderness Lite Float Tubes with Phil Hayes – Ultralight Boats, Gregory, Outcast, REI, Backcountry Hunters and Anglers

      14:55 – Katie loves to do two- or three-day backpacking trips during her days off. She prefers going to Alpine lakes, which are only accessible for a few months each year. She tends to focus on fishing in small streams and rivers for the rest of the year.

      Fish Untamed


      16:46 – Katie is originally from Pennsylvania, where she studied while guiding in Colorado. She has been living in Colorado since 2015.

      24:39 – We delve deeper into some of the episodes of Fish Untamed. Katie’s podcast primarily focuses on fishing-related topics.

      Fish Untamed
      Photo via https://www.instagram.com/fishuntamed/

      25:23 – We talk about hunting and showing respect toward the animals we eat.

      29:20 – We also discussed audience demographics and the Orvis 50/50 on the Water initiative.

      34:46 – We discuss Podcast 2.0, and Katie shares with us her plans for the future of her podcast.

      43:03 – Katie provides insights on how she records her podcast, including the equipment she uses, such as an Audio-Technica headset and the recording platform Zencastr.

      fish untamed
      Photo via https://www.audio-technica.com/en-eu/bphs1

      48:08 – We touch on saltwater fishing, which Katie would be doing for the first time in June for their honeymoon.

      50:20 – I asked Katie about some of the episodes she’d recommend for those new to listening to her podcast.

      52:33 – Katie had April Vokey as a guest on her podcast shortly after April released her Anchored Outdoors program.

      Fish Untamed
      Photo via https://www.instagram.com/fishuntamed

      54:45 – Katie’s target audience for the Fish Untamed podcast is backcountry fly fishing enthusiasts, and she believes that those who share that interest would find her show valuable.

      56:00 – We talk about backpacking tips. We had an episode with Grant from Bearvault about Ultralight Backpacking Gear List.

      59:42 – It’s time for the two-minute drill, and I ask Katie what her top podcast episode is. She said the most downloaded episode is Fly Fishing for Panfish with Bart Lombardo. We also had an episode with Bart about The 13 Essential Panfish Flies.

      Fish Untamed

      1:00:38 – Katie said she’d choose fishing over hunting if she could only go for one thing.

      1:02:00 – Katie’s go-to rod is a 9ft 4wt rod.

      You can connect with Katie on Instagram @fishuntamed

      Visit their website at Fish Untamed

      Fish Untamed

      Related Podcast Episodes

      Read the Full Podcast Transcript Below

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      Fish Untamed

      Fish Untamed Conclusion with Katie Burgert

      We covered a lot of ground in our conversation with Katie, from discussing the 50/50 on the Water initiative to sharing podcasting tips. We hope you enjoyed listening and gained some valuable insights.

      Don’t forget to check out Katie’s podcast if you’re interested in backcountry fly fishing.

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