Bruce Chard breaks down Giant Tarpon Fly Fishing today on the podcast.  Bruce is a longtime guide out in the Florida area and shares his best tips and tricks to bring in the massive tarpon monsters.

To be honest, we didn’t even come close to covering it all but did go a little deep on some juicy topics.  Bruce goes deep into how you present the fly for tarpon, the tarpon toad and whether you can DIY your way to tarpon.  Baby tarpon might be your best chance to DIY a few tarpon to the fly.


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      Tarpon Fly Fishing Show Notes with Bruce Chard

      06:30 – I gave a shoutout to Justin at CBFlyFishing on Instagram who had a few questions about guiding and making a business out of it all.

      07:00 – Bruce’s best tip to be a guide is to go to the IFTD show and meet everyone.

      10:20 – We talked about ICAST and the Florida Fly Fishing show.  Bruce notes that Denver is a great hub for the IFTD show and why everyone loves to go more to Denver than to Florida.

      11:30 – Rick Saez was on the podcast from the Outdoor Biz Podcast here and noted the connection of fly fishing to the broader outdoor niche.

      13:40 – Jim Teeny was on the podcast way back in episode 5 and said Tarpon was the one species he would for.

      55:50 – I noted Lebron James and we talked about the similarities to Tarpon fishing.  Here’s a quick video for Lebron’s highlights.

      59:10 – The G Loomis NRX rod for tarpon is huge and what Bruce recommneds.  Goto the local shows and test out the rod first.

      59:40 – The Airflo Bruce Chard Tropical Punch line along with Hatch Reels are what Bruce uses for tarpon.

      1:08:20- We talk about the tarpon toad and the Palolo Worm Fly plus a few others tips are noted here.

      1:11:30 – Here is a video where Bruce describes the leader formula.

      Here’s the blog post where Bruce breaks it all down at Hatch.



      You can find Bruce here


      Tarpon Fly Fishing Resources Noted in the Show

      Airflo Bruce Chard Tropical Punch line


      G Loomis NRX

      G Loomis NRX


      Tarpon Fly Fishing Videos from the Show


      Bruce shares his leader formula


      The Tarpon Toad Fly Tying Tutorial


      The Lebron James Highlight Reel



      bruce chard fly fishing

      bruce chard
      photo via:

      Tarpon Fly Fishing Conclusion with Bruce Chard

      Bruce Chard shares some great tips for tarpon with a focus on giant tarpon.  Snook Alley, how to find aggressive tarpon, and how to reel in a tarpon or a few of the hot topics we cover today on the podcast.

      Find out why you shouldn’t use the tarpon as a target and how you can entice the fish and understand where and when the fish is going to hit.  I could have gone 3 hours on this one so I guess we’ll need a little time on the water to clarify more.

      Subscribe to the Wet Fly Swing Fly Fishing Podcast!

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        1. Thanks for having Bruce on your show Dave! I’ve had the pleasure of talking to Bruce and have traded a few texts with him, as a result I’ve purchased his tropical punch fly line and tied up his leader formula for use on bone fish. Bruce is a person to me that I can identify with, I can’t help but love his enthusiasm. I’ve been a diy bone fisherman for many years, I like to earn my knowledge on my own. That said and in total contrast, Bruce is on my bucket list, I will pay to be guided by him, he’s just that good in my mind. Thanks again Dave.

          • Thanks for checking in Robert. I would definitely love to get out with Bruce as well. He is one of the main dudes for sure out there. Check back with me if you are interested in heading out with him. I’d love to connect with you and put together a trip as well if the stars align!

        2. I will take you up on that Dave, I know we’d have a hoot. I’m in the Process of buying my own business that should provide me more life work balance. I work as a plant manager now and feel like that guy on the old tv series of WKRP in Cincinnati, I hope you know who and what I mean or I’m just dating myself grr, if you don’t get it, google the boss of WKRP and you’ll get the gist although I have all my hair and I’m athletic lol don’t bust my b___s to hard. Anyway, in the not to distant future if all works out, I’ll send you an email and see if we can knock off a cool outing with Bruce.

          • Sounds amazing. Love to hear that you are going all in on your own. Let me know when you get there and I’ll celebrate with you. I’ll shoot you an email to check back on the trip.