Bart Lombardo from Panfish on the Fly is here to share his top 13 goto panfish flies and a step x step guide to catching panfish in cold and warmer waters.  Bart shares the 13 flies he uses throughout the year and the tips to find fish.

Bart is another police officer who turned to fly fishing as a way to de-stress and tells a little of that story today.  This podcast is jam packed with content so click the play button below and grab some panfish knowledge!


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(Read the Full Transcript at the Bottom of this Blog Post)


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      panfish flies

      Show Notes with Bart Lombardo

      53:10 – Fly Tying Friday on Panfish on the Fly

      54:13 – Here is Bart’s Top 10 Flies for Bluegill.

      1:05:20 – Pat Cohen has a creatures series and was on the podcast in episode 107 and covered deer hair poppers and his magical fly tying touch.

      1:10:30 – Terry and Roxanne and Terry with their bluegill fly fishing and flies and fly fishing for crappie are two great current books available + the Sunfishes Book by Jack Ellis

      1:16:50 – I noted the Dean Finnerty podcast #19 where he talked about his police days and the undercover costumes he dressed up in.

      1:17:50 – Orvis store in Princeton New Jersey

      orvis store


      1:22:08 – Rio Grande Cichlid


      13 Essential Panfish Flies

      1. The Triangle Bug


      2. Soft Hackle

      panfish flies - Soft hackle


      3. The McGinty

      The mcginty panfish fly


      4. Poppers

      panfish poppers


      5. Marabou Damsel Fly

      damsel fly for panfish


      6. Wooly Worm

      wolly worm


      7. Brim Killer Fly

      brim killer fly


      8. James Wood Special

      james wood special


      9. Panfish Wiggler

      panfish wiggler


      10. Panfish Gurgler

      panfish gurgler


      11. Wee Frog

      wee frog


      12. Crappie Bucktail

      crappie bucktail


      13. Golden Retriever

      golden retriever panfish


      You can find Bart at




      Panfish Resources Noted in the Show

      Rio Fantom Sinking line

      fantom sinking lines


      Bluegill Fly Fishing and Flies

      bluegill fly fishing and flies


      The Sunfishes by Jack Ellis

      the sunfishes


      Videos Noted in the Show

      Fly Fishing for Huge Bluegill


      Pat Cohen with a BIG Fly


      Related Podcast Episodes

      Fly Tying with Pat Cohen


      Read the Full Podcast Transcript Below:

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      bart lombardo panfish on the fly

      Panfish Flies Conclusion with Bart Lombardo

      Bart Lombardo from Panfish on the Fly is on the podcast today to shed light on what it takes to find panfish throughout the year. We dig into the top 13 flies for panfish in any situation so this one is a go-to resource.

      What’s your earliest memory of fly fishing or panfish?  Leave a comment below or leave a comment on Instagram or FB here!

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