In module 1 we discovered the tools to get started with fly tying, how to setup your tying station and the materials for our first fly.  We also discussed the anatomy of a fly, including the tail, body and wing.  We finally talked about the 4 main categories of flies – streamers, nymphs, dry flies, wet flies.

Click here if you missed the course content from Week 1.

In Module 2, we are going to cover basic fly tying techniques, some examples of fly categories, basic terminology, then we will get into the fly tying materials for your next fly and finish off with the actions items for the week.


Table of Contents

Chapter 1:  Introduction to Module 2

Chapter 2:  Basic Tying Techniques

Chapter 3:  Fly Tying Examples

Chapter 4:  Your Fly Tying Action Item of the Week

Chapter 5:  Fly Tying Materials for your Next Pattern


basic fly tying


Ch. 1 – How to Tie Flies – Basic Fly Tying Techniques

Click here to watch the Introduction Video to this Fly Tying Series


Before you start Module 2 today, you should have put together your fly tying tools, setup your bench and picked up the materials for the wooly bugger.\

This week we are digging into the basic techniques for fly tying and will discuss the need for a separate terminology page.

In order to walk you through this, I’ll be slowly going through each step of tying a fly from a bare hook to a finished product.

Let’s jump right into the basic techniques to get you tying today


Ch. 2 – Basic Fly Tying Materials and Techninques for the Woolly Bugger

Watch videos 8-16 below (see module 1 here for earlier videos) in sequence before moving on to the next section.  After watching each video, stop and practice that technique so you stay with me.  After completing that step, move on and watch the next video.  Do this for videos 2-8.

Video #8:  Securing the Hook in the Vise:

Have you secured your hook?  Good, let’s move onto the next segment on holding the bobbin.



Video #9:  The Bobbin and the Hold:

The bobbin should feel comfortable in your hand.  Practice wrapping thread to get a feel for the bobbin.


Video #10:  How to use a soft loop:

Did the soft loop make sense?  I know that the videos don’t always do this technique justice, so connect with me here if you still have questions.


Video #11:  Bulk minimization:

Does this concept make sense?  Bulky flies can be a good thing, but much of the time as a new tyer you will be avoiding this.


Video #12:  Palmering the hackle:


Bonus fly tying materials tip:  Palmering for Wet Flies with Davy Wotton:

Davy was a guest on the Wet Fly Swing Podcast here.

You will be using this technique for many of the hackles you use in tying flies.  Have you palmered your hackle?  Good, lets move onto the finish.


Video #13:  Finishing the head

A clean fly tying head looks nice, but don’t get stressed about this one.  It’s ok if flies look a little ragged.  Fish actually like the buggy look.


Video #14:  Whip finish or half hitch

This is probably the most difficult video in this series, so practice the half hitch first.  It’s just an overhand knot at the basic level.

Now, let’s move onto some other fly examples from my table to google.


Ch. 3 – Basic Fly Tying Examples

Watch video #15 through #18  on the different examples for each fly category.

I cover different tail materials, body and wings in these videos.  Each category of fly requires different types of materials.  I run through a few of the flies we’ll begin tying and the different materials and methods associated with them.


Video #15:  Streamer Examples

Video Notes:

Click this link: Typical Streamer Flies to see what a typical google search shows you for streamer flies you could tie.


I’ve had some of the great streamer guests on our fly fishing podcast like Kelly Galloup, Gunnar Braemer, Rich Strohlis and more.

Click below to listen to my podcasts with them:

Kelly Galloup on Streamers:


Gunnar Brammer on Streamers:

Click here for all of the streamer podcasts from the Wet Fly Swing Podcast.


and before we move on, here’s Brian Wise with his take on a Kelly Galloup streamer:


Video #16:  Nymph:  Phaesant Tail

Click this link:  Typical Nymph examples to see some of the patterns you will be able to tie.

We won’t get into Euro Nymphs but I have covered many guests on the podcast here.  Take a look at a intro to euro nymphs below as well



Video #17:  Dry Fly:  Elk Hair Caddis

Click this link:  Dry Fly examples to see some of the other patterns you’ll eventually be able to dig further into and tie on your own.


Video #18:  Wet Fly:  Soft Hackle

Click this link:  Wet Fly examples to see some of the patterns you will be able to tie.

That’s just a short intro into the types of flies you will be able to tie in a few weeks.  All of the flies we will cover will have lasting effects on your fly tying career.  Let’s jump over to a new question I have for you…….

I also wanted to quickly note that I had Davy Wotton on the podcast to cover Wet Fly Fishing and Flies in two separate episodes below:


Ch. 4 – Your Fly Tying Action Item of the Week

Watch video #19 and tie the Wooly Bugger before moving on:

Follow the step by step video to tie your first fly.   Click here if you have a major hangup so I can coach you through.


Chapter 4.  Fly Tying Materials for Your Next Fly

Watch video #20 to see the fly materials for the next fly:  Pheasant Tail

Here is the list with links on where you can purchase each of these materials in preparation for next week.  If you are getting material deliveries to your home, then you won’t see these materials until the middle of next month.

We have a couple of bonus videos to share over the next couple of weeks before we get into tying the first nymph patter – the pheasant tail nymph.

Pheasant Tail Nymph Materials:

Pheasant Tail:  Click on this link to get pheasant tail.

Copper Wire:  Click on this link to get a spool of copper wire.

Peacock:  Click on this link to get peacock for the thorax of the body.

Hooks:  Click on this link to get size #14 wet fly hooks.



Watch video #21 before moving on:

I’m still looking for others who are interested in a coaching call.  This is completely free and will help me develop the course further.  Read the action items below and then click on the link.


ACTION ITEMS and Fly Tying Materials FOR THE WEEK

  1. Watch videos #1 through #13 in this module
  2. Follow each video step by step to prepare for your first fly
  3. Watch video #14, then watch it again and follow along as you tie this fly
  4. Note any major problems you are having.
  5. Tie at least 7 wooly buggers this week (1 per day)
  6. Send me an email here with a list of struggles you had and attach a photo of your completed wooly bugger pattern.
  7. Purchase the pheasant tail materials for next weeks fly pattern at the links above.  Or click here to update your subscription to the fly tying mentor and I’ll deliver the materials to your doorstep.
  8. For a free personalized coaching call, click here and I’ll help you through your struggles this week.

Click the Link below to get caught up

Fly Tying Course:  Module 1


Click the link below to Start the Next Module in this series

Fly Tying Course:  Module 3