In regards to spey casting, does this sound familiar at all:
“Sometimes I get a nice spey cast out there but about half the time my line fails to shoot out straight on the water.”
“I end up checking my line after a short session to notice that I have a number of “wind” knots in my leader.”
“My cast lacks the power that it needs and I fail to reach the buckets I’m trying to fish effectively.”
“In the wind my spey cast is just about useless. The harder I try the worse I cast.”
If you struggle with your spey cast there’s a good chance that a big part of it is anchor placement.
I heard from a reader just yesterday on a common struggle that many of us have with spey casting, anchor placement. I wanted to take a few minutes to start a post that hopefully helps shed a little light on how you might get more consistent with this technique.
I will continue to update this post, but wanted to get something out today so all of us can have an action item to work on this week.
Spey Casting Resources
Resource #1: The first resource I want to share is a video that talks specifically about anchor placement from Tom Larimer. He talks in detail about how slack affects your spey cast directly.
Resource #2: I also wanted to provide a link to an article I put together specifically for the switch rod. Take a look at the section on casting for a few more good video resources that should help out.
Resource #3: Here is a video from Scott Howell that covers the details of skagit casting. It’s also included in my article above, but I wanted to give you a direct link here. It’s about 20 minutes long but should give you a few tips that will help out.
Resource #4: George Cook has a new you tube channel at Spey TV. Here is one video on the different Snap casts.
That should give you enough video content for the day? Now, your call to action is to get out and practice before you get on the river. Then practice some more. Do you have additional resources or tips on anchor placement.
And if you’re interested in the right spey rod for steelhead, Click here to see the Echo Spey Rod that has helped me drastically improve my spey cast and find more steelhead at a super reasonable cost (You also get a free spey line if you pickup the Echo Spey). By the way, the link above is an affiliate link, which means I earn a commission if you do end up purchasing through that link. It’s at no extra cost to you, and please if you have any questions related to this product, please let me know and I’d be happy to answer them for you.
This is the year to master the cast!