I chat with Mike Mercer about the Sacramento River, the Redding Fly Shop and other great rivers around Chico California. We hear how the Sacramento went from a toxic superfund dump with very few fish to a big time trout river.
Mike shares the step x step plan on catching fish on the lower Sacramento. We talk about the key to catching fish consistency, how to make a yarn indicator, the importance of the riffle drop and why you should avoid a tapered leader.
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Show Notes with Mike Mercer
03:00 – Mike Mercer’s Rod and Fly Shop was the first shop he created in his bedroom.
09:40 – Walton Powell Rods and the old fly shop. Walton took Mike on and mentored him.
10:40 – Journey’s End Tackle Shop
14:00 – The Fly Shop in Redding California is one of the largest online. Mike tells the story of how it all came to be.
20:00 – We note Hyde drift boats here and why they are key to some runs on the lower Sac. You can wade and fish as well but have to know your spots.
22:00 – Were the chinook numbers the largest in the world back in the day?
34:05 – The New Zealand Nymph System who sells bright colors of sheeps wool.
37:00 – The psycho prince fly pattern video
1:01:15 – The Missing Link Fly Pattern looks similar to the elk hair but much different.
You can reach Mike Mercer at TheFlyShop.com.
Top 2 Flies and Tips
2 Flies:
- #6 Pat’s Rubber Legs
- Epoxy Back PMD Nymph
2 Tips:
- Do not use a tapered leader below the indicator. You can use tapered down to the indicator but below that keep it thin and straight so it sinks.
Videos Notes in the Show
The Psycho Prince Bead Head Video
Read the Full Podcast Transcript Below
Conclusion with Mike Mercer
Mike shares some of his best fly tying and fly fishing tips with a focus on the lower Sac. We talk about his strategy for pairing down flies so you get the most bang for your fly tying buck. What do the fish see?