This page is dedicated to covering the various Guest Posting connections I have made with other fisherman, companies and people.  I have included blog posts, youtube videos and podcast guest posts.

Guest posting is where either I, or another website owner writes a specific article for each others sites or share a connection in some way.

The idea is to provide new content for you.  You may get tired of my stuff, so this is a chance to mix it up a bit.

The Fish Nerds Podcast

Click here to listen to me on the Fish Nerds

fish nerds


The Tell Tale Fisherman Interview

Click here to listen to the episode

I was interviewed on the Tell Tale Fisherman Podcast where I told my entire fishing story.

tell tale fisherman


Piscator Flies Guest Fly Tying Video

I tied the Night Dancer for Piscator Flies

the night dancer


Global Fly Fisher Guest Blog Post 

This is an article I wrote for Global Fly fisher on how to release a fish the right way.

landing fish


Guest Post at

Pro Tips:  Nymphing vs Swinging for Steelhead

I was fortunate to connect with Phil at Orvis who did a great job editing and publishing this new article on nymphing and swinging fliees for steelhead.



Fun Stuff


Remix my Fitness (Jimmy Kim)

This is a personal training podcast I’m doing with Jimmy that includes 12 weeks of training.


Daddy Blogger (Ricky Shetty)


This was a fun live youtube video I did with Ricky that looked into my background online.


Upcoming Guest Posts:


Trout And Feather (Tim Cammisa on Youtube)

I will be posted a youtube fly tutorial on Trout and Feather very soon.


Piscator Flies (Darren MacEachern Webinar):  I will be posting a live youtube webinar with Piscator Flies soon.


The Fish Nerds Podcast:  I will be on this show later this summer.


3 Tips Thursday

I'll send you the Top 3 Fly Fishing Tips from our Expert Guests Every Thursday!

[Goto to see all of the guests and show notes]

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