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WFS 370 – Skeena River Spey Lodge with Brian Niska – Steelhead, Salmon, Skagit

Brian Niska from Skeena Spey Lodge takes us to the Skeena River and basin with a focus on swinging flies for main-stem steelhead.
skagit river

WFS 365 – Skagit River Fly Fishing with Scott Willison – Bull Trout, Cutthroat,...

Scott Willison, owner and founder of the Confluence Fly Shop, takes us into the Skagit River to target bull trout, cutthroat, and coho.
gar on the fly

WFS 361 – Gar on the Fly with Jon Morris – Fair Flies Fly...

Jon Morris, host of the Working Class Fly Fishing Podcast, breaks down gar fishing, tying with brushes and fly fur.
fishing musky

WFS 356 – Fishing Musky with Terry Kluke – Lake Wabigoon, Pike, Canada

Terry Kluke takes us up into Ontario Canada to focus on his home water for musky, pike, bass, and a whole lot of other species.
virginia fly fishing

WFS 351 – Virginia Fly Fishing Destinations with Christian Miles + Smallmouth Bass Tips...

Christian Miles takes us into Virginia today as we talk about some of the great waters and flies that have come out of this historic part of the country.
fly fishing stillwaters

WFS 348 – Fly Fishing Stillwaters & Euro Nymphing with Norman Maktima – High...

Norman Maktima, competitive angler from Team USA, shares a number of tips on fly fishing stillwaters, euro nymphing, and casting.
fly fishing in costa rica

WFS 340 – Fly Fishing in Costa Rica with Tom Enderlin

Today, we're going fly fishing in Costa Rica with Tom Enderlin. We discover a few different species in the jungle including a fruit-eating fish called, machaca - cousin of the piranha but vegan.
the fly fisherman

WFS 333 – The Fly Fisherman Magazine with Ross Purnell – Fly Fishing, Fly...

Show Notes: Presented By: Dette Flies, Angler's Coffee, Stonefly Nets, Zoe Angling Group Sponsors: Ross Purnell, the Editor of the Fly Fisherman Magazine, shares how he fulfilled his childhood dream by filling in one of the most important roles at the publication. Find out who are the people that inspired him to fly fish and who mentored him to become a fly fishing writer.

WFS 332 – Upper Missouri Watershed Alliance with Sherry Meador

Show Notes: Presented By: Trxstle Sponsors: Sherry Meador, Board Chair for the Upper Missouri Watershed Alliance (UMOWA), sheds light on their organization’s conservation mission. Sherry helps us understand how the Upper Missouri River watershed is threatened by a silent invasion of noxious weeds that degrades the water quality, reduce native biological diversity, and negatively impacts the population of many wild species like elk, deer, swans, variety of ducks, other plants, and of course our fish.
line for fly fishing

WFS 328 – Choosing a Line for Fly Fishing with Jarvis from Monic Fly...

Show Notes: Presented By: Reyr Gear, FishHound Expeditions, Angler's Coffee, Togens Fly Shop Sponsors: "What advantage does the clear give you?" That's the question to start this episode with on choosing a line for fly fishing. Jarvis from Monic Fly Lines is here today to break down fly lines so you have a better feel for the types of lines out there and their uses. We find out how the different materials affect the performance of a line, the advantages of a clear line, and the ideal line for specific species and water.
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