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bill spicer

How to Catch Tiger Musky with Bill Spicer – The New Fly Fisher (WFS...

Show Notes: Bill Spicer host of The New Fly Fisher breaks down musky fishing and some great tips to get you into a chance for a big fish.  We talk about the best lakes to target musky, the gear you need to have a chance and how to revive a tired fish. Bill describes the biggest difference between pike and musky, why he uses marker buoys and how a musky can melt a stainless steel hook.  Lots of good stuff including where to go for more resources to hook some musky.
denny rickards

WFS 064 – Denny Rickards Stillwater Fly Fishing – Upper Klamath Lake, Ghost Tip,...

Show Notes: Denny Rickards, the stillwater guru, came on the podcast to cover lakes and the history of stillwater fishing.  Denny breaks down in simple form, where to find fish and how to present the fly properly to fish. Denny talks about the 2 most critical things to understand when fishing lakes.  He also talks about why a floating line is not great, and why he has the secret line that works 90% of the time.  Get ready to take some notes because it's hard to stay up with Denny on this one!
skip morris

WFS 036 – Skip Morris Interview – Fly Fishing, Fly Tying, West Slope Cutthroat...

Show Notes: I had Skip Morris on the show to talk about trout fishing, fly tying the Lochsa River and a bunch of tips to improved your game.  We talk about the power of the woman in fly fishing and hear about Skip's background publishing 18 books to date. Skip talks about his biggest influences and some great stories from Alaska, bears and a whale that almost took him down.
dry fly fishing

Dry Fly Fishing Basics and the 10 Best Dry Flies of All Time

I was dry fly fishing in Montana a number of years ago on a small trout stream outside of Missoula. There was this crazy hatch...
wet fly fishing

7 Easy Wet Fly Fishing Tips – A Perfect Technique for the Beginner

Wet fly fishing on rivers may seem a little old school to some in the fly fishing world.  You know, the wet fly swing? ...

How to Tie a Chaddock Variation – Guest Fly Tying Video

I am happy to share a guest fly tying video from Darren at Piscator Flies.    Darren shows us how to tie the Chaddock which...
guest posting

4 Resources on Anchor Placement for Spey Casting

In regards to spey casting, does this sound familiar at all: "Sometimes I get a nice spey cast out there but about half the time...
fly fishing for trout

Fly Fishing for Trout in the UK

  Trout is a name for a number of freshwater species belonging to the Salmonidae family, including salmon,trout, chars, freshwater whitefishes, and grayling. This includes...
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