fiberglass boat
Show Notes: I sat down with Justin Waayenberg from Adipose Boatworks to hear about the benefits of their Fiberglass boat and their river skiff compared to other materials and drift boats on the market.  We get a little nerdy on the build and dig into all things fiberglass boats and river skiffs.
joe rotter reds fly shop
Show Notes: Sponsors: Stonefly Nets: Anglers Coffee: I sat down with Joe Rotter from Reds Fly Shop to dig into some tips on fishing the mayfly hatch with a focus on the blue-winged olive.  Joe has a serious passion for teaching and breaks down his good stuff today.  We find out what technical dry fly fishing is all about on the Yakima River.  Joe is a wealth of knowledge and shares his best tips on dry fly fishing.  We find out what gear you need and what makes a great dry fly fisherman.
derek young
Show Notes: Derek Young from Sawyer Paddles and Oars describes the steps to choosing drift boat oars with a comparison between natural and composite. Derek describes the square top oar vs the smoker bandit and why you would go with either of these.
saltwater experience
Show Notes: Sponsor: Anglers Coffee: Sponsor: Stonefly Nets: Tom Rowland shares the story of how the Saltwater Experience came to be and how he created Waypoint and produces a network with over 80 outdoor programs on TV and in Podcasting.
Top 10 Fly Fishing Podcast Episodes
I've included two Top 10's here.  The first is the Top 10 Podcast Episodes from the Wet Fly Swing Podcast.  This is my end of the year celebration for all of the listeners of the Wet Fly Swing Podcast. The next Top group is the Top 11 overall Fly Fishing Podcasts as of early 2020.  This is based on searching for the keyword "fly fishing" on Apple Podcasts so isn't the 100% fact on the top 10 or 11.