What is the biggest question that fly fisherman have? Better put - what is your biggest struggle? What’s one thing you could learn or resource that would help you most with steelhead fly fishing? I recently ran a survey and collected data on this very question. Of this question - What is your biggest struggle with fly fishing - 50%...
Trout is a name for a number of freshwater species belonging to the Salmonidae family, including salmon,trout, chars, freshwater whitefishes, and grayling. This includes Sea Trout . The main species of Trout in the UK are Brown Trout. Fly fishing for trout is a little different in the UK, as Andy from Riverangler.co.uk explains below. Brown Trout
Brown Trout are...
What does it take to be a successful steelhead fly fisherman? The right fly - sure. A good presentation - You bet. Reading water to find the fish - No question. But, you will not be a successful steelhead fisherman unless you are patient, persistent, passionate and get out and practice. Don't think you have these characteristics now? Don't worry,...
The traditional steelhead fly patterns are still as effective as ever. In the day in age with tube flies, hobo flies, and many others new designs, I still find good success swinging the traditional steelhead fly. The Stewart is a great example and in this session I demonstrate how to tie a sparsely dressed low water style fly. Materials for...
Current Survey - A Short Fly Tying Survey Click here to take the 30 second survey I wanted to create a single page that houses all of the future surveys that I will be conducting at the site. Surveys are a great way to find out what you want. My biggest goal now is to serve you and provide content that is...