casting tips
Can you learn how to fly cast online?  Can fly casting videos help you to shoot more line out?   You bet on both occasions!   Is it better to have someone in person with you? To have your own teacher and/or mentor? Yes and Yes! I’ve taught many people how to cast a single handed rod over the years and...
false casting
Do you remember the greatest fly fishing movie of all time?  Yeah, I'm sure you do - A River........, well you know the rest.  If not, watch the video clip below.  Remember that seen where Norman is false casting away - something about enticing a fish to rise. Well, that's not reality.  In realtiy or in steelhead fly fishing reality...
spey rod
One nice tip to save you the potential pain of breaking your spey rod, is using electrical tape around the ferrules.  Pretty simple way to assure your sections don't separate.  Why tape? As opposed to single handed rod casting, which is a pretty straight back and forth type of motion, with spey casting, there' a lot of side to side...
sharpen your hook
Do you sharpen your hook on a regular basis?   A fish's mouth is hard and tough.  Although steelhead often hit like a freight train, they can also take super subtly.  Just as light as a tip-tap is sometimes all you feel.  Take a look at Tip #1 here for clarification. A sharp hook can mean the difference between just getting...
wooly bugger
The wooly bugger is one of the easiest and most effective flies to tie for a vast number of fish species.  I demonstrate how to tie a wooly bugger and provide a few tips on general tying instruction.  Watch the video to see how the wooly bugger is tied. Materials for the Black Wooly Bugger Tail:  Black Marabou Body:  Black...