A short post about the fly fishing giveaway that is ending this week.

Click Here to Enter to Win the Giveaway

We have 6 products worth over $450 including a Moonshine fly rod, Breakline Glasses, Ty-rite, Grey Drake Fly Wallet and Rock Treads.


Click here to watch the video:


I also noted the how to use the Ty-Rite video in the video above.  Is that meta?  Not sure.

But here’s a link to that video on how to use the Ty-Rite:



I noted the Wet Fly Swing Members Society as well.  Click here to find out more about the society.

members society


Here are all of the companies included in this giveaway valued at over $450:

Moonshine Rods


Rock Treads

Breakline Optics

The Grey Drake


Good luck and check back soon with more details on the winner!