the stewart
In this video I show you how to tie a Stewart, my goto summer steelhead fly pattern.  This fly was developed by Marty Sherman, an old friend of the family.  I hope to get Marty on the podcast soon.   Click here to watch the Skunk Video Tutorial:   The Stewart Material List Thread:  8/0 Uni Thread Black (click here to purchase) Hook:  Daiichi #2441 size #6 (click...
the skunk
I show you how to tie a skunk, one of the most classic steehead flies that was created in the 1930's. There has since been many variations of the skunk including the Green-Butt Skunk tied by Callaghan of North Umpqua River fame.   Click here to watch the Skunk Video Tutorial:   The Skunk Material List Thread:  8/0 Daiichi Black (click here to purchase) Hook:  Daiichi #2441...
This page is dedicated to covering the various Guest Posting connections I have made with other fisherman, companies and people.  I have included blog posts, youtube videos and podcast guest posts. Guest posting is where either I, or another website owner writes a specific article for each others sites or share a connection in some way. The idea is to provide...
davy wotton
Show Notes: I had a great interview with Davy Wotton on Wet Fly Fishing and his long history around fly fishing.  He guides on the White River in Arkansas where he has been for 20 years. We talk about what the biggest struggle is with wet fly fishing and ways to overcome these concerns.  Davy talks about fishing a "cast" of flies that might include 4 flies on one leader.
max canyon
In this video tutorial I show you how to tie the Max Canyon (aka Macks Canyon).  This summer steelhead pattern was invented by my dad back in the 1970's. Scroll below to find the links to purchase all of the materials for this fly pattern.   Click here to watch the Max Canyon Video:   Max Canyon Material List Thread:  Size 70 Ultra Thread red (click...
As noted on the podcast, you can click on the link below to get updates for the podcast and be notified when the new Live Fly Tying Webinar is live! Click here to join the Wet Fly Swing Tribe    
hackled skip nymph
In todays fly tying video I show you how to tie the Hackled Skip Nymph, a great callibaetis nymph and also a great nymph for steelhead fishing. I intereviewed Skip Morris in episode 36 of the Wet Fly Swing Fly Fishing Podcast.  This episode drops in August of 2018 so stay tuned if it's before that date.   Click here to watch...
In this video I show you how to quickly tie a Brassie, one of the nymphs that everyone should have in their fly boxes.   Click here to watch the Brassie Video:   Brassie Fly Material List Thread:  Size 70 Ultra Thread black Hook:  Mustad C49S Body:  Small Copper Wire Thorax (collar):  Peacock Bead:  1/8″ pink bead   Here's a brief description of the history from Fly Fishing the Sierra: The Brassie...
royal coachman
In todays fly tying video I show you how to tie a Royal Coachman Bucktail.  This pattern was taken from the book, The Half-Pounder a Steelhead Trout by Dennis Lee. Click here to watch the Royal Coachman video: Royal Coachman Bucktail Material List Thread:  Size 70 Ultra Thread red Hook:  Dai-Riki #899 Size #6 Tail: Red Hackle Body: back 3rd peacock, red floss, front 3rd peacock Hackle:  Pheasant...
In todays video I show you how to tie an Admiral Steelhead Pattern.  This traditional steelhead fly comes from Trey Combs book:  Steelhead Fly Fishing and Flies. This fly is a steelhead version of the original tied by Eustace Rogers.  Take a look below for the material list.   Click here to watch the Admiral fly tying video:   The Admiral Material List Tail:  Red...
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