sharpen your hook
Do you sharpen your hook on a regular basis?   A fish's mouth is hard and tough.  Although steelhead often hit like a freight train, they can also take super subtly.  Just as light as a tip-tap is sometimes all you feel.  Take a look at Tip #1 here for clarification. A sharp hook can mean the difference between just getting...
clean your fly line
I show you how to use the RIO Products Fly Line Cleaning Towelette in today's quick fly fishing video.  If you haven't seen these little guys yet you'll be happy you checked this one out. Click here to watch the Fly Line Cleaning Video:   I noted another more detailed way to clean your fly line in this video in case your...
Fly Tying 101
Jim Misiura shares the story of how he created one of the largest fly tying channels on YouTube. We discover some fly tying 101 and tips on fishing Pennsylvania streams. We also get money-saving fly tying tips including this one on dumpster diving which is pretty good. We dig into his fly tying and teaching channel and the difference between...
Hang Down
  There's no question, one of the best, and easiest, tips I could ever give you for hooking steelhead is called the Hang Down.  This is how it works - After you cast and swing your fly through the run, your fly will be "hanging down" below you.  Make sure to let the fly sit there for 3 or 5...
spey casting
Do you ever find yourself in a position where there is great water that you want to fish, but there is some big obstruction that is presenting a spey casting challenge for you?  Maybe it’s a vertical bank or a bunch of trees that just doesn’t allow you to set up a good D Loop? With spey casting there are...
how to step through a run
  Are you wasting time swinging for steelhead by taking little baby steps and fishing too slowly through a run? Or are you missing fish by taking too many steps and passing possible fish because you are moving to fast through the run? Is there a perfect speed that you can fish and cover all of the water effectively in all water...
lead the fly
  Have you ever thought about what your fly looks like to a fish under water? Yeah, I know…. we all have. But, have you figured out how to control the fly so it is displayed in the best position possible to entice a fish to strike? Do you know what the best presentation is for fish?  Hint: Allowing the fish...
open clinch knot
The open clinch knot has probably helped me hook more fish than any other knot.  Super simple to tie and strong, the open clinch knot does two big things - It gives your fly more action and keeps your fly from getting tangled up. Click on the video below to see how the knot is easily tied.  The big trick...
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