trey combs
It sometimes sounds like a good idea to get out in your boat and cover as much water as possible.  But Trey Combs noted in a recent interview I did with him that one of his biggest tips is to get to know one steelhead run so well that you can identify each pebble. So you can identify each boulder...
fly patterns
Have you ever been on the river when one person was hammering the fish and all others were picking their nose?  The dude seemed to hook up 3 or 4 times for every touch you had.  Probably wondering what fly pattern he was using, right? Sometimes in fly fishing, bigger isn't always better.  In fact I've found that the smaller...
When you first feel the hit of a swung fly from a steelhead, you’d better have your fly rod ready. No, seriously, you need to be ready for that first hammer! You should be ready for that fish to pull out 100 yards of line. One solid tip to help you prepare for this....... Make sure your rod tip...
false casting
Do you remember the greatest fly fishing movie of all time?  Yeah, I'm sure you do - A River........, well you know the rest.  If not, watch the video clip below.  Remember that seen where Norman is false casting away - something about enticing a fish to rise. Well, that's not reality.  In realtiy or in steelhead fly fishing reality...
wind knots
One of the things you will learn about steelhead fly fishing is that sometimes you can put in a lot of time for one shot at a fish.  That one pull that you put in 40 hours for.  You will likely be logging a lot of time and effort until you get that next hookup. I want you to be ready...
sharpen your hook
Do you sharpen your hook on a regular basis?   A fish's mouth is hard and tough.  Although steelhead often hit like a freight train, they can also take super subtly.  Just as light as a tip-tap is sometimes all you feel.  Take a look at Tip #1 here for clarification. A sharp hook can mean the difference between just getting...
how to step through a run
  Are you wasting time swinging for steelhead by taking little baby steps and fishing too slowly through a run? Or are you missing fish by taking too many steps and passing possible fish because you are moving to fast through the run? Is there a perfect speed that you can fish and cover all of the water effectively in all water...
egg sucking leach
Why do steelhead take a fly?  Becasue they are looking for food - Maybe?  Because they have instincts from their juvenile self from 2 years previously - Likely?  Because they are aggressive fish and just get pissed that there is this little nagging thing in front of them - Oh Yeah...... All of these scenarios are likely correct at some...
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